"Ye shall not need to fight in this battle; set yourselves, stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord..."   2 Chron. 20: 17.

Do you feel you are in a spiritual battle? Help is there for you and you can stand by faith having confidence in God and His Word. Having confidence in the Lord comes only by faith.  Our faith comes by hearing and believing the Word of God.  With Him we can stand secure when trials and troubles may surround us.  The testing of our faith works patience in our lives and we have nothing to fear from the things which may come our way.  If we are in Christ, we know that we can stand firm and be secure.  It is no longer us that live, but Christ that liveth in us.  As we crucify the flesh daily and take up our cross, we are standing on the promises of the Lord and our walk is in the spirit of the Lord.

Standing in the power and might of the Lord is relying on Him with complete assurance He will carry us through.  The 'victory is ours' when we cease from our own works and let his strength work through us and His Spirit be the force which leads us in His Kingdom.  By His Spirit the burden is light and his yoke which is so easy will keep us joined in unity to Him and his purpose.

It is good to know we can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens us.  It is also good to take time out of our busy schedules to simply "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." All around us we can witness his saving grace, his miracle working power, his healing virtue, as day by day Jesus is Lord.  Do we believe His Spirit still draws, convicts, reproves and works as in days of old?  We cannot make the increase in God's Kingdom or set a soul free, but we can help plant seeds of truth and as they are watered with faith; God promises to give the increase by his Spirit.  Only God can make us fruitful and by obedience we will see his will done in lives and hearts.

'If we believe we can receive' but 'if we doubt we will do without' the many blessings He is waiting to give us.  Christ Jesus is our Rock and on Him we have a 'sure foundation'.  When the going gets tough, run to Jesus.  He will hold you up when you feel you are going down.  He is the lifter of your head, healer of the heart, and restorer of souls.  With Him, all things are possible. 
Believe and receive!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Look Up.....Jesus is King

Look up when you are down,
He is the "Lifter of your head"
His love can always be found,
If by his hand you are led.

Feed your faith and doubts will die,
Confidence in Him can move the mountains,
You can make it when by faith you try,
For you He will open heaven's fountains.

Have a trial that is hard to bear?
It will work confidence and patience within,
Look to the future and his love share,
He has washed and cleansed you from all sin.

Hail Jesus, you are our King,
With you in our hearts we have reason to live,
Because you reign our hearts can sing,
You love is greater than this world could ever give.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


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