Sharing Courage - Sharing Christ

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 
My help cometh from the Lord, 
which made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1


This beautiful promise in Scripture tells us we have a helper at all times.  He who created the majestic mountains, vast oceans, and spacious skies is just as close as the mention of his holy name. If you feel you are walking through a dark valley or dry desert, remember Jesus is the "oasis"  in dry places and the "River of Life". He makes living waters flow.  We can rejoice because the River of Living Water is here. 

The Holy Spirit will cleanse and remove anything which would 
obstruct his Spirit from flowing freely. The Water of Life which we received must  cleanse our own heart and soul before it can flow through us and touch others.  God speaks and gives courage to our hearts so we may encourage others.  Courage in Hebrew is "strength or help of God "and means to be established in Him".  We are all to live "in courage" and  speak God's Word of courage to others as we have been strengthened by Him. 

We are to be disciples and help make disciples for Christ.  When He gives a revelation of His Word to us, it is not for us alone.  We are to take this "daily bread", break and distribute it to others.  He is the "Living Manna" from on high and his Word is bread for the hungry to nourish and bring new life in Christ.  Sometimes we lack proper vision to see a lost and dying world just outside our four walls of worship.  There are starving souls in need of "Living Water" and 
the true "Bread of Life". We must look through eyes of Christian compassion to see a lost and dying World as Jesus sees and cares.

As an old song says, "My House is Full, but my fields are empty, who will  go and work in my fields?"   This song tells us to "push away from the table and look outside the window pane." Just outside our houses of plenty is a field of golden grain.   It is white unto harvest but the workers are few. The song also says, "It seems like all God's children want to set around His table,  and no one wants to work in His field."  This is so true today as this age has become a self-seeking society.  Many enjoy life and salvation's benefits without a true burden or desire to share the Gospel message with those on the outside. 

Our calling is not just for the devoted in our gatherings but is first for the disheartened, disassociated,  dysfunctional, discouraged, discontent; the downcast, outcast, lost and dying all around us in this dark world. Will we hear their silent cries and see their needs before it is too late? We read in God's Word "those who are whole have no need of the Physician, but they that are sick".  Matt. 9: 12

Jesus tells us he came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.  People are classified as either "righteous through Christ", or "sinners in need of a Savior." There is no middle ground.  Jesus broke bread with sinners and the undesirable of the times in spite of criticism and rebuke. We must discern between the saved and the lost and pray according to the real need.

There are those who are lukewarm or cold, as the Laodiceans, in congregations across this World. They will be lost unless they repent and return to Him. These need to experience the convicting and drawing power of the Holy Spirit and return to their first love, Christ Jesus.  There are others under attack by Satan who need prayers of agreement offered in spirit and in truth to stand in the face of the adversary. A true burden of the Lord and prayer will accomplish God's will as He desires of us. Lack of agreement in prayer leaves us powerless to see the mission of the Lord accomplished on earth.
May God burden our hearts to take His yoke and do "what Jesus would do"  if He were walking this Earth today. He walks where we walk as the Body of Christ. When we truly become as "one body" and "one new man"  in Christ, we will be His Body on Earth with power and see His will accomplished. We must arise and go to our Bethel, letting Jesus be Lord of all.  There must be a place and time through the power of God, when we arise in Kingdom power and claim what is rightfully ours as a Body of Christ. We have a harvest to claim which Satan is out to steal, kill, and destroy.  Taking back souls the enemy has stole should be our number one priority.

Only with eyes of compassion and faith can we see past the
"blessings and benefits"  and behold the burden of the Lord for the lost of this World.  We have been given power as witnesses of His saving grace.  He has changed our hearts to use our lips to share his Word, our feet to carry the 'good news', and our hands extended to help a lost, hurting and needy people. 

We can lift up our eyes to the heavens with full assurance  He will hear and answer our prayers. He will give us his true burden if we only ask in spirit and truth. He will go before us and prepare hearts to receive.

Let his living waters flow freely. When we let Him "arise" from within as His Word commands, the enemy has to flee. Let God arise today in power.  We have victory through the precious blood of Jesus.  Claim it today with all your heart and be blessed.

                   "From My Heart to Yours"

                    Blessings in Christ,
                        Jo Ann
                    J. P.'s Inspirations


Midi: All of My Heart
Copyright ©1997 by Elton Smith and Larry Holder Songs of Praise
Introduction to Song

All of my heart here to love You,
And all of my soul here to praise You,
All of my life I lay before Your throne.
Glory to You, loving Father,
And Praises to You, my Lord and Savior,
Mercy and grace to me You have made known.

You Lord my God are over all!








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