The Way, Truth & Life

"I am the Good Shepherd and know my sheep, 
and am known of mine."
John 10: 14.

We all know people who have strayed from the straight and narrow way. We pray for others and hope to see them return to the Lord.  There is only
one way for all and this is to follow Christ Jesus, our good Shepherd.  He is "The Way, The Truth, and The Life."  He has called us and we are to reach  out to the lost and not only tell them about Jesus, but show them the love of God in action.

We know the voice of our Lord as He gently speaks to us.  All who have received salvation's plan heard Jesus call them to repentance.  Without hearing the call of the Lord and seeing a need to repent and turn to Jesus, one could not be saved.  Hearing the gospel message and receiving it by faith is being a doer of God's Word.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. 

May we help share the plan of salvation with a lost and dying world.  It is not up to us to convince or convict as that is the work of Holy Spirit in a life. When we plant seeds of God's word by speaking
His message, the Holy Spirit will water it and God gives the increase if received by a willing heart.

Believing is receiving and God loves each person, saint or sinner.  He desires each one to come unto Him just as they are that he might make them to be Christ-like and his followers.

Being about the Father's business is the most profitable work of all.  The rewards are eternal and there is nothing greater than seeing a life turn toward Jesus and be changed by Him.  May we be filled with his power and wisdom along with a true burden for reaching others who need a Savior.
His loving kindness really is better than life!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002




  Our Good Shepherd

All like sheep were astray, 
None could find their way,
Then God sent his only Son,
Our Good Shepherd who hears when we pray.

He came unto his own but they received him not,
He called us out of darkness into his marvelous light,
His loving kindness is better than life,
He gives peace as he takes away sin and strife.

He is the Shepherd that lovingly cares for the sheep,
All those that are his....He will safely keep,
Hear him calling as he leads the way,
His love will carry you and keep you each day.

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002                



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