Things are Not as they Seem

"While we look not at the things which are seen,
but at the things which are not seen;  for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."
2 Cor. 4-18

What is our focus in life?  Do we sometimes have more natural vision than spiritual vision?  This is a question the Lord would have us to ponder and answer. 

The things which we see each day will not be eternal.  The beautiful homes, fine cars, all the things money can buy, will one day not matter any longer.  All the material things that seem to be so important to people now, will one day be of no importance.

The things we cannot see but we believe by faith are everlasting.  The home which Jesus went away to prepare for us, New Jerusalem, and our loved ones gone on before,  are some of the things which are real, although unseen in the natural.  These are the things which we hope for and long to see our Blessed Saviour one day.  By faith we can embrace these eternal things.

We are compassed about with a great cloud of faithful witnesses, those who kept the faith by walking in the ways of the Lord.  One day we can sit down and talk to Peter, James, John, David, Joshua, Daniel, Paul, and all the other mighty men, (or women), of faith who fought a good fight and kept the faith.  In eternity we will be as one happy family which is what God intends for the Body of Christ to be now.   We are all a part of the Family of God and his love keeps us in Him.

Until the day of the appearing of our Lord, may we always keep our eyes fixed by faith upon our blessed hope, Christ Jesus.  May we always recognize anything that hinders us in our Christian journey and let God change every circumstance for his glory.  May we be willing to seek the very heart of God for changes which will bless our Lord and increase his Kingdom. We need our Lord so much and He will be there when we call on Him. As he blesses us with salvation, a home, family, friends, peace of mind and the  necessities of life; we can also bless others.

Living by faith is living in His love and favor.  Look to Him and be blessed today and every day.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

                          Trusting in the Lord

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psalm 91:2

We can rejoice today because our names have been written in Heaven.   "In God we Trust" is more than just a slogan we see on our money.  It is to be written upon our hearts.   We have a 'Strong Tower and a Refuge' we can trust in when things seem to be crumbling in  the World around us.   This Tower will always stand and will be a shelter from the enemy. {Ps. 61: 3}   The righteous can run to this Tower, which is the name of the Lord, and be safe. 
{Prov. 18:10}

God will never change and will always be the "Rock of our Salvation."   We can be thankful for His presence and assurance of his faithfulness  which reacheth unto the clouds and is like the great mountains.
{Ps. 36: 5}

All the Nations of this World will one day bow and proclaim that 'Jesus is Lord' to the glory of God the Father. {Romans 14: 11}.  While many are tossed "to and fro" and running "here and there",  {Ps. 107: 27}, all we have to do is stand still and trust Him.  We can then see His salvation and delivering power. 
{2 Chron. 20: 17}

Let not your heart be troubled with bad news in the days ahead.  Whose report will we believe?   We are to believe the report of the Lord.  We have a 'Lighthouse' who guides our way through the darkest nights.  We must keep our eyes on the Lord and follow as He leads us.   We can always trust in Him. He will keep us safe in the 'grip of Grace' if we only believe and claim his promises.
{John 14: 1}

We have every reason to TRUST in HIM.   We can say today as David the Psalmist,........ "Great is your faithfulness, O God our Father". 
{Ps. 40: 10}

Blessings in Christ,
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001 


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