Thoughts On Trials And Temptations

                         "Blessed by the Test"

Happy are those whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom you teach out of your law, giving them respite from days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked.  For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Psalm 94:12-15 (NRSV)

Most everyone we know wants to be "happy" and have victory in Jesus.  The Hebrew word for "happy" is blessed {bawrak}, and means a benefit of God.   We can be blessed in all the tests, tribulations, and trials of this life if we follow God's instructions.  "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience experience,  and experience, hope.  And, hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."
Romans 5: 4-6

The Psalmist David also tells us how to be blessed and also gives us 'promises of justice' for the righteous in Christ.  We have obtained like precious faith through the "righteousness of God in Christ."

Happy are those whom the Lord disciplines.  Discipline is the word for "teach or instruct" from the Hebrew word "moosawr".  This word means instruction, check, correction, doctrine, and also rebuke at times.  God's laws are set forth to teach us how to be blessed. Discipline may sometimes seem "narrow",  but this is the way that leads unto eternal life.  When we are taught by the laws of the Lord, we are given "respite" from days of trouble. 

What does the word respite mean?  The Scriptures tells us we can be given respite.  Respite is "relief", "breathing", or "room" in Hebrew meaning, and actually means deliverance or that he will 'enlarge our hearts' or borders. We will have space to be revived, refreshed and "breathe freely" according to Hebrew meaning. This is a great comfort in times of stress and trials of life and the root word is also "to enjoy".  This is something all of us desire in life.  Enjoy is to dwell "in his joy" or "to have favor with God".  We do not have to be in 'dire straits' because of the enemy.  If Jesus is on our side, He will give us freedom and enlargement of heart.  The Bible tells us he will "enlarge our steps" as  He did for the Saints of the Bible.

This surely does not mean we are delivered out of all the troubles  which may come our way.  It means we will be given peace in the midst of any trouble or woes which we may walk through.  We will be in God's favor and grace even through we may have troubled times.  Whom the Son makes free, is really free indeed.  The circumstances do not matter to God as long as He is in control.  In other words, we can be refreshed even in the midst of troubles.  We are promised this peace until a "pit" is dug for the wicked. 

Does God dig a pit for the wicked? Actually, they determine their own fate by either obedience or disobedience unto His ways.  A pit in Hebrew meaning refers to a "trap" or "destruction".  This word comes from a word meaning to perish, lose, or be cast off.  We understand this is the end result of "not believing upon the Lord" or walking in his right paths.  He that believeth shall have eternal life but he that believeth not, shall perish or suffer "the pit of destruction". 

We have many trials or tests in this life.  How we react will determine our final destination and fate.  We can walk through the trials and tests knowing that our Lord has already gone before us.  He will carry us through safely, until the wicked are snared by their own actions. "He that diggeth a pit, shall fall therein".  We are promised safety from the desired result of the schemes of the enemy.  What the enemy means for harm can be reversed by God into something good for the glory of God.

We are promised the Lord will not forsake his people or abandon his heritage.  Justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.  Justice here means "righteousness" and is from the word "tsaw-dak" which means to make right or be right, clear or cleanse self.  We must be upright in heart to be blessed. 

Upright means "to be straight or right" and comes from the word "yaw-shawr" in Hebrew.  The straight and narrow path of God's laws and discipline will lead us in these paths of righteousness.  There is only one road leading home and we must walk the path which He has already walked before us.  The way may not be easy as it involves taking up our cross daily.   This is self-denial. We must deny ourselves and put Jesus first in all we do or say.  When we lean on his laws and instruction and follow his ways, we can pass any test or trial with flying colors. 

Our own understanding will fail us in times of troubles, but if we follow on, trust in Him, and stay on the straight and narrow path, we will one day see the lights of Home and hear him say "enter in thou good and faithful servant".   "For justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it." If we are upright or straight, we are following justice. 

There used to be a commercial for a bus company which said, "take Greyhound and leave the driving to us".  God says, "take the narrow way and leave the driving to me!". He is the only one who can carry us safely through this life all the way to the gates of glory.  He will lead, guide, and direct our paths when we follow after justice.  March on in God's Army and be a part of that number who will enter in one day soon. 

Following Jesus brings Victory! 
V I C T O R Y - Because He lives, we never die!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


                His Grace is Sufficient

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
( 2 Cor. 12:9 )

Do you ever feel weak or inadequate? I suppose everyone does at times.  We must remember it is not by our might or power, but by God's Spirit we are able to see His will and work accomplished.  His grace is always sufficient for whatever task we may be called to do regardless of how difficult it may seem.  Our petitions for help will be answered when we ask in faith and believe.  He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him in spirit and truth. 

When we are weak, He is our strength.  We can do nothing on our own which will be lasting, unless we are leaning upon Jesus.  Our ability is not what matters to the Lord.  He will give us the strength to share the good news of the Gospel.  We must be available and he will enable us.

Each person in the Body of Christ is important.  It takes all members working together to see the work of God go forth on Earth as He intends.  One may be the "spokesman" for the Lord and another a silent prayer warrior.  One is as important as the other to God in His Kingdom. 

When you feel there is nothing you can do or you do not have strength, remember God qualifies the called.  He equips and qualifies as we look and lean to Him.  Let his strength and power work through you today.  There just might be someone waiting to hear how much Jesus loves them.   Someone needs prayer today.   Someone is hurting and needs a word of comfort and care.  In our weakness He will be our help and give us words of truth and life.  We can go forth in faith and speak words to help edify and build up the Body of Christ.  His Holy Spirit will be there for us.  He always knows exactly what we need and is always on time.  Remember, we are told "his power is always made perfect in our weakness." 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations 



Clay in the Potter's Hands



"Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in my hand."

"Arise, and go down to the Potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.  Then I went down to the Potter's house, and behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.  And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it."
Jeremiah 18: 2.

We are told in God's Word to count it all joy when we fall into different trials. {James 1: 2-3}  This isn't always easy to do but with God's Spirit we can let Him have his way in our lives no matter what the circumstances may be.   Many sing the song "Have Thine Own Way" without thinking just what the words really mean.  He is the Potter and we are like the clay.  We are to be pliable in the hands of our Maker and let him mold us into his image to be more like Him. 

Although we sing the words to this old song, many times when problems come our way, we question God for allowing them.  He does not cause the problems but will sometimes permit them, knowing the trying of our faith works patience. {James 1: 3}  He tells us to let patience have her perfect work that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If we never had a problem, trial, or opposition, we would not know the fullness of the one who knows all about every struggle and is always with us. Problems bring us closer to the 'Problem-Solver' as he works with a vessel which will one day be a masterpiece for Him.

God picks up vessels which have been marred by sin but he does not throw the clay away.  Although a vessel may be cracked or broken, the Potter knows exactly how to put all the pieces back together again to make a "vessel of honor as it seems good to Him." {Jer. 18:3}  With the living water of His Spirit he remakes and recreates souls into new creations of beauty for his glory.  Only the Father can wash whiter than snow to make all things new.  He cared enough to lovingly place us back on the "potter's wheel" and remake us so we would be pleasing to Him.  It is then up to us to stay in his will as we yield to his Word and ways.

We sing to the Lord: "hold o're our being, absolute sway. Do we really mean the words we sing and are we willing to let Him search and try us?  We also ask him to 'fill us with his spirit until all can see only Him always living within us'.  These are powerful words and not just a song but also a prayer unto the Lord.   They are a petition being sung to Him asking specific requests.  He is pleased when we sing the words in spirit and truth as we humbly bow our hearts before Him.  Keep asking and praying and God will answer just as He has promised to do.

"Have thine own way Lord" should be our daily prayer. When God has his way in our lives, our ways will be pleasing to Him and we will have joy even in the midst of the trials of this life.  There is none like unto Him who truly is the Potter.  Bless Him today as He has placed his light within our hearts that we may shine forth the praises of our risen Lord and Savior. "Have thine own way Lord within our hearts and lives today and each day that we live."

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."    Gal. 2: 20. 




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