Helped by His Spirit

The strength of our Lord is always there even when we may be weak. Many times we know not how we ought to pray, but we have a Great High Priest and Intercessor who sent back the Holy Spirit to dwell with us when he went to Heaven.  When we know not how to pray, the Spirit himself intercedes for us and is our help in approaching the Father.

When we have problems, we are not left with our own resources to cope with them.  With Holy Spirit helping us pray, we never have to be afraid to come boldly before God.  We can know it will be in harmony with God's own will.  Then when we bring our requests to God,
we can trust Him that He will answer according to God's will.  The answer will always be what is best for us and God receives glory in all things.

Webster's defines intercession as, "To act between parties with a view to reconciling their differences or points of contention; mediate; to plead on behalf of another." Intercession is defined as, " The act of interceding; prayer or petition on behalf of another."  Intercession is a 'standing in the gap' or in the distance between the way things are, and the way they should be according to God's will.  It is 'petitioning the Father for divine help
and intervention' and God will hear and answer. 

We are never alone and can have the assurance there is one who walks along beside us, the Comforter. He will bring to our remembrance things which we have learned of God and his Word which we have within our hearts. He will help us pray according to the will of the Father and strengthen us.  When our words cannot be expressed adequately, the Spirit of God intercedes for us as promised.  We have a Great High Priest who is touched by the feelings of our infirmities and cares for us.

We can always look ahead with hope and confidence that even when we are weak, our God is always strong and honors humility.  Give thanks for the Holy Spirit who helps us daily and will abide with us forever.  Jesus is not only "the Word" made flesh" but keeps his Word as  promised.  "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent; hath he said, and shall not he not do it?  OR hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? {Numbers 23: 19} Call upon Him and He will always be there.  He is just as close as the mention of his name.  He will show the "immutability of his counsel as He has confirmed it by an oath".  "We have a strong consolation and can lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth
into that within the veil.  Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec."{Heb. 6: 18-20}.  We can all be thankful today that we may come boldly before his throne to find grace and help in time of need. We must turn our eyes toward Jesus.  The things of this world really do grow dim in the light  of his glory and grace 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



One Beside us.....One to Guide us,
One we know who always cares,
One who loves us and protects us,
One who leads us and who shares.

Holy Spirit thou are with us,
Daily comforting us as you help us pray,
You abide within our hearts,
And always lead us in God's ways.

Spirit of the Living God, blessed Holy Trinity,
Sent from up above to quicken and to set our spirits free,
Spirit of the Most High God, we will worship and adore,
God the Father and the Son, we will praise forever more.

Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 0202



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