"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might          not sin against thee." Ps. 119: 11

We have been given a 'book of love and life' from the Father above, our Holy Bible.  The words of this book will keep us from evil if we willingly obey God's laws within the pages.  We have a free choice to accept or reject the words which were written as God inspired holy men of old.  Belief in divine inspiration of the Scriptures is one of the foundations of the doctrines which we believe. {2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21}

Our choice is before us to choose good or evil.  Sin will keep one from the Bible as it takes away a person's desire to communicate with God.  The Word of God is a light which convicts the mind and heart of wrong doing to help save man's soul.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Without faith, we cannot please the Lord.  A desire to do good will create in us
a love for the Word of God and his righteousness.

The Bible as a whole is divided into 66 books. It is God's inspired revelation of the origin and also final destiny of all things which are and ever shall be.  It is the power of God unto eternal salvation and man's hope for body, soul, and spirit.  Our Bible as a literary composition is the most remarkable of all books ever written.  This library is divine and contains literature, history, poetry, law, allegories, instructions for worship, history, proverbial sayings, hymns, laws, riddles, drama, prophecy and so much more.  It contains many promises which Saints were given and we can also claim by faith today. These promises cover every known need which we may have in this life and the life to come.

We must have a hunger and a desire for the Lord to speak to us.  His words are 'spirit and life' and we can hear from Him if we will spend time in his presence. Loving the laws of the Lord will bring life and liberty. His words are living and have the power to change 
a life and heart if they are obeyed as they proclaim salvation's plan. 

No other book in the world has ever influenced people like our Holy Bible.  It is as high as the heavens are above the earth in comparison with all other books.
Without the Scriptures, men would walk in spiritual and moral darkness but God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path'.

May we always cherish the Words of Life given in our Holy Bible and hide them within our heart. They will teach and lead us into paths of righteousness.
Our God is "real" and his Word  will endure forever.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 200


Quotes on the Bible

"God's Word is a mirror to reflect, a hammer to convict, fire to refine, seed to multiply, a laver to cleanse, lamp
to guide, food to nourish, milk for babes, bread for the hungry, meat for men, and honey for desert. It
is rain and snow to refresh, a sword to cut, a bow for revenge, gold to enrich, and power to create
life and faith."........ F. Dake

"Almost every man who has by his lifework added to the sum of human achievement.....has based his lifework largely upon the teachings of the Bible.....Theodore Roosevelt.

"It {the Bible} is the rock on which our Republic rests.".....Andrew Jackson

"England has become great and happy by the knowledge of the true God through Jesus Christ....This is the secret of England's greatness.".....Queen Victoria

"The Bible is more than a Book; it is a living being with an action, a power of which invades everything that opposes its extension."......Napoleon Bonaparte

"The sacredness of the Bible awes me."....William Cullen Bryant

Romans 8: 28...."All things work together for good to those who love the Lord...."

All things work out....


Because it rains when we wish it wouldn't,
Because men do what they often shouldn't,
Because crops fail, and plans go wrong-
Some of us grumble the whole day long.
But, somehow, in spite of the care and doubt,
It seems at last that things work out.

Because we lose where we hope to gain,
Because we suffer a little pain,
Because we must work when we'd like to play-
Some of us whimper along life's way.
But somehow, as day will follow the night,
Most of our troubles work out all right.

Because we cannot forever smile,
Because we must trudge in the dust awhile,
Because we think that the way is long-
Some complain that life's all wrong.
But somehow we live, and our sky grows bright,
Everything seems to work out all right.

So bend to your trouble and meet your care,
For the clouds must break, and the sky grow fair;
Let the rain come down as it must and will,
But keep on working and hoping still;
For in spite of the grumblers who stand about,
Somehow, it seems all things work out. 

Author Unknown      


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