Love Is

"Love is patient, Love is kind, does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is notself-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
1 Cor. 13: 4-7 NIV.

Love is what God is all about and also love is to be in our hearts when we pass from death unto spiritual life.   Everything that love is, we can say is an attribute of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love will help us to "climb every mountain" as love is greater than all the mountains we may face.  Love is wider than the deepest valley and higher than the highest heavens. 

God's love is not natural, but is supernatural in our lives.  It is not possible unless God supernaturally helps us set aside our own desires and instincts so we can give love while expecting nothing in return.  The closer we come to our Lord, the more we will be able to have and show forth his unconditional love.  Great faith and even miracle working power will produce nothing without love.   Love is what makes actions and spiritual gifts useful.  God's children may have different spiritual gifts, but all have love available to them.   Real love puts God first, others second, and self last.

When we have forgiveness of sin, God keeps no records of our wrongs.   We are to be as the Lord and forgive others as we have been so graciously forgiven.  God cannot forgive us if we fail to have a forgiving spirit toward others. The love of God is a merciful love which is tender hearted and kind.

When a brother or sister falls or errs, we are not to delight in their fall.  We are to carry them to the Father in prayer for restoration.  We are to rejoice with and love the truth. Truth is righteousness, holiness and truth is God. He is a Spirit of Truth and we are to have this same spirit dwelling within our hearts to truly worship our Lord. 

Love always protects by doing what Jesus would do. Love hopes as it has an earnest expectation of a "blessed hope" and always sees the good in others.  Love trusts as it is motivated by faith in God.  Love always goes forward and perseveres. With love, we can press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It is a motivating factor in being an overcomer as we claim the blood of the Lamb by our testimony of Christ Jesus and his finished work at Calvary.

Love is the greatest gift of all. It is freely given and is to be freely received to be shared with others.  With God and his love, we reach forward daily as we press on closer to our goal.  God is Love and we give praise that he loved us enough to give his only begotten Son.  Give thanks today for his gift of love and life. It is the greatest of all gifts.

Blessings in Christ our Lord,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

God is Love.

                            BOUNDLESS LOVE

I pray that you being rooted and established in Love, may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the Love of Christ....and to know this Love that surpasses knowledge....that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God.
(Ephesians 3:17-19 NIV)

Sometimes it is hard to comprehend how very much our Lord loves us.  We know he laid down his life for us that we might go free but sometimes we do not understand the extent of this marvelous love.

The Apostle Paul gives us a vivid description of this love in the above Scriptures along with a prayer for us to have understanding and power.  God's love for us is a total and 
complete love.  It reaches every area and corner of our experience with the Lord.  We are admonished to grasp just how wide and long, high and deep His love for us extends. This fountain truly does flow 'deep and wide' just like
our children used to sing.  May all our love ones return to the Father and serve Him.

God's love reaches the length of our entire life. It goes into the depths of our sorrows to heal, bind up and make whole. No other love can do what the love of our Savior can in our lives.  It has no boundaries as it is higher, deeper, wider, and extends further than all the thoughts we could have in a lifetime.  Even thoughts of the peace of God cannot be comprehended in all their fullness, as God will give us a peace that passes our very understanding.  What does this tell us? His love goes further than even our thoughts can ascend or our mortal minds can imagine. God's love is the greatest of all.

God's love reaches to every height of our elation or joyous celebration in Him. On the other hand, it goes as deep as every wound or woe we may experience.  It covers and
surrounds us. There is no sorrow which God does not understand. There is no joy in which He does not share in our Christian walk.

How can we sum up this marvelous love of Christ?  It is immeasurable and can never be exhausted.  It is total because "God is Love".  The prayer in this Scripture is that 
we may be filled with the fullness of Christ.  When we give him every part of our hearts and desire to make Him Lord of all, He will answer and compass us 'within and without' in love.  He will strike roots of 'peace and joy' into the fertile 'soil of our hearts' to establish us on a solid foundation by faith. He is the foundation and in Him we live, breathe, and have our very existence. Share his boundless and unending love with others today. God's love is the greatest gift of all.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

Jesus Christ is Lord               


                          Love Never Fails

Charity never faileth
1 Cor. 13: 8

2002 is a new year and each day is a new beginning.  Love for God can add 'years to our life and life to our years'.  As we enter this year we are reminded  through God's Word of his love for us which never fails.   His love reaches to the highest mountain and to the lowest valley.  The eyes of
the Lord are constantly searching for those who will receive Him into their heart.  He also is speaking to hearts of Christians to share his love with others and obey his call to them.  His Spirit is with us each day to give comfort, lead, and guide us.

Everything which we may depend on can fail in one day or hour except the love of God.  The money systems of the world cannot be depended on, the stock markets fall and rise; job security is not always secure, and one's health is not guaranteed.  People can not be depended on at times, but God can always be trusted.  Regardless of any circumstance in our lives, God will never fail his children.  Just as we help our children and support them in times of need, God will also stand by us in every hour of our life.  He will give extra grace and we can know his love is not dependant on circumstances. 

Let the promise of his love keep you secure in Him.  When we return this love and abide in his presence, we are blessed abundantly and have fullness of joy.  Thank him today for his love and share it with others.  Remember, it always comes back to us as true blessings of God.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations


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