"Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver"


    Still Life with Apples 
By Pierre-Auguste Renoir
                                      Right Words

    "Apples Of Gold In Settings Of Silver"

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report, if  there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Phil. 4: 8 KJV

God loves us so much and tells us the things we are to think upon to be blessed.  One of the first things we are told in this Scripture  is 'to think on things which are honest and true'. 
When we meditate or think on things which are lovely, pure, of virtue and a good report, we will be given wisdom, peace and contentment from God.   This should not be hard for us to do if we love the Word of God and commune daily  with our Saviour. 

The enemy of our soul will try to magnify problems, past, people, and pressures.  We must always be aware of Satan's schemes.   He wants Christians to focus on a negative report
out of envy, strife, disbelief, and on the  results of these. 
We are not to believe his report or accept it.  God's Word says we are "saved, delivered, healed, and filled with His glory".
We have been set free by Jesus and are to walk in this freedom and liberty. 

There are many reports in this world which people hear daily and believe.  It seems each person has a different view or opinion of how they see or understand things.  A person with the mind of Christ looks for good in others and edifies by speaking well of them. 

We always have the choice when we speak of others to leave an impression of good or one of evil.   Our words can either build up or tear down others as they leave lasting opinions in the minds of others when shared.   When we have the mind of Christ, we will diligently look for attributes of Christ in others.   We will be held accountable for the impressions we make in the hearts of others by our spoken words.

We are told: "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." We are to speak as Jesus would of others.  We must also pray according to the "mind of Christ."  We should seek his will for the answers we desire when we know not how to pray as we ought. 

May we  always seek to be more like Christ by looking for 'whatsoever things are lovely and of a good report'.  We are to
remember "our words when fitly spoken are like apples of gold in a setting of silver." We will be given peace and joy which passes our own understanding when we have our minds renewed by Christ to focus on his report for our life and
for others.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001



Quote: "Every trial, every heartache is a point of potential blessing,
because it is a place where we have the opportunity to submit our wills to God and allow Him to live out His life through us."
                                                                                      Charles Stanley



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