Seeking His Presence 

When we wake up in the morning we give thanks for a brand new day. Seeking the Lord early is an assurance of finding Him. He is always there, but sometimes the cares and worries later in the day may crowd out our ability to sense his presence or feel his nearness.  When we start our day with the Lord, everything seems to go so much better. It makes no difference if we read one verse of Scripture or several chapters, (if) we let what we read minister and speak to our hearts and lives.  We should read out of a desire to be taught of the Lord and hear His words.  We can sit at his feet daily and in his presence find true and lasting joy.

God's Word is a "living word" and brings life and power to us as we partake of it.  We are told it is "sweeter than honey in the honeycomb".  The goodness and mercy of God is always near when we call upon Him. 

We all delight in our children or grandchildren calling or expressing to us how much they love us.  This is the same way with our Lord.  He delights in us and rejoices over us when we call unto Him and are pleasing unto Him.

As we move behind the veil of earthly things, we begin to experience the supernatural presence and power of God. Let Jesus be first today in our lives.  Turn your eyes toward Jesus and look to Him first this day. The things of earth really will become dim in the light of his marvelous glory and grace.  We will be rewarded and blessed with all the daily benefits he gives his children.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

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