We hear so much about love today and know that in God's eyes, love is the greatest gift of all.  Because He is love and gave us that love when He sent his Son to die in
our place, He also expects us to love.  Love is an "action word".  It is something that is a 'spiritual birthmark' of a believer.  Love identifies the child of God as belonging to Him, because love shows forth his attributes. Love is something each of us must  have one for another but most of all for our Lord and Savior.

Love rejoices always with the truth. Have you ever seen people who did not love the truth but delight in evil instead of good?  Sometimes people who do not have their eyes or hearts set on Jesus delight in evil schemes or works.  Many have not learned to "turn the other cheek" or love their enemies.  One meaning of delighting in evil in this Scripture is "to consume utterly" as to enjoy or take pleasure in being a partaker of evil or seeing evil prosper.  This is something that must be repented of if it exists in our lives as all are commanded to have love one for another which is compassionate, long suffering and kind. 

This Scripture tells us "love rejoices with the truth". 
In this verse it actually means "to congratulate together with".   When we see truth prevailing, we are to be in union with truth and take delight as being one in 'spirit and truth'.  Another Bible translation says: "love is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out."  If we say we love someone, we will be loyal to them and expect the best of them.  We will have a desire to encourage and speak truth.  Love is more important than all of the spiritual gifts in the body of Christ.

The Love of Christ we give to others will be given back to us.  We can never out give God. His love is boundless and unending. Rejoice in the Lord today and let his love surround you as you share Jesus with others.  Love keeps the body of Christ flowing together in harmony, spirit and truth.  No one has ever cared for us like Jesus, there is no other love like the love of our Lord and Savior.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


The love of God fills this whole earth,
From sea to shining sea,
His love flows like a mighty river,
Touching lives as his spirit sets souls free.

His love reaches further than the skies,
And deeper than the ocean's floor,
His heart of compassion reaches down,
And knocks so gently on your heart's door.

Love is is kind,
Love thinks no evil but sees good in all,
Love suffers long..... is honest and true,
Love has been freely given and will see you through.

The love of God cannot be measured or weighed,
It will never fail nor will it ever end,
Love can wipe away a teardrop 
And by his blood cover all sin.

If you feel alone and that no understands,
Reach out to Jesus who knows your every care,
With his love he will guide you as He walks beside you,
He will pick you up and wipe away all tears.

God's Love Is The Greatest of All
Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


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