Thoughts About The Cross  

       and Resurrection



There were three crosses on the hill that day but the one in the middle will forever stand in our memory. Jesus laid down his life on the middle cross that we would not be without hope in this present life. The middle cross stands in our memory as the tree he grew which he knew would be the one He would be crucified upon. He was high and lifted up that day as our sacrifice. just as prophesied.

The wood of the cross was stained with the only "pure and precious blood" of a better sacrifice. This middle cross was to be the cross or stake he would be impaled upon and lifted up toward the heavens. He was the "middle man" or the intercessor who would restore and make a way back to God because of sin and fall of the first man. God provided a way back to Him through the cross of Calvary and our Saviour obeying the Father's will to lay down his life. He was the "God man" who came in robes of flesh to redeem us from the curse of sin and death.

On this cross he would be crowned with thorns which were part of the curse of the earth as a result of sin. He willingly let the thorns pierce his brow and took the sin curse of mankind. If only one drop of blood had fell that day, it would have paid for our salvation. His life's blood was poured out from the stripes on his back and the piercing of his side. He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. This brought a healing stream for the sin sick soul and was the better sacrifice God had ordained from the beginning in his plan for mankind.

He is a healing Jesus and it is his good pleasure to make those who receive Him his sons and daughters.

"....He predestined us to be adopted as His sons
through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His good
pleasure and will" Ephesians 1:5 (NIV)

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word was with God and the Spirit of the Lord moved in the beginning as He still moves and creates new life today.

Because of the "man in the middle" we have eternal life. He was not just an ordinary man but the only begotten Son of the Living God. His purpose in coming to earth was to purchase our eternal salvation and pay the price for our sins that we might receive life eternal.

The promise and blessed assurance of life forever with Christ is only part of what He offers His children who will receive Him. Because He lives we can face each new tomorrow with the blessed assurance that He really does hold the future in His hands. Because He is still the "middle man" who intercedes to the Father for us we know we have a Great High Priest who is touched by the feelings of our infirmities.

He who had the power to tell the thief on the cross he would be with Him that day in Paradise still saves and delivers from the sting of death. He has victory over death and the grave and gives this victory to the believer. What a wonderful Saviour we serve!

Because of the middle cross and the Saviour we have no fear in our lives. He who died is resurrected and lives forever. He lives without our hearts and lives as we are his dwelling place on earth. We are the temple of the Lord not made with human hands. We were created by the Master designer and carpenter of Galilee who still creates new life today.

No matter what storms or trials of life you may encounter, you have the "middle man", Jesus, right in the midst. He is always in the middle of his people and in the midst of every storm of life. He walks with us and talks with us daily through his Word and Holy Spirit which agree. All creation declares the glory of the Lord. Oh what a Saviour!

He is risen. He lives today on high and within our hearts. "Come see and go tell" is still the words which our hearts should hear. Once we see the risen Lord we are to "go tell" and share the message of the promised Messiah first foretold in Genesis 3: 15. The seed of the woman, Jesus, bruised Satan's headship and power although Jesus suffered voluntarily for our sins as no other mortal man would. He declared "It is Finished" and committed his Spirit into the Father's hands. His sacrifice is complete and is still as effective today and powerful as over 2000 years ago. The blood of Jesus will never loose it's power. It will give us strength from day to day and save to the uttermost.

Bless His Holy Name today and forever as we meditate on the old rugged cross of Calvary and the one who "bridged the gap" between God and man. Remember that Jesus still reaches further down than we could ever reach up. He will take your hand and lead you into the way of life eternal you should go. He is our risen Saviour bringing life, hope, and love to all who will only receive Him.

HE LIVES......"Come see and Go tell!"
HE IS RISEN! He is alive forevermore!

" Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's GRACE that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding." Ephesians 1:7-8 (NIV)

God Bless..............
Written by: Jo Ann Kelly 4-14-2001
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001




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