Grace That Still Amazes

"But many who are first now will be last then; and some who are last now will be first then."
Matthew 19: 30.

God's riches were given at Christ's expense when the Lord took our place on Calvary's cross. We have many benefits because of his grace.  We see in God's Word that obedience brings reward.  We must abide under the shadow of the Cross while reaching out to the lost.  God gives rewards to his people according to his justice and grace as first related in the Old Testament.  The promise of reward and blessings is given in Deuteronomy 28, although obedience and reward are not always linked.   If this were true, then we would see good people all be rich, and suffering or poverty would be considered a sign of sin in a Christian's life. This is a false opinion by some faiths and religions in the world today.  We understand that "many are the afflictions of the righteous. " The reward for obedience may not be seen on this side of life, but it will surely come as promised.

God will deliver out of afflictions in his time and way here or in that eternal city.  Faith is simply trusting God to be in control, regardless of circumstances or suffering.  He is God in either good or bad times.  When we doubt, consider God's servant, Job.  Job endured and continued to serve the Lord in spite of his sufferings.  He had victory in the end of the story by his faithfulness as he trusted in the mercies of God.
Faith is knowing and believing God is able to keep what has been committed unto Him. 

Many who suffer in this life are said to be lacking in faith, but this is not always true.  We see many dangers, toils, and snares in Hebrews 11 which the Saints of the Old Testament had to face.  They endured in faith and received their reward and a better country.  These had true faith in God and the unseen things although life was not always perfect or prosperous.  They did not have great mansions as we see today, but they were blessed 
beyond measure because they walked by faith and not by sight.  We have a New Covenant of Grace and are free in Christ.  Suffering will also be in our life, but the trying of our faith works patience and eternal hope in Christ. 

Blessings come in many different ways and are not always as the natural mind sees them.  We must look to the invisible by faith to see as our Lord sees & recognize how very blessed we all have been because of his amazing grace.   Jesus stated to his disciples that "anyone who gives up his home, brothers, sisters, father, mother, wife, children, or property, to follow him, shall receive a hundred times as much in return and have eternal life.  This shows us that we must choose "Jesus" over the things of "the world."  Many who are first will be last when the Lord comes, but those who feel they are last because they choose the Lord, will be first in that day.  It is God's
desire we be in good health and prosper, but prosperity has taken on a new meaning in this day and age.

The works of Jesus turned the values of this world upside down.  Not many people in this world today who are powerful reached that position by being mild-tempered and gentle. These who rule and endorse the ungodly laws contrary to God's Word will one day suffer loss.  We cannot afford to forfeit eternal rewards for temporary benefits. We must be willing to make sacrifices now in order to have greater rewards hereafter.  Are we willing to accept the disapproval of men for the approval of God?  We must abide in Him and seek to please Him first, at any cost. 

Entrance to heaven and eternal life with our Lord is only through his marvelous grace. Grace...grace...marvelous still amazes,  it still saves, and it will keep us safe until He carries us home.  May we always choose Jesus over all the things of the World, which are only temporary.  He will take care of us and supply all of our needs if we will only  cast all our cares upon Him and seek Him first.  What an "Awesome God we serve."  He reigns forever with wisdom, power and love!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann 
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Marvelous Grace
Grace, Grace, marvelous grace,
Grace that saves and sets our soul free,
Grace that still amazes us as it has saved us,
Grace that opens blinded eyes that they might see.

There is no one so lost that they cannot find God,
His ear is ready to hear their heart's cry,
There is no sinner which he cannot save,
And for all mankind.....he came to live and die.

The supreme sacrifice lifted high upon the tree,
That old rugged cross on dark Calvary's hill,
The darkness changed to light and power to behold,
As he arose from the grave that we might be saved and healed.

Grace.....The riches of God at the expense of Jesus,
The one who paid the cost and died in our place,
One day we shall behold him in all of his splendor,
Every knee shall bow and confess He is Lord....The One who saves.

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations


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