Sweet Communion   &        
    A Prayer Of Faith


               Sweet Communion

When you woke from sleep this morning,
Though the hour was rather late,
Did you stop to speak with Jesus,
And His benediction wait?

Did you thank Him for His mercy,
For His care through all the night,
That no evil had befallen,
That no tears now dim your sight?

Did you ask Him for the blessing
Of His presence through the day,
For His leading safely onward,
For His guiding lest you stray?

Did you tell Him that you'd gladly
Go wherever He would lead;
That you'd try to do His bidding,
Helping every soul in need?

If you go without these blessings
As you start another day,
Be assured your strength will fail you,
And you'll faint along the way,

O, live closer to the Master;
For unless you're very near,
Words of love He whispers to you
Will not reach your listening ear.
           Author unknown


                           A PRAYER OF FAITH

"He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifeth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory; for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he hath set the world upon them".
1 Samuel 2: 8

As we read this prophetic prayer of Hannah, we see promises which the Lord will do for all who trust in Him.  We also see God exalted with high praises by Hannah.  As God answered the petitions of Hannah, he will answer our prayers when  we pray according to his will in faith believing.

In Hannah's prophetic prayer and song in 1 Samuel 2, we see several points worth examining.   Hannah was probably not the first woman to stand by the high priest and pray,  but she would be remembered for her prayer, (1 Sam. 1.), as she prayed for such definite things. 

We also learn the importance of asking for definite things instead of many general things as we pray.  Hannah would not be satisfied with any substitute for her request.  Her petition would be repeated until the Lord answered her specific request.  If she had not received a boy child from the Lord, she would have continued to pray each year until the answer came.  Our persistence should be the same for souls, until we see Christ formed in others. 

There are four personal references of Hannah in this prayer of faith.
1. Her heart rejoiced in Jehovah
2. Her horn was exalted in Jehovah
3. Her mouth was enlarged over her enemies
4. She rejoiced in the salvation of the Lord

Everything within Hannah rejoiced because she knew God was a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  Hannah exalted and lifted up the name of Jehovah.   All glory and honor was ascribed unto Him as the God of her salvation.  There were also 10 predictions made by Hannah in this prophetic song. 

We are told that God records our deeds as she states, "By Him, actions are weighed." (vs.3). 'To weigh' in Hebrew meaning is from the word "takan", which means to measure out, balance,
arrange, equalize, estimate, test, mete, ponder, or weigh. She is speaking in the sense of God being a God of justice. This refers to God keeping an accurate account of all words and deeds of men to see which side of the ledger they will be placed upon.  Men will give account of every idle word as well as good words, and answer to God.  Until that day, God is always a God of righteousness who weighs the actions of his people to judge accordingly. 

Hannah made three points or statements about the glory of God and his attributes .
1. None was as Holy as Jehovah
2. None was as Great and Powerful as her God.
3. None was as Solid like Jehovah or as
Dependable and Unmovable.

Do we also give the same glory and honor unto God?   Hannah seemed to repeat the same thoughts over and over.   God loves praise unto Him and continual affirmations of His word and character are pleasing unto Him. He also desires we continue in well doing until the answer comes.   Her prayer and example were worthy of being included in the first Book of Samuel.

Hannah had presented her petitions unto God and the Lord granted her request.  She had vowed a vow unto God which she kept when her request was granted.   As long as her child Samuel lived, he would be lent unto the Lord as she had promised and vowed to
God in her prayer. We are also to honor promises made unto the Lord.

Hannah also gave two warnings to her enemies. These warnings were:
1. to talk no more exceedingly proud, and,
2. to let no arrogance come out of their mouths.

She warned them for two reasons. These reasons were: 
1. Jehovah was a God of knowledge, and 
2. by Him were all actions weighed.

Hannah stated that the adversaries of the Lord would be broken to pieces but the horn of his anointed would be exalted.

This prophetic prayer/song of Hannah has been taught throughout the ages as one of great faith and perseverance.   Although misjudged by the Priest in her praying, Hannah continued in faith
until she received the blessing and answer to her prayer.   Her countenance was sad as her complaint and grief was being poured out to the Lord.   She knew God searches hearts and he understood her heaviness and grief of spirit.   When she received the blessing from Eli as he spoke peace, her countenance was no more sad. She had joy within her heart and faith for the answer.   She received the answer to her prayer and had the victory.

Hannah's prayer was an example of celebration for God's providential care of  those who remain faithful to Him.   Hannah's faithfulness was rewarded in the person of Samuel, who served his Nation as prophet, priest, and judge during a critical time in its history. 

Let a new song be in our hearts today as we also proclaim "there is no one like unto you, O God". Being in the presence of Jehovah gives us a heart of true rejoicing.   May we see Christ~mas as Christ being formed in souls and celebrate our Savior who makes intercession.  May we seek to be more like Him daily.  Keep praying until the answer comes.  Be blessed today and a blessing.

In Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001




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