Commandment To Love                   
Mark 12: 28:  And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? (29) And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: (30) And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment.  (31) And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  There is none other commandment greater than these.
One of the first commandments God gave unto Israel was to "listen and hear" that He was one Lord.  "To hear" meant they were to understand and "know" God personally as one Lord.  They were to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.   The second commandment went with the first. The second was "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Jehovah God said there was no other commandment greater than these.


     Thoughts on love and the Church
The Kingdom of God as on earth now is in the realm of profession only.  There is a true Church but all people who profess to know Christ do not actually love or possess Christ within.  Only those who "possess what they profess" will inherit the heavenly "Kingdom of God" in the day of the Lord. 
We are given many parables such as the mustard seed and the wheat and tares. Wheat and tares grow together, but His Angels will separate the wheat from the tares in the end-time harvest.  The true Church or believers, will inherit the Kingdom of God and live eternally with Him in glory.  We are to be as "sheaves of wheat" ready at any time to be gathered by the Lord at Harvest time. True Christians will be separated from the tares and enter into His Kingdom in Heaven.  The tares represent those who do not truly belong to Christ or do not possess what they profess. These will be bound and cast into the fire. The Lord knows those who are His and will keep them in his care.  The wheat and tares are allowed to grow together until the time of harvest.
As true Children of God, we should love Him with our whole heart and everything within us.  If we have this kind of love for God, we will also have love for our neighbor as commanded by God.  This love is patient, longsuffering, kind and will always show Christ's mercy unto others.  The love we are commanded to have for others will never fail. 
People in many Churches today find it easy to love those of the same doctrine, belief, social status, race, or creed.  Those who may be of other doctrines, status, or another color are sometimes not accepted into Churches.  We should always remember who the Church actually belongs to.  The Church is never ours to say who may or many not be welcome, or who is not desired in our fellowship.  The Church belongs to the Lord as it was purchased by His blood and is one body or "one new man".  It is to be the gathering together in assembly on earth of all who will worship in spirit and in truth.  It is not a name over the door, but who lives within our hearts.  There are no preferences in the eyes of the Lord as to who may be a part of His body or church, however; one must have a desire to be holy.  "Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord" is welcomed into His body.  There are many denominations which are part of the one true Church.  It is more than what we are called or the title of our denomination, it is "who called us".


We, as Christians, are to help make true disciples or followers of Christ by teaching them to observe whatsoever things He has commanded us.
                      "One New Man"
Ephesians 2: 15 tells us, "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (1 Cor. 12-13). 


          Unity in the Body of Christ 
True peace and unity in the Body of Christ will only come when we accept others as Christ accepts them.  There are many different Churches, Assemblies, and Fellowships in this world today.  All who teach truth of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and accept the New Covenant of grace and truth are "one body".  We are part of the one new man in Christ and are His body upon this earth.  We must love one another to be in unity in our fellowships and to enjoy the peace Christ desires to bring.
Let us no longer be divided as to the meaning of the Body of Christ.  We are to be his arms extended to fallen man, his feet to carry the Gospel message of truth, and his mouthpiece to proclaim the "good news" and peace of Christ. 
God does not look upon us as black, white, red, or yellow but sees us all as only one body to be knit together.  He is the head and we are to be in subjection to Him. 
 David gives us a vivid picture of the human body in the Book of Psalms. By inspiration he also describes how the Church is to be joined together.  In Ps. 139: 15 he shares his prayer unto God: "My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  The word "wrought" used in this passage means "skillfully woven together".  The Saints of old would weave the embroidery work together skillfully with threads of different colors or textures making an intricate design of beauty.  The human body is wonderfully and marvelously created by God.  We are also spiritually woven together by the Lord into the "one new man".  He has given us "beauty for ashes" and made us a new creature in Him.
The Scripture tells us even our very substance was not hid from God in the womb,  (lowest part of earth).  Adam was created from the dust of the earth and we also return to dust at death. We will be resurrected with an incorruptible body in glory.  Even though imperfect before birth and before being fully formed, God had every member of our bodies written in His book.  Our members were continually being fashioned, when as yet there were none of them.  These Scriptures shown in Psalm 139 also shows us abortion is a crime against God and sin in His eyes. Even an "imperfect substance" at any stage of development is a life already written in God's book.  This is a soul in God's sight and this life should be recognized as such. We must speak the truth and declare what the Scripture reveals unto others.
The Church is also woven together with people of all Nations and colors. Christians start out as babes in Christ and mature to bring forth fruit for His glory.  Even though imperfect, they are a new creation recognized by God.  Their faults and failures as new Christians should be prayed for and Christian love shown to them.  Our help and God's guidance by the Holy Spirit will lead them on to Christian maturity.  Each Christian has their own individual personality but are created in the image of God.  Each member has a place in the body of Christ.  According to Scripture, the parts or members some may consider "uncomely"; are to be given greater honor as they may be weaker.  We are to lift up and encourage a brother or sister who may be weak in faith.  We must show them Christ, who is their refuge and strength. 
Let love rule and reign in your life today as you let Christ be Lord of all.  He will let the love within your heart flow out to reach others.  See each person who has accepted the Saviour as part of the Body of Christ. Look at sinners as those whom Christ does not want to perish.  It is his will that all come to repentance and He shed his life's blood for their salvation. 
Ask in prayer "what Jesus would do" whenever faced with prejudice, strife, lack of commitment, and lack of love. He will tell you to show forth his love and fruit of the Spirit.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  The love and blessings you bestow to others will return unto you.  He will show you grace and mercy and let the beauty of his face shine upon you when you keep His commandments of love.  All the other commandments hinge on these two great laws of love. These laws bring life and liberty.  Love is the door that opens the way to Christ.  Love and the blood of Jesus is to the church what blood is to our human bodies. Love keeps his Body alive and well on this earth.
As a Christian believer you are a part of this great body of Christ.  Each member needs the other and all of us need more of the Lord each day. He is the head of the Body or Church on earth and faithful ruler over all.  Reach out today with love to others and you will be richly rewarded. 
Remember, love never fails.
J. P.'s Inspirations
Jo Ann Kelly


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