Looking to the Lord

Every day there are thousands upon thousands of hurting people in this world who need help. Many are oppressed, afflicted, lost without God, and feel there is no hope. Help sometimes seems to be far off for many. 
Some cry out in despair yet there are others who silently stay in their condition waiting for someone to present them a message of truth, life and hope. We have been given power to share God's love with others as faithful witnesses. What He has done in our lives, He will do for others when they recognize their need for Him first and his approval before that of earthly men. God justifies and frees the souls of men and women out of the 'grip of the enemy' into His 'grip of grace.' We are called to help stand up for God's truth and also defend his children who are part of the universal Body of Christ by standing in unity and by faith. 

When the Psalmist David needed help, he knew where he could find it. With confidence, he proclaimed that he would lift up his eyes to the hills.  He tells us his help came from the Lord who made the heavens and earth.  He who created the heavens, earth, and all that is within dwells in the hearts of his people and fills the whole earth with his splendor.  We can recognize his majesty in the hills but it can also be found in the valleys of our lives.  There are multitudes of people
in the valley of decision and God will lead if one will listen to Him.  He never leaves us but walks with us always and will carry us in his strength if we become weary.  We will not faint if we wait upon the Lord, as He will renew our strength and keep our steps in Him.

Many today have not been taught the ways of the Lord and cannot understand how a God they cannot see can fix problems they can see or hear about all around them. Those who know God have been called to share the message of walking by faith in a "risen Saviour" who has power to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we think or expect He could do.  He can mend hearts, restore homes, solve problems, heal broken bodies and spirits and much more.  There is nothing God cannot do when one believes in the miracle working power of his name. 

Mortal man cannot see as God sees as to the past but acts on what others may say or think.  Truth is the
only foundation we can build upon.  Sometimes others doubt God's power is working in behalf of his children because they doubt his children.  Many look at false circumstances which appear real and build on evidence that is not based on truth.  When they share circumstances or facts not based on truth it brings doubt not only of God but of his people and true circumstances around them.  Doubt brings confusion but sharing faith in God and believing in his children whom he has placed within the Body can help see problems through to victory.  We must seek the spiritual discernment of God and believe what he tells us more that what may appear real to our natural senses. He is a supernatural God who works in supernatural ways to bring victory to natural men and women walking in the spirit with a God who cannot lose.

God knows every circumstance and most of all, he is 'Truth', knows hearts and judges righteous judgment. 
He knows who we are, where we are, where we have been, and where we are going.  There is nothing about us he does not know or hidden from his "all seeing eyes" of mercy.  He is an "Awesome God" and really is a "strong tower" which the righteous can run into and be safe.

The word of the Lord is tried; he is a Buckler to all those that trust in Him.  May we share the good news of life, truth and hope in Christ.  Salvation is the greatest miracle of all. Every problem does not disappear because one is a Christian but in the midst of the problems one can know the peace of the Peacemaker. He gives a calm assurance that regardless of how things may seem He will see them through.  If we obey God, see though eyes of faith the schemes of the enemy, and resist the devil; we can have victory.  True faith if shared can move mountains and see prayers we have prayed for so very long answered.  Our help comes from the Lord who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and holds the universe together by the power of his spoken word and spirit.  As we lift up our eyes to the hills, we can sense the presence of One who is greater than earth's greatest, and who also holds us with love in the palm of his hand.  May his name be glorified today and always.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

                              Behold the Lord

Lift up your eyes and behold the Lord,
The One who looks deep inside your soul,
His mercies will endure forever,
And his marvelous grace you can behold.

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
And the majestic mountain plains,
He speaks and the wind and waves obey,
There is power and authority in his holy name.

He is the answer to your problems as you trust in him by faith,
His compassions fail not.. He still has 'amazing grace'.
Reach up today and let Him take your hand,
Claim his Holy Word...Go forth in faith and you will stand!

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


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