Life In Him

"'Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. The LORD works out everything for His own ends--"
(Proverbs 16:3,4, NIV)

This Scripture has a promise of success for us if we commit ourselves to God and cease from our own labors. The word used here for commit is "galal" in Hebrew and means "to roll or remove" as to trust our Lord and roll all our circumstances, works, and burdens upon His loving arms.  He will remove them from us to carry them and work by his spirit in our behalf. All we must do is cast our cares upon Him.  '"To commit' to the Lord whatever we do is simply to "trust Him" and let Him be Lord of our life.  As the old song speaks of "all our burdens being rolled away", we can actually see this happen in our lives today.  Every fear has to go and faith
in God will replace confidence in fleshly works when we commit our ways to God.

There is no life away from the Lord.  Without Him, we would be perishing but with Him we have all we need including the promise of eternal life.  When we commit all our works to the Lord, we have the assurance that everything we plan  will succeed if it is in God's will and time.  His plans may not be exactly as ours for every situation but they will be what is best for us and also for others. The works which He desires will be possible when carried forth by His spirit.

God always works things out for good for those who are called according to his purpose and plans. {Rom. 8: 28}.  We are called and chosen to give glory to God and be witnesses of his saving and delivering power.  There is nothing our God cannot do.  He is so quick and ready to defend his children, bless and answer prayers when we just trust in him.

Dedication to our Lord and his plan guarantees success in this life and entrance into eternal life.
He is our Lord, our Savior and our soon coming King.  We can devote our mind and our will to serving God with our whole heart.  We are pleasing to the Father when we present ourselves as a living sacrifice as He desires and keep renewed minds.  The life of Christ is the only way to live to go forth in success and have true joy and peace.  Happiness is to know the Savior, living a life within his favour.  Happiness is the Lord!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002.

Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It
is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.
James 4:14


With God

Without our Lord we would be lost and undone,
The problems which surround us would seem as a mountain to behold,
But with our God and his Only Begotten Son,
We have the assurance of salvation............ He will hide our soul.

His love surrounds us as He speaks peace to our heart,
His joy fills us and gives us strength anew,
His blood saved us and gave us a new start,
And his promises are all so faithful and so true.

All things work together for those who love the Lord,
He is ever present and His spirit dwells within,
Endure till the end and receive his great reward,
Eternal life with Jesus, our Saviour and Friend.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


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