Tree of life

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;  and he that winneth souls is wise."
Proverbs 11: 30

As believers, we have 'the righteousness of God in Christ'.  He is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, santification, and redemption that we might glory in Him. {1 Cor. 1: 30-31} It all begins with loving the Lord first with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. His laws are not made to be hard to keep as they all begin with and focus on loving God and others.  We are only made upright by accepting the finished work of our Lord as there is none righteous without Jesus.  His grace is what makes us who we are spiritually and also helps us to live our lives by the power of his Holy Spirit and his supernatural work within us.

Every Christian is to bring forth good fruit.  Jesus said he chose the disciples that they might go and bring forth fruit which would remain. {Jn. 15: 16.} When we witness to the lost and help win souls for the Lord, 
we are presenting salvation's plan to bring forth souls and being fruitful.  Eternal life with Christ will be the reward and the tree of life.  Those who follow godly wisdom and have accepted Jesus who endure until the end will live forever and never die. 

Just as the Bible said, "the tree, (herb bearing), of the field was man's life physically, {Deu. 20-19}; we know 
spiritually Jesus is our 'tree of life.' One meaning of the word tree is 'firmness' and it is only through His strength we can stand strong in our Christian walk.  He is the vine and we are the branches and our strength 
comes from abiding in Him.  God's wisdom is said to be a 'tree of life' in Proverbs 3: 18 and happy is the man that findeth it.

When we proclaim God's Word and testify of his saving grace, we are planting good seed in hearts.  We are told one plants, one waters, but God gives the increase and receives glory. {1 Cor. 3: 7}.   His Word is like seed and hearts are as the ground which can bring forth and reproduce for the Lord through faith.  We all desire as Christians to be as the tree in Psalm 1 that is planted by the rivers of water and bringeth forth his fruit in his season.  His leaf shall not wither and he shall be prosperous in all he does.  Our delight must be in the
Lord and in desiring his ways and will.  Soul winners are called wise and each of us desire to be wise in the eyes of the Lord.  Being fruitful in the vineyard of the Lord is God's plan and will for his children.  His wisdom exceeds the wisdom of the world and this world cannot understand the things that be of the spirit of the Lord. He enlightens and gives power to all who seek Him.

We have wonderful promises and know that Revelation 2:7  tells us "he who overcomes can partake of the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God."  We are also told in Ezekiel 47 that there will be "evergreen fruit trees" that will grow on both sides of the river of the sanctuary in Jerusalem.  The fruit of these trees shall be for meat, the leaves will forever be green and the fruit will never be fully used up.  They will always abundantly produce as new fruit will be monthly instead of only in a season or yearly.  The leaves will be for medicine according to Ezekiel 47 or each person will have perfect health and wholeness as glorified and sustained by the Lord.  The word "medicine" comes from a root word meaning "to make whole or to cure."  Only by the strength and power of the Lord, who is as the Vine, will we put on immortality one day and live forever as was God's original plan for life.

In the first paradise or "garden of Eden" were two trees. These were the Tree of Conscience or "Knowledge of Good and Evil," and the "Tree of Life".  In the new earth there will be no tree to tempt but the tree of life of which the righteous, who overcome, can freely partake and live eternally.  The tree of life in New Jerusalem will bear twelve kinds of fruit which will be available each month where life will be abundant and never end.  There are many joys that await us in all eternity in addition to the joy of the Lord which we can have now.  May we set our goals to worship God, obey his laws, be soul winners with vision and we shall partake of the tree of life.  We must continue to spiritually plant, water, and God will give the increase.  His name is majestic in all the earth and to be glorified!  One of our greatest promises is in Rev. 22:3 which says, "his servants shall serve Him".  We shall then see Him "face to face" and be blessed forever for keeping the sayings of the prophecy of His Holy Book.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.s Inspirations (c) 2002


                           Once upon a Cross

Once there was a tree......which was destined to be,
The cross on which Christ would be crucified at Calvary,
Upon this tree our Lord was lifted high,
On this cross He suffered for us and died.

He grew the tree which he knew would be,
The old rugged cross just for Calvary.
This tree was stained with precious blood which he shed,
It wasn't nails that held him there, it was love instead.

The cross of Calvary where he bore the curse of sin,
Will forever be remembered as salvation's plan for fallen man.
Upon this tree he died to give life to you and me,
Because of Calvary.......we believe and are set free.

Once upon a cross.....Jesus died for all the lost.

Whom the Son makes free is free indeed.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


God's Addition............His Love .....(1 Cross & 3 nails) = 4 Given.
Believe and Receive


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