Thoughts on America and Intercessory Prayer

                           What American Needs Most

America, the land of the free, has been blessed by God beyond measure. Although blessed, American has strayed from the old paths of righteousness under God. Our Lord gave us a divine plan for Revival in our land. His Word tells us how to return to these paths of truth and righteousness. In 2nd Chron. 7:14 we are told God's people can have "wicked ways". 

God's Word also says, "if His people who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins, and will heal the land." 

What our great Nation needs most is Prayer. Prayer must begin at our house and the House of Prayer, which is God's House. Judgment begins at the Houses of God not Washington. We must examine our lives and see if we are seeking God's heart and not just His hand to move on behalf of our Nation. 

Proverbs 14: 34, tells us "righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people". 

Psalm 33:12 says: "blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance". 

Revival means "to live or breath again and to be renewed ". God's desire is for His Holy Spirit to once again be allowed to move across this land to bring Spiritual life and power to those in darkness. Prayer is the key to this renewal and move of God's Spirit. 

Without the Spirit of God, we are none of His. Prayers have been taken out of our Schools and many of God's laws have been broken and cast aside. 

Revival must begin in the Churches across this land. We must once again humble ourselves as His "Body" on this earth, and take on His burden for souls. He tells us in His Word to "come unto Him, all that are heavy laden". His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We are to give Him our burdens in exchange for His burden. His yoke is for us to be joined in unity with Him. 

Intercessory Prayer for our Nation and all the Nations of this World is necessary to see a return to holy living and God's standards of righteousness. The word "intercession" means to go between or to stand in the gap. The gap prayer warriors are to stand in, is the distance between the way things are; and the way things should be. God desires to repair the bridges which have been torn down spiritually, and bring souls into a right relationship with Him. 

Ezek.22-30 says, "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none". Jesus was sent over 2,000 years ago as our Great High Priest and Intercessor. God is still searching the land today for those on earth who will rise up and take a stand for holiness. He is looking for intercessors who will take their position in prayer, and call upon Him in behalf of the lost of this land. We are also to pray for leaders of Nations and the peace of Jerusalem. 

As we see the signs of the times pointing to the coming of the Lord, we must join together as never before in prayer and intercession. Christ has one body on earth, of which all are members who have been purchased by his own precious blood at Calvary. We are to be his mouthpiece on earth proclaiming the good news of the gospel. We are to be his hand extended to fallen man, and his feet to carry the gospel message of peace to others. 

Will we hear the call of the Lord and say as the prophet Isaiah, "here am I Lord, send me". We have a choice to join in the Intercession Army of the Lord across this great Nation. We are not only to be one Nation under God, but also in God. Christ must be allowed to reside in every part of our hearts as Lord and Saviour. He is the true Vine and we are the "branches of the Lord". He gives life giving sap by His Holy Spirit and power to be over comers by the Blood of the Lamb. The Word of our testimony also makes us over comers. He is the "Word" of our testimony. 

Let us hear the call now, and seek God's face for lost souls and for the righteousness of our Nation. He will hear our cries, answer from Heaven, and heal this land. 


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