Peace and Glory

The Holy Spirit as our Comforter is like a "dove of peace" sent by the Lord. His many blessings are like a beautiful rainbow of promise as we look into God's Word.  There is nothing in this world which can compare to the peace of God promised us.   All he asks of us is that our minds be renewed and we let Him be Lord of our lives.  His peace really does pass earthly understanding.

The first mention of a dove was when Noah sent one forth to see if the waters were abated off the face of the ground.   Two times the dove was sent forth until she returned the second time with an olive leaf in her mouth plucked off the tree.   Noah waited another seven days and sent forth the dove which did not return this time.  God told him to go forth from the ark with his family and all the living creatures,  be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.

The first thing Noah did was build an altar to the Lord and offer burnt offerings to God in worship.  The Lord was pleased with his offering and said he would never again curse the ground for man's sake nor smite anymore every thing living.  He made a covenant of promise.  While the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night.  These shall not cease as promised by God. 

In all seasons, God's peace can fill our hearts and lives. 
The first mention of the rainbow in the Bible is called "His bow". {Genesis 9:13).   He set it in the cloud as a token of His covenant.  The word "bow" was also referred to as "strength" or "the iris".  This rainbow was a reminder of a promise that the waters would no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.  It also represents God's covenant love and mercy to His people.  The occasional appearance of the rainbow we see is only a glimpse into the heavenlies of the glory surrounding the Lord which awaits the child of God.

Another mention of the rainbow is in Revelation 4: 2. John was in the spirit on the Lord's day and saw the Throne of God in heaven.  He that sit on the throne was to look upon as a jasper and a sardine stone; and a rainbow was round about the throne like an emerald. This was beauty and glory of God which John saw through spiritual eyes in his vision.  It is said the jasper 
& sardine, (sardonyx) stones; were the first and last stones in the breastplate of  the High Priest who ministered before the Lord.  Jesus is our First and Last the Stone which the Builder's rejected, and is the Rock of our salvation.  He is clothed with righteousness, majesty, and glory encircles Him.  John also saw the Living Beings which represent attributes of God.   These Living Beings are around God's throne, lead in worship, and proclaim his holiness.   God's attributes were symbolized in the animal-creature like appearance or descriptions of these four living Beings.   It is said faithfulness and diligence is symbolized by the ox, majesty and power by the lion {as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah}, wisdom and much more by the man, sovereignty and quickness by the eagle as well as piercing sight. 

Ezekiel saw four similar beings or creatures with the appearance of the 'likeness of a man' in his visions in Ezekiel 1: 5-10.  Their appearance was of a lamp, burning coals of fire, and when they moved it was as the appearance of a flash of lightning as they moved.  The spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels and the likeness of the firmament upon their heads.   A bow was also seen by Ezekiel around the Lord as to his glory and majesty.  There is also a description as the "wheel within a wheel".  Ezekiel fell on his face when he beheld this glory of God.  'Cherubims' are the description given in Ezekiel 10 of the living creatures seen under the God of Israel, his heavenly mercy seat or seat of power.  His throne is the heavens and the earth his footstool.  It is interesting to note that the presence and glory of the Lord in the Old Testament met with his people at the mercy seat (between two golden cherubims).  This was made after the pattern of the tabernacle given by God.

The beauty and splendor of God which await us cannot be fully imagined with our natural minds.   There are many treasures in God's Word which the spirit will reveal unto us.  God will give us heavenly glimpses in his Word of the glory of heaven as we rejoice in Him and our blessed hope.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

JESUS is behind each cloud and is pure gold in every rainbow.

                     The Time of His Appearing

As in the days of Noah we are told it shall be,
When our Saviour shall come again to set his children free.
Those who have gone on before shall rise to meet our Lord,
And those in Christ remaining will also share in His reward.

The trump of God shall sound and in the twinkling of an eye,
The bride of Christ shall rise above to live and never die.
The marriage supper of the Lamb awaits those ransomed by the blood,
Jesus is coming again .....just like he said he would.

We must be prepared and ready for we know not the hour or day,
When the final call will come and he will catch his bride away,
It could be the next moment, next day or even years,
But we know that Christ will come away and wipe away all tears.

Harvest time is nearing and the workers still are few,
The message must be proclaimed....there is still much work to do.
Time swiftly passes by and each day souls enter into eternity,
Let us be about the Father's business that lost souls might be set free.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002.



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