A Promise: "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Ps. 30:5


And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore 1 take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9,10).
God has promised to provide strength for his children in times of weakness. 






              A Tear Fell 

Kirby Jonas, September 11, 2001
New York City Fireman                                               

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Morning broke, bright and clear.
A new day, full of hope, full of promise.
They kissed, they hugged, they said goodbye. 
They would meet again,
Meet when the duties of the day were fulfilled.
Then a tear fell, and was heard around the world.
The unspeakable came to visit America,
Land of the Free.
Human-filled missiles. Balls of fire from the sky.
Twin towers. World icons. Now ominous infernos.
Open mouths, stares of disbelief.
Then, in a moment, the towers were gone.
A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Piles of rubble remained where hours before
Thousands appeared for a normal day of toil.
Dads, moms, sons and daughters-
If they forgot to say goodbye they never would.
Gone in a moment, gone in horror, hurled to their deaths.
America rallied. More important, the World rallied.


A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Rescuers by the hundreds died
When the behemoths came down.
The hopeless, the helpless, jumped to their deaths,
Hundreds of feet in the air, plummeting like birds,
Forgotten how to fly.
But they will not be forgotten. Ever.
A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Broken bodies, broken homes, broken dreams.
The cries of those buried alive went unheard.
But some, by the mercy of God, were saved.
Somehow, some way, their angels found them,
Hovering there, weeping, praying.
Calling on that very God their nation had forgotten.
People died that autumn day.
People died by the hundreds.
Defenseless people died without warning.
From the air, they died. From the towers, they died.
They came to rescue their fellow man, and they died.
A monument will rise there, on hallowed ground,
For a tear fell, and it was heard around the world.



"Tears are a language God Understands."



                             May You Know

May God work in you richly today....may He give you eyes to see what He sees, as His eyes travel to  and fro...

May He give you wisdom, understanding, and knowledge pertaining to all things...

May He give you a heart after Himself....may you be given discernment in every situation that faces  you...this and every day...

May He bless you as you are coming in and going out...and may you ...bless yourself in the  Lord this and every day.

May you......give yourself to Him fully and totally with out reservation. May you praise  Him for all things..and especially praise Him...in all things.

May you in totality and finality receive His gift of forgiveness...knowing that nothing that  has happened in your life....was nothing, but a stepping stone that drew you closer to  Him..

May you ask...what the Lord can do for you...and also what you can do for Him.

May you choose this day..whom you will serve..totally, fully and excitedly without  holding anything back...

May you hold Him in AWE and total respect today...May you love yourself as you go  about loving others...

When trouble comes up against you ...may you know this is opportunity to praise  Him.....to thank Him...knowing He will show Himself mighty and powerful..in you and  in the situation..

May you know...He loves you with an everlasting love...one that endures and hopes all  things..

May you know He is all sufficient...and life giving...May you know Him as your  breathe...

May you know Father God...as your daddy...the one you can run to when you have an  ouwie...*S*

May you know He is always listening for the words that are on the inside of you that  cannot find their way...out.. to take flight..on wings...

May you know Him as your healer of the wounds...placed there so many years ago...

May you know Him because of His grace...that is always sufficient and powerful enough  to meet the challenge you face..

May you know Him as best friend in all the world...knowing you are safe in His care..

May you know...He never leaves you nor forsakes you...for another..with a better  body...or because the grass looks greener on the other side...

May you know..His ears are always turned toward you...waiting patiently for your words  to be whispered to Him...

May you know He gazes upon you...with a smile in His eyes...

May you know...there is no problem to big for Him to handle and that He is concerned  with all that you are concerned with....

May you know...He loves you deeply and unconditionally...just because you are His workmanship..

May you know...you are not only a human being....you are also a human becoming....

May you know....when you were in your mothers womb......He looked on you with such compassion...and all the angels applauded....at the wonderful work of art you are...

May you know.....He has no secrets to hide out of view from you....He desires you know Him fully and intimately.....as He already knows you....

May you know...He seeks fellowship with you....a one on one conversation......with a volley of words spoken....

May you know.....it is ok.....to just be yourself....and allow to flow freely from you....all.....that He has deposited on the inside of you....

May you know....Him intimately today....and this day forth.....

Debra McGee Trammell 




Lessons to Learn
I will learn that true happiness is not always to achieve my goals, but to learn to appreciate with what I have achieved. 

I will learn that I should control my attitude,
and not let my attitude control me. 

I will learn that to be rich is not to have
the most, but to need the least. 

I will learn that it is futile to compare myself to others, because there is always someone better or worse than I am. 

I will learn that it takes years to build trust,
and a few seconds to destroy it. 

I will learn that there are people who love me very much, but simply do not know how to show their feelings. 

I will learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness. 

I will learn that I cannot make anyone love me,
but learn to let myself be loved. 

I will learn that what is most valuable is not what I have in my life, but who I have in my life. 

I will learn that it only takes a few seconds to hurt people I love, and that it can take years to heal. 

I will learn that money can buy everything but happiness. 

I will learn that while at times I may be entitled to be upset, that does not give me the right to upset those around me. 

I will learn that true friends are scarce, and when I have found one I have found a true treasure. *

I will learn that it is not always important that I be forgiven by others, but that I forgive myself. 

I will learn that I am the master of what I keep to myself
and the slave of what I say. 

I will learn that happiness is a decision, and decide to be happy today with what I am and what I have have, not die from envy and jealousy of what I lack. 

I will learn that those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences succeed in life. 

I will learn that I will reap what I plant; if I plant gossip I will harvest suspicion, if I plant love I will harvest happiness. 

Blessings In Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

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