Know anyone who may need help or encouragement? 
We all know someone who needs help and just can't seem to find it on their own.  There are so many who suffer pain, agony, depression, or have broken hearts in this world.  Many think there is no help for their problems and accept their situations.  The good news is that the bad news is all wrong!  Whose report will we believe?  We choose to believe the report of the Lord, not the report of the enemy who comes to "kill, steal, and destroy".  We can point others to One we know cares for them as we agree in prayer.

We do have a Healer, Helper, Savior and a sure solution in Christ Jesus our Lord.  No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, we know Christ is hope, He is health, He is holy, and He is still the healer.  If one is broken, He is the mender.  If there is sickness or oppression, He is the healer and gives peace.  In sorrow or death He is the Comforter and one always there.  If there is opposition, there is help in warfare and one to fight the battles.  God can restore, revive, and refill to make new again in his image.   When the Lord builds the house, we know it will stand firm as He is the solid rock, our sure foundation. 

As we go along life's way there will be many people who cross our paths needing a Savior.  Without Him, people are perishing and dying with no hope.  With Jesus one can have a joyful life knowing they have a Loving Father who cares for them and will provide for his own.  Even in the midst of problems there is a peace in knowing we have victory.

Let His Words become our words as we share Jesus with others.  We are his Body on this Earth and are to be his hands extended to fallen man and his feet to carry the Gospel message of life and peace.  May we rejoice as we seek to be about the Father's business.  We are told not to worry, but to "be happy."  We are his servants but best of all, we are his children and also called "friends".  After all, we have the very best Boss in the Universe!  That's something to rejoice about, and his benefits really are "out of this world!"

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002.

                     Christ is the Problem Solver

I've never heard of a problem that my God could not solve,
There has never been one so lost that God could not find,
The many hurting people all across this land,
Have someone waiting to help them who will lend a helping hand.

Broken hearts are easily mended as he makes sorrow disappear,
Jesus is the answer as He can wipe away each tear.
Poverty is nothing when Jesus comes upon the scene,
He picks one up and gives new hope if upon Him they will only lean.

Sharing his love with others is our great commission,
We need a greater burden as we see this world's condition.
Men lost without God need to know just how much he cares,
We have been called and chosen, so we must care enough to share.

Tomorrow may never come so today must be the day,
Salvation is freely given if one will only receive Him and pray,
May we be about the Father's business and see the time is very nigh,
Work for the day is coming when we shall meet Him in the sky.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002







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