The Apostle Paul was persuaded that nothing could separate him from the love of Christ Jesus. Principalities or powers of the air were not powerful enough and even death could not separate him from the one who gives spiritual life and power. We can also have this assurance that nothing which is, was, or shall be in the future can ever separate us from God or his love through Christ Jesus. We have evidence to convince us of a surety that nothing shall harm us and everything will be all right spiritually with Jesus as our Lord. Though the enemy may
rage and accuse, there is one greater in the life of a child of God. God looks at ' who we are' as his child and who we are becoming in Christ. The Great "I AM' does not look at our past, but our present and future in Him.
He defends & protects us when we pray from the 'evil or unclean spirit' of the Accuser whose persuasion is always contrary to that of God. The enemy of our soul is a defeated foe with Christ on our side.

We really are made conquerors by the Lord who loves us. In all the things which the enemy attempts to kill, steal, and destroy; we have a way of escape and are still victorious in Jesus.  We are to be faithful and know our steps are ordered of the Lord.  One of the words for 'to stand upright' and be 'faithful' in Hebrew is " koon," and also means to be established, ready, ordained, firm, prepared, set aright and stable in Christ. This takes effort on our part but by the power of His Spirit we can
be prepared and stable in God and his Word. We are to walk in the light as He is our light.

If we are right in God's sight, His righteousness and protection will be there for us in all things and at all times.  We are not to look back at the past or call attention to other's past sins, faults or failures when we are faithful to God.  We are to always see the mental picture God wants us to behold of his work in our life and also the lives of others. Once we catch the right vision, we will want to share that faith.....not past failure or faults.  We will share the new life of Christ and persuade others to forget the past and rejoice in the things God has done.  This is the picture which God delights in and wants to engrave upon hearts.  We can also delight and share in the joy of the Lord when we share as God desires.  As David the Psalmist, we can pray..... "O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth they praise." Ps. 51: 15..  Our attention will be focused upon the "good report" of the Lord and his mighty works in lives. We will believe the report of the Lord when our vision is right.

We too can be convinced, persuaded, confident and sure that we are "in Christ" and made a member of his body. 
He will keep us if we abide in Him and let Him abide in us. Our faith persuades us we are made believers  through the power of God's only begotten Son by the blessed Holy Spirit.

If one believes then they can receive and there is no gift on earth like the gift of eternal life. What wonderful news that believers can be part of the 'universal family of God' and share the gospel message across this land. Heaven can come down and glory fill our soul when we are children of the Most High God. Returning to the power of the Cross makes all the difference in the world.
Are we really persuaded?  If so, we can believe, receive and share his love and message with others in spirit and in truth.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Nothing Can Separate Us

Nothing can separate us from God's love,
Sent down to us from up above,
Nothing can keep us apart from the Lord,
Nothing can keep us from his eternal reward.

As long as we serve Him with all of our heart,
Of his great family, we shall be a part.
As long as the heavens and earth remain,
We can claim his promises.....He is always the same.

I am persuaded and know in all things,
We are made conquerors through the power of his name.
The victory is ours if we only trust and obey,
And walk on by faith in this gospel way.

Don't look back at the things that once have been,
Don't call attention to another's past sin,
God sees His blood which cleansed and saved souls,
Look to Jesus' finished work.........the greatest power to behold.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P's Inspirations (c) 2002
Romans 8: 37-39


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