Learning by Life's Experiences

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
-- 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

"In Your Patience, possess your souls." Luke 21: 1

Do you ever recall childhood events and how you learned the consequences of disobedience? I can remember one of the first times I was punished for disobeying, and the lesson learned from the experience in the late 40's. Now that sounds like a long time ago! We can also recall the times God has disciplined us to bring us back to Him. He is always our comfort and help in time of trouble.  I was about 4 or 5 years of age when we lived on the corner of Carroll & Tennessee Streets.  My best friend, Buddy Woodruff, who was a year or so older, lived across this street.  We would spend our days sitting by the curbside on own own sides of the street talking back and forth to one other.  We played ball, hop scotch, and all the usual childhood games. Many days we would share our small toys by wrapping and tying them securely to a rock, then tossing the rock to the other side of the street to one another. 

I had been warned repeatedly of the dangers of going out into the street, and the trouble I would be in if I ever disobeyed.  I was never to step down off of the curb and always stay out of the Street.  This was my # 1 Rule to obey when I was allowed to play outside with friends. 

One summer day, my friend Buddy tied one of his small toys to a rock and gave it a quick toss across the street to me.  This was about the same time I threw him a small trinket in return.  On this particular day, our friend Linda (Lu Lu), was visiting with us.   Buddy's toss did not quiet make it across, and the toy landed right in the middle of the busy street.  Without thinking, I stepped off the curb and ran out into the middle of the street to get it.  My friend was screaming at the top of her voice, "You're gonna get in troooouble", and "I'm gonna tell on you"!  Her warning of an approaching car came next!  "Watch out, she cried!"  About that time a car rounded the corner and started up the street where I was.  I quickly retrieved the cracker jack prize toy thrown me and ran back safely to my side of the street. What a relief!  I had made it without Grandmother ever seeing me.  I know the driver of the car must have had a real fright, from the expression on his face and the way he shook his head at me!  I not only had disobeyed, but had risked my life for a worthless toy.

When I sit down to unwrap the spinning top Buddy had thrown me, little Linda Lou took off running to her house up the street. Just as promised, she had gone to tell their hired maid, Jenny. Was I afraid?  You better believe it!  She was going to tell I had been out in the street.  I knew I was in serious double-trouble and would get more than just a scolding for not minding!  Well, she got the ball rolling all right, and my Grandmother was informed in minutes; with the help of (Ma Bell).  I was told in a not so gentle voice to "get in this house, and I mean right this minute!!"  My Granny was not very happy with me!

That afternoon I got the job of picking a "peach tree limb" for my own punishment and then waiting for my promised "spanking" with the smallest switch I could find.  Linda's suggestion to put 3 or 4 pair of pants on where I wouldn't feel the spanking didn't work either!   lol  She was feeling guilty for telling and later got in trouble for doing so.  I never knew how keen a switch from a peach tree was, until I had to pick my own and then let it be tested (on me!), lol  Needless to say, I learned my lesson real good that day!  I never again ventured out into the street, (for any reason), without the safety of an older person and a safe hand to hold.   I learned that day when you are warned there will be punishment for disobedience, you better believe it and mind your parents!

Buddy moved to Memphis and Linda Lou moved to Florida in the 50's.  I missed both of them very much, as we had been as close as the little rascals. lol  I had the opportunity to see them both again in the 60's and recall all the good times and many "learning experiences" the three of us had in our childhood.  We remembered that particular day I got in trouble more than the day Linda's pet 'billy goat' ate one of my new shoes for lunch. But, that's another "kid" story!! 

Seriously, our Heavenly Father also gives us rules to obey and tells us what we are to do to be pleasing to Him.  We must always hold to his hand of safety.  When he tells us not to stray from Him, we will also suffer the consequences of disobedience if we do not listen.  When he tells his children the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life; we are to believe and receive his words.  When we stray from the Father's House, we will also suffer chastisement because our Father loves us.  He will correct us and call us back home. When we hear and receive, he forgives us and brings us back where we need to be.  His rod of authority which brings us back may seem to hurt at the time, but He is just and oh so loving!  His work in our life is always for our own good.  It is never to harm us.  He is not an angry God holding a whip over us or One who is out to harm or hurt us.  His motives for us are always good and not evil, even though he disciplines those who disobey.

God never again brings up our sins, but the accuser of our soul, Satan, tries to destroy us with his words of untruth. He is the slanderer and is out to kill, steal and destroy. He takes all the circumstances he has framed against God's children, without putting truth into his stories. A little leaven of untruth can cause much trouble. Then he proceeds to destroy our character, our name, our mind, our families and our future through his slander. The worse part of this picture is that he uses Christians at times to work through. This is where we can rest assured Jesus has interceded for us in the right way. He knows exactly what the real needs are, and his prayers are always in the will of the Father. He will reveal to us every scheme of the enemy if we seek him and comfort us with just the right words.

Sometimes we wonder why people do not accept the "letters of the Lord" but instead receive the plans of the enemy.  Godly discernment is a "must" in our lives.  The Lord can reveal more in one second than all the workers of Satan could reveal in a lifetime.  We can stand on what the Lord tells us as it is always truth.  It has been said truth needs no defense, only investigating. God knows and is both a defender and Righteous Judge.  God's 'secret agents' are Angels he has assigned and given charge over us to protect us.  We have invisible powers of good always working as God commands.  We cannot become weary in well doing, for we shall reap in due season if we faint not.  We must remember "who" is in control and know all things will work together for good if we remain in Him.

God allows trials and tests, knowing that experience works patience in our life and this results in hope according to His Word. (Romans 5: 4)  By the blood which Jesus shed, we can see every scheme of the enemy cancelled and put under our Lord's feet.  He is the head and we are only the body of Christ. We say the enemy is under our feet, but it is only because the enemy is under "his feet", as we are His Body on earth. 

Do not let Satan and his army intimidate you today.  If you are cleansed by the blood you belong to the Lord. Do not accept Satan's "words" as his purpose is to deceive and destroy. God gives only true "words of faith" to help his children in what many call "the game of Life".  His words are supernaturally spoken as He inspires, and always brings life and peace.  There is no person "unloveable" to our Lord. He never makes anyone feel they have been unloveable or unworthy of love.  We should imitate the Father in our 'words' and love for others.  It is never hard to love anyone if we have the true love of the Lord living within.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but we have one who will deliver us out of them if we remain faithful.  Give him thanks today for all the instructions he gives us.  The trials the enemy tries to place on us will be put down in God's timing. Every foe will be defeated as righteousness and truth always prevails.  We have so much for which to be thankful and the best Father of all!  We can praise him today for the precious promises of His Word and his faithfulness to perform them.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann 

J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


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