Loving Kindness

"Because Your loving kindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You........."
Psalms 63:

Loving kindness is an attribute of the Lord which is declared by the Psalmist David to be "better than life".  Can we ever fully express what His loving kindness means to us?  There really are no accurate words to describe this kind of unconditional mercy shown unto us.   He promised to always care for us and we can lean upon every promise and word He has spoken.

Grace is God's riches at Christ's expense or unmerited favor which has been freely given unto us.  His mercy knows no heights or depths and reaches to the utmost lengths to rescue one sinner and bring them to Calvary's cross and the finished work of our Lord.

Because our Savior suffered, he also reigns in glory.  It was God's plan for mankind that only Jesus could fulfill and carry forth in the fullness of time.  Our hearts can rejoice in the knowledge that Christ was victorious over the grave and reigns forever.  Because He lives, we too shall live forever if we endure until the end.

Our lips can also rejoice as our heart is filled with this loving kindness each new day.  Come bless the Lord and let his name be glorified and exalted.  Lean on Jesus and his promises as He cannot fail us.  Let his characteristics be within our hearts.  His loving kindness and mercies really are "better than life".  Life is worth the living just because he lives. 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


                              Psalm 27

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 

If God is our light we have nothing to fear. Light is a revealing or disclosing of truth and Jesus is the light who is our salvation.  He has freed us from the bondage of sin and death. Is there anything that we should fear or of which we should be afraid?

We are given the Scriptures and told to "rightfully divide" them.  They are called the 'Sword of the Spirit' because a sword works two ways.  This is also how the Word of God works.  It cuts away what hinders us, {as branches}, from bringing forth fruit and being profitable. It also has another edge to build up and strengthen so that we may be fruitful to edify God and each other.  God is balanced and we must also rightfully divide his Word to apply it to our lives and others as He desires.  We were chosen to go and bring forth fruit fit for the Master's use which will remain.  We have been given all we need to accomplish for the Lord.  The Word properly divided will give Spirit and Life and will make us servants to be used of Him as He desires.

In order to properly use the sword of the Spirit, we must know how to rightfully divide the Word of Truth.  We must have proper discernment and seek godly wisdom and direction.  The armor of the Lord and weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty.  They will tear down strongholds but first the "high thoughts" must be torn out of our own minds and imaginations.  These are thoughts which would exalt themselves over what the Lord wants to do in our midst.  Thoughts that elevate "self" above "his Lordship" must be cast down in lives and then Jesus can be Lord of all to work for all.

May we let the light of the Lord shine by letting our light be as a City on a Hill.  We cannot hide it for only a few to see or hear.   As the flame enfolds, we must have a desire to proclaim and shout from the rooftops as "one", 
what God gives us in secret.  His Words will not return void when we let the Lord search us with his candle as He will search Jerusalem.  We are the Jerusalem of God or will be part of that Holy City, New Jerusalem.  May we desire to become as a "City of Peace" in this day and hour.  As we invite the Holy Spirit to come, we will
see He will do so in his own "gentle way".  His words will be gentle, kind, loving, convicting, uplifting, encouraging, edifying, but most of all 'full of truth,
spirit and life'.  Welcome Him today and feel the true
love of God sweep a holy hush of peace & love unto your Spirit.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

Pleasant  Words Are As
Honeycomb, Sweet To The Soul And
Healing To The Bones." ( Proverbs 16:24 )

What God tells us in the darkness we can shout it from the rooftops....Declare his truths today and see others set free.  If you walk with God today, you can be confident about tomorrow.

             Our Times Are In His Hands

"My times are in thy hands"............ Ps. 31: 15 

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 

Today is a gift from God. "Now" is sometimes referred to as "the present".  Yesterday is gone and in the sands of time.  Tomorrow's light may never dawn.  What we do with today counts for all eternity.  We can choose to live on yesterday's experiences or today's blessings with the anticipation of tomorrow's dreams and promises. 

Today is the day of salvation.  It is a gift from God which each person receives.  We are all given the same amount of time.  We are to "redeem the time" because the days are evil.  We must choose this day whom we will serve.  Jesus is Lord of all and we must serve Him with our whole heart when we choose his ways.  As we share the love of Jesus with others, we also will be blessed abundantly.  He has chosen us to go & tell others of his wonderful plan of salvation.  His Holy Spirit will go before and prepare hearts as we obey.

Today is a 'gift of time' as each minute turns into hours. Today's gift is to be spend wisely.  Each one of us has been given this gift and the same amount of time.  Our times are in God's hands'.  How we spend our time determines if we are investing in eternal treasures which will endure all the tests of time and not fade away.  We are to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven where rust cannot corrode nor the moth consume.  Each day we have this opportunity.

We all are only one heartbeat away from our Savior. Give thanks unto the one who holds us in the "palm of his hand" and writes on our soul a message revealing his love. His love is everlasting and his mercies will never fail. He will deliver us from the snare of the fowler and place our feet on the 'Solid Rock'. 

May He be glorified as the 'Author and Finisher' of our salvation.  Time is passing swiftly and we are one day closer to the coming 'Day of the Lord'.  The cry of the hour is "people get ready Jesus is coming."  Will we hear what the Lord is speaking to us?   Preparation for eternity is the most important thing anyone can do.  We have each been commissioned to share Jesus with others and the things He has commanded us to do. 

The rewards are eternal and the benefits are "out of this world"! 

Blessings in Christ, 
Jo Ann

J. P.'s Inspirations 

"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. John 15: 16.


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