Thoughts on Christian Persistence    


                 The Persistence of A Robin? 

Spring seemed to arrive very early this year. Flowers blossomed and trees budded bringing a rainbow of colors almost overnight. This season is so beautiful with its many varieties of shrubs, flowers, and trees all awakened to greet the morning sun and April showers. 

I placed my Spring grapevine wreath with silk foliage and tiny lavender flowers in the center of my front door. The bright bow at the top gave it a look which seemed to welcome the new season. 

We hung the hummingbird feeder in place under a big pecan tree in our back yard to await the first hummingbirds of the season. The grass seemed to turn into a blanket of green decorated with yellow dandelions overnight. 

Before the week was over, I noticed straw and twigs all over my front porch and mud covering the glass door behind the center of the hanging wreath. I looked closer and found a carefully made bird's nest constructed in the center of the wreath. My husband took the nest out of the wreath while I cleaned the door and then replaced my decoration. The next morning I noticed a robin flying by my front window to the wreath. Once again I found the birds had made a nest and claimed my wreath as their domain. 

We cleaned the straw from the porch and wreath once again and moved the wreath to a post on the side of the house. The next day we noticed another new nest. The mud used to hold the perfectly round straw nest in place was drying into the shape designed by our new friend. This little bird would not be defeated in her building plans. Her new home was made to resemble those sold in stores for decorations. 

I saw a robin who was persistent in rebuilding and claiming my door decoration for her home. It reminded me of the Scriptures and how our Lord cares for the birds of the air. He feeds them and cares for them and they have no worries. They are busy preparing homes for their anticipated little ones to dwell until they learn to fly on their own. They feed them and care for them until they are ready to leave the nest. 

We also must anticipate new births into the Kingdom of God on earth and help prepare a sure foundation for new Christians to build their spiritual homes. Knowing the Word of God and rightfully dividing it will enable us to help others learn how to live a life of victory. We should help them remain in God's Word and help teach them the ways of the Lord. The only sure foundation is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus Christ and He is the chief cornerstone on whom we are to build. All other ground is just sinking sand. Building on the solid rock, Christ Jesus, will insure a spiritual house which will stand when the storms of life try to destroy it. 

I took the wreath down once more but this time left the nest intact. My husband took it to the backyard and hung it on one of our outside buildings and gave it to the robin for her new home. The robin's persistence had paid off and also brought God's word to my mind. 

When the evil one comes into our lives and tries to tear down our spiritual houses are we as persistent as the robin? Sometimes people do not try to keep on building their spiritual temples. Some new Christians completely give up when Satan tries to defeat them or discourage them. We must keep on building and letting God mend our hearts. We are not to build with straw or stubble but with the precious Word and by faith in God who works through us. We are never to be defeated by the enemy as Holy Spirit which resides within us is greater than all the forces of the enemy. Satan's purpose is to "kill, steal, and destroy" but God's purpose is "that we might have abundant life". 

The next time Satan comes to tear down your life and spiritual house just think of the robin who would not give up. Each time we tried to remove her nest she built it back even stronger. If you fail and feel your temple is torn down, just remember Jesus is mender and healer. He can put all the pieces back together again. You must have the persistence of a robin and let Jesus mold and make you into His image. He will help you soar above the troubles and trials of this life. 

Remember you are greater than the fowls of the air and the lilies of the field clothed in all their splendor. Keep on "keeping on" and never give up or turn back. Don't let Satan tear down what God through Holy Spirit is building. You are a "lively stone" in Christ. Let Him polish and smooth all the rough edges and place you together in the Body of Christ fitly joined with His other children. Be persistent and keep looking to Jesus. He is the Master Builder and cares so for you. 

Be blessed today and know how much you are loved!

God Bless you
Jo Ann 

J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2001



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