All Are Precious In His Sight

Do you remember you favorite childhood games or friends? That might be many years ago!  Time really does slip away.  I can remember how several of the neighborhood children would gather at my home when we were five or six years old to make cakes and pies.  Now that was a long time ago!  Of course we didn't have a  real stove to bake on or real ingredients, but we did have everything needed for our pretend baking.  When our project was completed, we would judge to see who had made the best creation.

I suppose the experience helped some of these choose their life's career.   One friend from childhood days now owns bakeries, but of course someone else does the baking.  Another made a good cook and housewife, and others I have not seen in many years.  The memories still remain fifty years later.  Those were the 'good ole days' when kid's toys didn't have to cost a fortune, and games didn't require a television or computer. People visited each other, enjoyed simple things, prayed together, and life was at a much slower pace than it is today.

Many a day we would gather dirt and mud in pans, stir until just the right consistency, and shape into fake pies to bake in the sun.  Our stove was a cardboard box with the sun as a heating element to bake our creations.  In a few hours they became 'inedible works of art'.  I suppose you may wonder by now where I am going with these thoughts.   Even in remembering childhood days, we can see many examples of how God sees his children and always cares for them. 

There is just something about playing in mud, dirt, and water that fascinates every child.  Later, a Mother has the responsibility of cleaning up the big mess they have made. Even though covered with mud or dirt, no traces can be found once a Mom lovingly makes her child presentable again to the world. 

This is the way it is with our Lord.  Sometimes his children stray from Him and begin to lean toward people or the world's opinions.  Not realizing they are making a big mess of things, 
they continue in situations that begin to harden their hearts to truth.  When one gets away from the Word, they begin to get blemishes of dirt upon them.  This represents earthly things which are of the carnal man, as the first man, Adam.  People may think there is pleasure in sin, but learn they are deceived. 
When they turn back to the Father as he calls them, they find he is always there.  He will clean their life up if they allow him to be Lord over all.  He can take whatever is wrong and make it right. Isn't that just like the God we serve?

The water of God's Word 'washes and cleanses' once his blood covers a life.  The enemy is the loser when Christ is sought and included in every part of our lives. Only a loving Father would take time to make his children clean and pure again "just as if they had never gone astray."  He is compared to "fullers soap' that can cleanse a heart completely.  He alone can purify and purge to make a heart white as the new fallen snow. 

Know anyone who has been playing around the dirt or mud of this world lately?  Maybe they were blinded by the rose colored glasses the world gives.  Do they need help to escape the lies and accusations of the enemy?  Do they feel there is no hope for their life anymore?  There are many out in the world like this.  There are also many in the Churches who have failed the Lord and need God's help.  What can we as Christians do? 
We can help be the answer to prayer.  We need to take Jesus to them.  We can love as he would love and speak as he would speak to bring healing and help.  He is in the cleaning and restoration business.  Time is slipping away and many are looking for someone to help them.  Many cannot see their spiritual condition until God reveals it to them through his Word.  We are to help bring light to those who are lost.

Jesus forgives and will stoop down to write words in the sands of their life which will chase away the enemy of their soul.  The conscience of their enemies will even be convicted as God speaks peace and forgiveness to them instead of speaking condemnation. 

Are we the Master Builder's helpers or part of a wrecking crew?  God knows which business we are in and all of our works.  Next time you see a soul who is in sin and needs help, 
don't look down at them, look up to Him.   Think about how Jesus is there just waiting to clean them up and call them his very own creation.   Remember, what looks like problems for us, is just a "piece of cake"  for the Lord.  He will make them into a new creation for his glory.  He is real, joy unspeakable and full of glory.  There is no problem too big for Him. 
It is his good pleasure to wash and cleanse a soul as he delights in making something beautiful out of a life.
That is one wonderful plan.  Jesus loves all his children, they are precious in his sight.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18.)

For he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap. (Mal. 3: 2)





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