Taste and See that the Lord is good 

"O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him.  O fear the Lord, ye his saints; for there is no want to them that fear him."
Ps. 34: 8-9

We are told to "taste" that we might 'see' or be convinced that our Lord is good.  One might ask us the question, "what does it mean to taste" to see the goodness of God?   In Hebrew meaning the word "taste" is "taam" which means "to perceive" or "to know by experience".  There is a big difference in knowing about God and knowing Him personally.  To know Him personally, we will experience a living relationship with Him and commune with him daily in fellowship.  We will desire to know Him intimately as our Father, and his Son Jesus who gave his life that we might live. 

His goodness is rightousness and he is a just God who blesses all those who truly love Him.  His mercy is from generation to generation.  It is a wonderful invitation in the Scriptures when we are called to "taste and see" that the Lord is good.  Do we really see his goodness?  Or, do we look only to one another.  We do not have any righteousness of our own, but only that which is given through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.  He has made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.  (2 Cor. 5: 21}. The Apostle Paul told the brethern they were full of goodness.  They were only made good, or as righteous; by the power of God's Holy Spirit.  Looking to Christ makes all the difference as we walk through this life.


We have each been given the free choice to choose good or evil. We are either to make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and the fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by his fruit according to Scripture. {Matt. 12: 33} Both sides of the
scales in our life must hold "goodness" to be acceptable to God.  There cannot be a balance when evil is present in a life.  We are either "with God or against Him."  Receiving his blood makes one worthy & puts his goodness and peace within a heart. Our desire should be to have the fruit of the spirit in our lives and be pleasing to God.  We are told it is in all goodness, righteousness and truth, proving what is acceptable
unto the Lord. {Eph. 5: 9}.

When we compare ourselves with other people or ministries, may we always first compare the spiritual things we are doing both 'inside our Churches and outside to reach the lost.  So many today are more concerned with goals that may help 'entertain the lost' 
but cannot 'enlighten the lost'.  Once we set our goals to reach the lost, help set the captives free, and do what Jesus would do; our vision will be on the 'internal instead of the external'.  The spiritual will be our first concern as it is only "by his Spirit" that we can accomplish anything lasting.  We will see revival must
start within our hearts and will come from within.  It does not fall upon people, but must arise out of broken and contrite hearts which are seeking God in 'spirit and in truth'.  His Spirit is the "rivers of living water" which has already been poured out and now flows from one's innermost being. God's glory will only come when His people have the pattern he has given as their reason for worship with an attitude of true gratitude because of "who He is."


Our focus must be on "what will draw us out into the world" to share God's burden with others as He desires. It is all about what Jesus has commanded us to do.
When we are burdened and see the world as a mission field, the problems we seem to focus on will soon vanish.  Tasting of the "manna" of the Lord will enlighten our eyes to see there are not enough workers in the field of the Lord. As the old song says,
"it seems like all my children want to sit around my table, but no one wants to work in my fields." This is true in so many Christian circles.  We seem to focus on how much better things could be within our four walls with the changes we desire to see.  We fail to see how much better things could be for the 'lost and dying outside our fellowships' if we first seek to make the
changes Christ desires within our own lives.  Our priorities determine what we produce for Christ.

Once we partake of the Lord's table of grace we will behold the beauty of the cross and know the real joy found in salvation.  His food is truly spiritual manna from on high.  He became flesh as the 'Word of God' that the world might behold Him and God's plan.  There are many benefits of the Lord promised if we trust in Him.  The Scripture tells us we will be blessed, and there will be 'no want' to those who fear Him. May we be ever aware of the majesty and awe of our Lord and Savior. 

As we bless Him and others, we will receive his joy and have renewed strength. Let his manna from on high bless you and others as it is the "living bread of life" which will always be provided for the hungry. He has not just given us his manna and blessings to keep for ourselves, but to share with others that they might have new life in Him.  Let his love flow freely that it may reach lives for Christ.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



                  Taste and See

O taste and see that the Lord is good,
His love has been freely given,
His mercies last forever and His compassions fail not,
He makes each day of life worth living.

His body was broken and his blood poured out,
That a lost and dying world might be found.
He feeds the hungry and cares for us so,
With his hand of love he reaches down.

No matter the problem....no matter the care,
He has grace to cover each need,
Just reach up to Him as he reaches down,
The Savior is waiting and his love you can receive.

Call on him today...Don't turn him away,
No other can help you like the Lord,
He will pick you up and turn your life around,
Walk with you always...then give you eternal rewards.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Phil. 4: 7







Song Lord Of Harvest by:

© copyright: Elizabeth & John Tolson 1998


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