Redeeming The Time




                                                                      Picture by Bible Verse Art


                      Redeeming The Time

"Be very careful then, how you live - not as unwise, but as wise; making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil".  - Ephesians 5: 15-16.

We are being cautioned by this Scripture to take heed as to how  we live our lives and to use godly wisdom. We learn from past mistakes how important it is not to be deceived by the enemy.

We all have many opportunities to do good and witness for 
the Lord and are admonished to take advantage of these times.  The days were evil when this verse was written, but they are even more troublesome in the age which we now live.

"We have seen the tragedy in our Nation and cannot understand how any one of God's creation would have a desire to destroy innocent people. As Christian soldiers we are to help bring others into the mighty army of the Lord. 
"He is our great Commander-In-Chief and is in charge of all 
in his service.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword  of the Spirit, which is the Word of God: Ephesians 6:17


Wars and rumors of wars are being fulfilled all around us.
People question what we can do in the midst? Hold fast to God's Word and use every opportunity to share the Gospel message of his love with others. Stress and anxiety from tragedy and loss of  life has affected many people across this country. Many lives have been changed forever and some live in fear because of the recent happenings.  The peace of God is the only thing which will help people through these "troublesome times". His peace is not like the world gives, but is an everlasting peace given by a God of Love.

We must make the most of every day God gives us and always draw closer to Him in all we do and say. We are in the Lord's  army and his troops are marching on. No matter what the future holds, we know the one who holds the future. Victory is ours in Christ!

Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001




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