All Things Are Possible

Do you have anything in your life which seems to be an impossibility? All things are possible 
through Christ Jesus our Lord. Most people have obstacles which they feel will never go away or be removed. 
There may be sickness, financial difficulties, family problems, spiritual problems or other things in people's lives 
which cause anxiety and care in hearts. God is bigger than any problem or care
that one could ever have and is ready to help when we call opon him in faith. 

We do not have to be pressed on every side but can have peace by looking to God. 
We can stand on the promise "all things are possible" through Christ our Lord. 
If we only believe, we can see our problems seem to disappear or the burdens we 
may have become much lighter. If the problem is not removed, we can be assured 
He will carry us through it. When burdens seems too hard to bear, 
we have one who will carry them for us.

All things really are possible with God and there is nothing too difficult for Him to do. 
Elijah built an altar and called upon the Lord to prove his power as the true God. 
The fire fell from heaven when it looked impossible. We notice the fire was not started from below, 
but was sent down by God from above. All Elijah had to do was believe, prepare the sacrifice 
for the fire of God, and wait on the fire to fall as he called upon the name of the Lord. 
The God who answered by fire was the one to be declared as the true God.....and the Lord did not fail Him. 
This was the true fire of the Lord and could not be denied by those who witnessed this great event. 
God proved his power to and through Elijah. 

Moses faced the Red Sea with the enemy in pursuit and it looked like the Children of Israel were going to be destroyed. 
They had One with them who fought the battle. The waters proved to be no problem for the Lord. 
He rolled them back and let his children walk over on dry ground to the other side. 
The depths were congealed in the heart of the sea as the waters stood up in a heap.
Then he destroyed their enemies who pursued them with the same waters which had been gathered by the Lord.
The Children of Israel had victory through God's power. 
Is there anything too hard for God to do?

We are also to believe and present ourselves daily to the Lord as living sacrifices. His consuming fire from 
above will work in our lives. He will give us more love, power, peace, and compassion for a lost and dying world
for which he died. Once we have been touched by his fire of zeal which burns out the impurities in lives, we
will see through eyes of faith what God has commissioned us to do as followers.

There are many examples in God's Word which prove the power of God and his
ability to do the impossible. He is still the same God today as yesterday and will be forever.
The question is, "will we trust him with the impossibilities?" If we give them to the Lord, 
we will surely find that "nothing is impossible with God." There is nothing too difficult
for our God to do. If we believe, we can receive and be victorious in Him.
All things are possible to believers through Christ our Lord!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


                     Nothing is Impossible 

Do you have a mountain that you can't seem to climb?
Does Satan seem to trouble you and your peace of mind?
There is One who knows and can calm every storm,
He will keep you safe and free from all harm.

Nothing is impossible for our Lord to do,
He is the one who is faithful and true,
He can move a mountain and speak peace be still,
He still saves, delivers, and heals.

Reach out and touch Him as he passes by,
Call on his name as he hears every cry,
Life with the Lord makes possible all things,
There is life and power in his blessed name.

JESUS......The name above all names
Our God is the First and the Last
He is the 'Beginning and the End'
With God all things are possible.

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002






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