Thoughts on Peacemakers

                        Blessed Are the Peacemakers. 

God can give us peace in our lives that passes our own understanding. God's peace is something that will see us through all the trials and storms of life. 

All Christians are to be peacemakers in God's kingdom in order to be blessed and inherit the promises. There is a great link between having the peace of God and feeling the presence of God in our lives. 

When we can "hold our peace" the Lord will fight our battles for us. Many people have trouble "holding their peace" or with self-control. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. Where there is strife and unrest in a life, there is no self control and peace does not abide there. Warfare is powerful when we hold our peace and trust the Lord to fight our battles. We can move forward in his strength and might by knowing He has already won the war. 

When there is peace in a Church or family there is the anointing of God. Peace is having unity and unity brings the anointing and blessings of God. Corporate blessings are sent to those in unity who have love one for another. It should never be hard for a Christian to love another Christian if they are "doing what Jesus would do" and have his attributes and characteristics. Love "suffers long" and is kind, gentle and patient. It works no harm to another. 

We should not only pray for those who despitefully use us but should pray that those who may be in leadership positions in the Body of Christ. We should pray for those who are aware of differences and will seek the root of the problem and help make reconciliation the Biblical way. Getting to the root of a problem and discussing what has caused dissension will help solve the problem. 

Lack of communication in the body of Christ causes most problems which would not occur had there been honest and open communication. We learn the fact that "those who talk with us about others also talk with others about us". Open and honest communication should be with all parties involved in a dispute or further problems will develop. All problems which hinder unity in a body or family should be dealt with immediately. 

We cannot speak peace in a house and see it last without the Son of Peace being there. It should be our goal to have corporate unity by being at peace with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. God has given each of us the ministry of reconciliation. As He has reconciled us and we are brought into a right relationship with Christ, we should be reconciled one to another in the body of Christ. God is our Father we should be one as the family of God. Healing of the sick occurs where there is "peace and unity in the house". 

The Household of Faith should do everything possible to be in a right relationship one with another. The Bible gives us the right way to keep order and peace. If our brother has ought against us, there should be an attempt though Christ to be reconciled. 

Prayer always works when we also put prayer into action and seek reconciliation by being doers of the word. Matthew 18: 15 tells us:
"Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
Verse 16 of this same chapter tells us:
"But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (17)
"And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen and a publican." 

If we follow these Biblical Instructions for offenses, we can see peace in the Body of Christ. So many times a word spoken can be misunderstood and cause strife which could easily be avoided if one took their problems to Jesus instead of others. 

Psm. 133 is a beautiful song of unity and tells us unity is pleasant and good. It also tells us where unity is, there is blessing and life. We should desire both blessings and the life of Christ which is good and pure. 

Are you a peacemaker in the eyes of God and others? This is something to think about today. Jesus taught the disciples in Matthew 5: 9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God". This is an "attitude" or characteristic of God's children just as it was of Jesus. To be called children of God, we are to be "peacemakers". We show an attitude of gratitude to God in obedience when we seek to make peace. 

Seek God today in Spirit and in truth and let him lead you in right ways to help bring peace to any troubled situation of which you may be aware. Peace may be the answer to seeing revival, church growth, and all the corporate blessings we may seek. 

Problems which are allowed to continue hinder the corporate blessings of God. Those who feel a brother or a sister in the body of Christ are a thorn unto them or others can easily remove their feelings by obeying the Word of God. 

Don't wait until strive grows and enlarges as leaven. Strongholds of the mind come from disobedience and not having the love of Christ. Ask yourself "what would Jesus do?" He always obeyed the will of the Father who sent Him and had his attributes. He was the true bread of life and gave this to all who would seek Him. 

Seek the "Living Bread of sincerity and truth" today and feed upon this manna from on high. Take this manna and share it with others to bring life, love and liberty. 

Seek to bring peace and reconciliation today to others. God will bless you abundantly and you will be called a "child of God". What a wonderful blessing to be called a peacemaker and a part of the family of God! 

"In Christ"
Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


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