Perfect Peace

"Thou will keep him, in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee. 
Trust ye in the Lord forever; for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength" 
Isaiah 26: 3,4 

This world is in a state of turmoil and unrest.  The promise of perfect peace is especially welcome during these days of wars and rumors of wars.  With all the unrest on every hand, we are told God will grant perfect peace to us and guard our mind.  We must take hold of this promise by having our mind stayed  on Him and know our Father in Heaven is in control of every  situation.  His Holy Spirit is with us always and will never leave or forsake us.

Everything which happens in the future will have to go through God first of all.  There is nothing the enemy can do or bring upon this land of which God is unaware. There are uncertain days ahead, but we are not to allow our hearts to  be troubled.  We know when they say, "peace, peace," then sudden destruction is upon the land. We are told this in the Word of God concerning the troubled land of Jerusalem.  We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as we see all eyes upon this holy land.  It is "a cup of trembling" and "a burdensome stone" as prophesied in God's Word.  Nation shall rise against Nation but God will arise in power and might.  We are not to be fearful as all things  are in his hands.

We can have peace of mind even in the midst of war or rumors of war, as we have the Spirit of the Living God living within.  Trust in Jehovah God completely and his promise to keep our minds in peace as we think upon Him.  He is so very faithful and true.  Peace can be ours right now in the midst of the storms when we trust and fully rely on his grace and goodness.  We must turn our
eyes toward Jesus and the things of this world really will
grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. 
May his love surround you and his peace rest upon you
today and in the days ahead.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

Promise to Claim
Ps. 50: 15: "And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee,  and thou shalt glorify me."

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope -
it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning.  Great is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him."
Lamentations  3:21-24

We ask you O Father to look  down upon us and grant peace of mind to all who seek you.  Let your Spirit speak 
to those who have not yet sought you, and draw them into the shelter of your loving arms to receive salvation.
Let your Holy Spirit comfort every hurting heart and heal every wounded spirit.  Speak peace into every situation where there is doubt or unrest.  Make us always aware that we are never alone as you are always on the throne.  May we never grow weary in well doing as your Word promises "we shall reap in due season if we faint not".  We know that in all  the days ahead, you will offer peace and joy when we come to you and dwell in your presence.  We give thanks and praise for your mercies and loving  kindness which are always and forever.
We ask all things in the name of Jesus who is our salvation and our Blessed Hope.

                            Called to Peace

"Let the peace of Christ  rule your hearts, since as members of  one body you were called to peace; and be 
Colossians 3:15 (NIV)

Each one of us is called to a life of peace. Many ask if this is really possible when faced with illness, death, financial burdens, family problems and other struggles in this life.  It is possible to have the peace of God if we only let Christ be Lord of all in our lives. 

As He lives within and reigns as Lord of our life, his sweet peace will give us a calm assurance that He is in control of every situation which we may face.  There is nothing of which God is not aware.  He knows our past, present and future and is in all our tomorrows.  Today is the day of salvation and He will keep us safe in his haven of rest if we only keep on trusting in Him.

Be thankful in all things and give Him glory for He is Lord of all.  We will find this calling to peace and harmony is one which we are to answer by obedience. God's plan is always for peace in our lives.  Thanks be unto our Lord for providing perfect peace to face  the various difficulties which may come our way while on this earth.  We are preparing for eternal life with Him where there will be no more sorrow, pain or struggles.  All opposition will be put down and He will reign supreme as Lord of all.  The good news is we shall reign with Him as overcomers forever.

Give thanks today for the promises in his Holy Word and our blessed hope in Him.  He has promised to never
leave or forsake us.  He truly is a friend who will stay
closer to us than a brother.  Let his peace rest upon you today and share his 'blessed assurance' with others.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'S Inspirations              



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