Peace of God

There are many things one may desire in life, but peace of mind is one of the greatest things we can have and only comes from our Lord.  His peace really does transcend all our earthly understanding. 

The peace of God will keep our hearts quiet and at rest as we trust in the Lord Jesus.  It is far more wonderful than we can fully imagine.  God's peace is not positive thinking and is different than the peace which the world offers.  It is more than an absence of conflict or good feelings.  Real peace 
is knowing and believing in our hearts that God is in control of all circumstances and our new citizenship is in Christ.  We are in this world but not of this world as our name has been written in heaven.  We are citizens of the Kingdom of God. Our destiny in life has been determined and our victory over sin is made sure by Christ. 

Paul's advice to the Philippians Church was to turn their worries into prayers.  His advice is also given for Christians today.  If one wants to worry less, all they have to do is pray more.  This is such a simple solution to keeping the peace of mind which only God can give us through his Holy Spirit.  The ultimate joy comes from Christ dwelling within and knowing that He is Lord of all. 

Let his peace guard your heart and life today. When we commit ourselves to the Lord, we will desire to know and obey the commands set forth in His Word. This takes diligence in time, dedication, continued practice and having goals in harmony with the vision of Christ for his Church. Just as the athletic trains to win the race, we must also keep pressing on in faith.  The goal must first be in our hearts  and as we see the eternal prize we must continue on.  He will guard our hearts as we claim his promises and we can increase in faith for greater service.  He is faithful as he has promised.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c)

Turn Your Worries Into Prayers

Turn your worries into prayers
Your every burden God will share,
Bring your every need unto the throne,
He will always hear and meet you there.

There is no problem too difficult
Our Lord will take and heal your hurts,
Bring them to the Master's arms,
He will always hear your cares.

Don't worry about what the future may hold
The problems of tomorrow are in God's hands,
Be strong in the Lord and his might,
On God's can always stand.

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations



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