Look Diligently

Hebrews 12: 15 tells us to look diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God. 
Believers must be alert and on guard at all times according to the Scriptures.  Believers are admonished to guard their salvation. 

When we draw nigh unto God, He promises to be there and draw nigh unto us.  We are to examine ourselves and prove that we be in the faith according to 2 Cor. 13: 5.  God knows exactly where we are but it is possible for one to stray from the will and plan of the Lord.  The Life Application Bible says, "check up on yourselves, are you really Christians?"  "Do you pass the test?"  "Do you feel Christ's presence and power more and more within you?"  A believer knows when they are in the will of the Lord if they have a heart for God and let God speak to their inner man and conscience.  Holy Spirit always leads and guides true believers and gives spiritual instruction so that one can stay within His will while walking in his ways.

Several years ago I became more involved in the work of the Lord or what some might call religion than seeking "the Lord of the work."  We must seek the heart of God first and have his indwelling Holy Spirit leading us at all times or can fail according to His Word.  If one ever loses sight of who they are serving as their main focus they are on the road to trouble and heartache.  God's mercy and grace with which he bought me also brought me back into his shelter of love and safety and gave me a new outlook on life.  I learned how to enter into his presence and not lean to my own understanding but acknowledge him in my ways.  One of the lessons which he taught me is that we do not have to please everyone but we must be pleasing unto Him.    We will never be able to please all people and do not have to agree with everything one says to stay in their favor.  It is who we are in Christ that matters.  We must hate sin but love sinners with the love of Christ.  Friendship with the world is enmity with God yet so many love the world more than they love the Lord.  We are in the world but not of this world. He will continue to teach us if we hunger for the things that be of Him.

Many people get physical check-ups periodically to see if they have any health problems but omit spiritual check-ups. We should be taking steps daily to grow closer to the Lord in all we do and say.  He that judges us is the Lord and always reigns righteous judgment.

Paul the Apostle told the Corinthians he hoped they would agree he had stood the test and truly belonged to the Lord.  He prayed that they would live good lives.  Paul further tells them his responsibility was to encourage them in the right at all times and not to hope for evil.  His greatest wish and prayer for those he loved was for them to become mature Christians.  His desire was to see them made strong in the Lord.  This is also to be our desire and prayer for those in the faith. 
The Hebrews were also admonished to look out for one another so that not one of them would fail to find God's great blessings. They were to watch out and let no bitterness take root among them for if it were to spring up it would cause deep trouble and hurt in their spiritual lives. (Heb. 12: 15) 

The Hebrew Children were familiar with the ceremonial cleansing and rituals that prepared
them for worship.  They understood they had to be holy and clean to enter the presence of God in the tabernacle.  Under grace and our New Covenant when sin is present it always blocks true vision of God and what He is doing in lives and hearts.  If one wants to see God and his vision they must remove sin from their lives.  Holiness goes along with peace.  When we have a right relationship with God His words given in Scripture will lead us to have a right relationship with Him and also with other believers. We must always pursue to be peacemakers while speaking his words of truth as we become more like Jesus.

Being alert is being watchful or vigilant at all times actively involved in pursuing the heart of 
the Lord as we serve Him.  He will bless us in every test, give rest from every stress, remove pressure from problems, and defend us daily from all the schemes of the enemy.  As he fills our life with peace, joy, and love; we can let His Spirit flow through us to a dark world.  May we remain watchful and encourage others to stay in the faith and grace of our risen Lord and Savior.  He will help us in all things that our feet will not slip and the path will be clear.  There will be many stumbling blocks along the way while we walk on this earth but by faith we can make 'stepping stones out of stumbling blocks' on the pathway to our glorious heavenly home. He is our Wonderful God who will never leave or forsake us.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



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