Home Improvement For Spiritual Temples

by Jo Ann Kelly
December 8, 2000

We make improvements and repairs on our homes but do we keep up and let Christ maintain his spiritual temples? We need to make a close inspection of the condition of our hearts as the temple or home of God's Spirit.

When we accept Jesus we are said to be "in Christ" and are "new creatures" as we have been born again. We are called new creatures because Christ now resides within our hearts through the Holy Spirit. When Christ saves us, he makes us new by the power of His Spirit. Our bodies are referred to in Scripture as the "temple" of the Holy Spirit. The work of Christ begins in the inner man and works on the fleshly nature we are born with. He resides and abides within our hearts to renew and change us.

We are being changed daily into the image of Christ as we study God's Word and put his commands and spiritual laws into practice. Sanctification is a "setting apart" for the Master's use. We are to present ourselves unto the Lord as a living sacrifice, which is just our reasonable service. This is the very least expected of us according to Scripture in Romans 12: 1-2.

There are times in our Christian walk when we may have ideas or logics, which do not line up with the Word of God. These are referred to as "high thoughts" or imaginations, which are exalted above the knowledge of Christ Jesus. If we do not have the fruit of the Spirit in our life, we are lacking the characteristics of Jesus and have wrong thinking.

We are told to cast down high or lofty thoughts, as they can become strongholds. A stronghold is like a fortress, which you might see, in an old Western movie. The bad guys find a fortress to be their stronghold where they "hold up" or stay while fighting the battle. These strongholds are usually strategically located and hard to demolish. A Spiritual stronghold may be compared to this example. When it gets into the heart, it is also hard to tear down and remove.

Strongholds begin with a thought or idea, which comes into the mind. They can be wrong or vain imaginations. False doctrines are also strongholds, which are hard to tear down as reasoning, and logic is affected by what one has been taught. All thoughts begin in the mind and can lead to the heart. A false idea or logic may come into a person's heart as only one thought at a time. Wrong thoughts can be like individual pebbles or stones used to build a walk or garden path. They can accumulate and become like "a yellow brick road" leading straight to the heart. As a person thinks in the mind, it becomes a part of the heart or will. When one continues to believe or receive wrong thinking, this is building a stronghold spiritually. When it is complete, what is in the heart is also revealed in one's speech. We know out of the abundance or fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Paul the Apostle tells us to cast down vain, empty, useless thoughts and reasoning which does not line up with the Word of God. We are to let our minds be renewed or transformed by the Holy Spirit of God and not be conformed to this present world. We are in a battle or spiritual warfare and wrestle not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places. We wrestle against the world, the flesh, and the devil each day. Our thought life must be guarded by carefully watching whom we associate with, what we read, listen to, watch or other outside influences.

When wrong logics, thoughts, doctrines, cares or lusts of the world enter into the mind and are allowed to stay, they lead to the heart and become strongholds. If allowed to stay by being unrepentant, these can become hard to tear down. This is why it is so important to stay in the Word of God and let the "water of the word" cleanse our minds and renew them daily. We are told to shun the very appearance of evil. We must recognize that evil will sometimes disguise its appearance to get a foothold within the mind. This is why we must watch whom we associate with and what is permitted to influence us. Deception is a major tool of the enemy of our souls. We can be "in the world" but not "of the world". Our conversation means our lifestyle and is to be from heaven. Our new "birth certificate" and citizenship is from God above. We are to carefully watch and guard what we have been given by God.

Satan desires to sift a person, as he also desired to sift Peter in the Scriptures. Our Intercessor and High Priest is praying for us also. It is a choice one makes to deny the voice of Holy Spirit conviction and let wrong doctrine or reasoning enter and remain. Once a stronghold has entered the heart, Satan can find a place for his demonic spirits to lodge or hold a person captive. A Christian in obedience may be oppressed of Satan at times but cannot be possessed.

The Spirit of our Lord will not dwell in an unclean temple and our body is called a temple of the Holy Spirit. An unsaved person or one who walks away in disobedience from the Lord may have strongholds and open the door for an attack or entrance of Satan. It is our Christian duty to examine our walk with Christ and see if we are completely in the faith. We must repent and remove any known sins and ask God to reveal our heart to us.

Repentance is a turning from one's wicked ways and going in the other direction away from sin back to God. We are told "if God's people will humble themselves, pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal this land." This is a promise that if we as Christians do our part, God will fulfill his promise to heal the land. There are wicked ways across this land as the result of sin and ungodliness. The example of the nation of Israel as to obedience and disobedience and its results reveals many things to us also.

People in Churches are living in a condition of backsliding if they are not putting God first. We are told to have no other "gods" before our Lord Jesus Christ. The love of money is the "root of all evil". Men have also become lovers of pleasure and of self more than of God in this day and age. Disbelief and sin can contaminate the once clean temples of God if allowed to remain. Jesus wants to be not only our Saviour but also our Lord. He wants to rule over every part of our lives. We are to be in submission to Him and live a holy life. Repentance and change is necessary to stay in God's favor and receive the promises and provisions in His Word. Sin is like "leaven" that only repentance and change can remove.

If we have allowed sin to rule in our mortal bodies, we have allowed Satan access and our once clean temples will have to be restored and rebuilt. What the works of Satan have destroyed has to be designed in the image of God. Only God can redecorate a life with beauty and love which the master of sin once marred. Satan has no rights on God's property. We should put up a spiritual "no trespassing" sign on our hearts and minds to keep the works of the adversary away. We can easily do this by being in obedience to the Word of God and having repentant hearts. All spiritual temples need spiritual home improvement by Christ. He does this as he prunes or removes things from hearts, which may hinder fruit from being produced. Fruit is the character and attributes of Jesus.

Christ Jesus is the solid rock or foundation of our temples. We are to build our spiritual houses upon this rock. All other foundations are just "sinking sand". We have a sure footing and foundation when we build upon Christ as the stone or foundation which never fails us.

When Christians begin to stray, the sure footing or gospel shoes slide. We take them off, as unrepentant sin has no peace. Peace is the only sure footing in Christ and sin removes shoes of peace. If we let down our shield of faith, we cannot fight the battle as intended. Our minds must have the helmet of salvation to guard from the fiery darts and attacks of Satan. If we sin and do not confess it, we are not wearing the "belt of truth" and are not girded or guarded. We are to put on the whole armor, which the Lord supplies us to be fully protected in spiritual warfare.

Jesus never leaves us, but will not look upon nor condone sin. Holy Spirit will deal with a person who has accepted Jesus as Saviour, and try to draw them back into the fold in the same way he deals with the unsaved. A person must hear and receive the call of the Comforter.

One may be able to hide sin from others around them, but not from the all-seeing eye of God. He knows every thought and intent of the heart. Jesus is grieved when one disobeys his call by the Spirit to come unto Him. When one realizes they grieve the Holy Spirit and their sin will not enter into heaven, they have heard the voice of the Saviour calling unto them. If one has walked away from the Father, hears and returns, God will renew, revive, and refill them. He has a garment of praise to give them instead of the spirit of heaviness. The Father stands ready to restore the gospel shoes of peace and the robe of righteousness. The spiritual armor laid aside is there, but a person must put it on when they are clothed with righteousness. It is a matter and desire of the heart to follow the Lord in obedience.

We must present our bodies unto Him, holy and acceptable. We are made holy by the blood of Jesus and receiving His sacrifice. His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness and "the washing of the water of the Word" renews our minds.

Many people who leave Christ seem to put on layer after layer of "spiritual wallpaper" without removing what is underneath and preparing the surface of the heart. Our hearts are referred to as a house, and also as having ground like soil. It must be broken up to receive spiritual seed and watered to reproduce. This "spiritual wallpaper" may look good outside and cover up flaws and failures to the world; but God knows what the inside looks like and desires to change it. When one hears His voice, He begins to strip off the layers of wrong doctrines, thoughts, and ideas; and removes the leaven of sin. He anoints anew with the oil of joy, which is strength. All the walls and divisions of pride, self-will, and other characteristics must come down as God remakes His temple with love, joy and peace within.

Have you even seen Christians who have left the Father's house and tried to continue in their own strength? They soon find it is "not by might, by power, but only by the Spirit of the Lord". His Spirit and love will call unto them to return to their first love in righteousness. Only God's Spirit can renew, revive, and refill, making one fit for the Master's use.

God is so patient and longsuffering. His mercies endure forever. There are many spiritual temples in need of repair by the merciful hand of the Master. He is never too busy to speak peace into a heart and restore what the enemy has tried to steal. We know the thief comes only to "steal, kill, and destroy" but Jesus came "that we might have a more abundant life" through and in Him.

If you are in need of "home repair" call the only one who can make the necessary repairs. You will be fit for a King to live in, as He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is no charge for the call or the repair. It is free as the price was already paid at Calvary. He is as close as the mention of His name. Call unto Him today and He will show you great and mighty things. Let Christ shine his light into your heart and expose any strongholds of doubt, pride, disobedience, sin, or a need for repentance. He will show you through his Word what you are to do and then fulfill his promises. It is a wonderful covenant and contract sealed by the blood of Jesus.

One of the benefits of letting Christ remake a Spiritual temple is the blessed assurance He brings. We have the best insurance policy available with benefits out of this world. There is nothing that can exceed the privileges and promises of our Lord. All one has to do is believe to receive and continue in obedience. Then we are to go forward and proclaim the wonderful work he has wrought in us.

The carpenter from Galilee is waiting today for another temple to build or renew. Will it be yours? He is in the construction and reconstruction business. All work is guaranteed and "home improvements" are free to all. Once He starts renewal, you can sing "Jesus on the inside working on the outside". There will definitely be a wonderful change in your life and heart.

God Bless!

J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2000




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