Picture by Bible Verse Art    

         Prayer...Our Spiritual Lifeline

There is a child's song which says 'trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God.' This is so very true and we need only the faith of a child. This song talks about 'asking what you will and it shall be done.' If we pray with child like faith and obey God, He will answer and have His way.

Prayer is our spiritual lifeline unto the Lord. If we ask anything in the name of Jesus in faith believing, it will be done for us IF in His will. God's will is His Word and many times we pray amiss because we do not know or discern God's will and Word for our lives. We have to obey in order to be assured our prayers will be answered.

Prayer is like a channel and runs two ways. As we praise and worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth, He sends blessings back in return. If we do our part then God keeps Covenant and blesses just as He promised.

Prayer is just our heart's thoughts released unto the Lord. He already knows them, but He tells us to 'Ask' or make our petitions known. Out of the abundance of the heart, a person speaks. The word 'Ask' reminds me of the story of the man who needed bread for guests in the Bible, and knocked at his neighbors door in the night. Because of his persistence, the man gave him his request. The prayer of importunity always touches the heart of God. Ask can be said to mean A-Ask......desiring and making your request known S-Seek.....Reaching forth by faith to take hold of the promise. K-Knock....Let God know you mean business by being persistent and.....it shall be opened unto you. This is a Biblical method for having our prayers answered and God will not fail us if we 'only believe'.

The windows and doors of heaven are opened unto those who keep the prayer lines open unto the Lord. Expect the spiritual rains to fall in your life and renew your spirit. We can become like 'dry ground' needing these spiritual rains.

When we pray based on the Word of God and its promises out of a pure heart or one of repentance and humility, God answers. The answer may not be as we expected, but we can be assured it will be for our good. 

Remember, when God seems to shut a door, there is always a window open. The secular commercial for a motel chain says, 'we'll leave the lights on for you'. The Word of God has this invitation from beginning unto the end and its all free abiding in Him. It's a promise to us. God is our light and in Him is no darkness. Look up and see the light in his windows of heaven. They are always on and 'just for you' and all he has called. Claim it today and be blessed! You'll be glad you did.

Love In Christ,
Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations 2001


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