Reaching Forth



2001  All Things New 2002
But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
   and reaching forth unto those things which are before.
Phil. 3: 14
Today is the last day of 2001 and the last day of the year
to thank God for his many blessings given to us daily. Each
day of 2001 was an opportunity to praise and worship the
Lord in 'spirit and in truth'.   Each day brought new
opportunities to reach the lost for Christ. Tomorrow begins
a new day and year in Christ's service. How we will use
the time given is our choice. We will each answer for how
we use the time given us, and are told to
         "redeem the time because the days are evil."       
                                      Eph. 5:16
At midnight tonight, many people will "ring in the New Year"
as they celebrate with family and friends. For many, it will
be a time of recalling the events of the past year and
looking forward to what life holds in 2002.  There are many
New Year's resolutions which will be made today.  The Lord
wants us to feel his burden for souls and the end-time
harvest. This is to be our desire as servants of the Lord and
is pleasing to the Father. God desires us to bless him by
being his hand outstretched to fallen man, his feet to carry
the Gospel of peace, and his mouthpiece to proclaim there is
freedom in the Father and his plan of salvation.  May we see
a lost and dying world through the Father's eyes.


We have seen many events this year take place across the
world.  The one which we will never forget is the events of
9-11-2001.  As a result of this tragic day our society
changed forever. It seems the security of our Nation was
not as secure as we had believed. Those who gave their lives
will be remembered as we enter into the new year and hope
for better days ahead.  The many workers who helped during
this time in the rescue efforts are also remembered as they
showed forth compassion and love for those involved in this
tragedy and their families.
May we also uphold our Government with prayers as we ask
the Lord for his protection and help for our Nation in the
coming days.  We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as
well as other Nations. We can rest in God's love and know
he will keep us safe in Him.  Our times are in his hands and
we can rest secure in the knowledge that God already knows
everything we will face and is always there. There is no
reason for unrest as we can have peace just in knowing that
God is always there. The peace of God cannot be bought for
any price and is worth more than silver or gold. It only
comes by having a right spirit in the Lord, obedience, and
having our minds stayed upon Him.  This peace will help us
keep an 'attitude of gratitude', and show forth God's love
even in the midst of the many trials and tribulations while on
this earth. We should press forward and reach for those
things which are before us.  There are many souls in the
harvest of the Lord which not only need to hear about God's
love, but need to see God's love in action.  May we heed his
call and share God's love with others in the coming year.
May your joy be full, your days be blessed, and your spirit
be lifted as you look to Him.  May each day bring new
opportunities to share Jesus and feel his presence in your
heart and life. 
                           Wishing you a Happy New Year
blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as
the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14: 27
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."  ll Cor. 5: 7


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