Simply Trusting

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths".
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trusting in the Lord  with all our heart results in many desired benefits and blessings*.  When we lean not to our own understanding but to Jesus, we can rest assured He will stand by us and our foundation will always be secure.  Acknowledging Him in all our ways is required. 
This becomes easier each new day when we realize we can
do nothing without the Lord's help.  With Christ we can do all things and are strengthened by Him.  The joy placed within our hearts because of our salvation gives us the needed strength to face each day and live as Christ would have us to live.

Faith is depending upon our Lord for the things we want to see and knowing we shall receive them even before the answer comes our way.  Even when situations may look impossible, we know by faith God changes things and everything works for good.  He is a God of miracles
and loves to work when nothing else will. Faithfulness pays off in the Kingdom of God.  Believe each promise today and lean to God and his Word. By Faith we can inherit the promises here on earth and then one day see our blessed hope and home with the Lord eternally.  By faith we can have rest in the Lord each day and feel his presence in our lives and hearts.  Simply trust Him and receive his many blessings by faith.  Where else could we go but to the Lord?

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

*Benefits and blessings of trusting in the Lord include joy, deliverance, triumph, God's goodness, provision, blessedness, safety, usefulness, inheritance, guidance, and life eternal with our Lord.

"If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all --how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" 
Rom 8: 31-32


                         'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

All things are possible with God
Luke 18: 27

We sometimes look at situations and see them as hopeless but God looks at the same circumstances and sees them as opportunities to show forth his mercy and grace.  There is nothing impossible with God.  If we trust and do not doubt, He will surely bring us out.  We will see the answers to our prayers in his way and timing.

God likes to work when nothing else will.  He can change hearts to give him glory.  The sick can be helped and healed, those in bondage can be set free, and freedom can be found in Christ.

When we look around us, may we also see the things which look hopeless as opportunities for God to work.  Is there anything too hard for our God?  The answer is "no" as there is nothing which He cannot do.  Let Him be Lord of all.  Through eyes of faith we can behold the one who can still calm troubled waters, make the sun stand still if he so desires, feed 5,000 with the lunch of a lad;  and the one who came to be our Living Bread from on high.

If we only believe we will see that all things are possible.  Faith really is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  He is there for us even in the times we may not feel or see Him.  It is by faith we can behold our Blessed Lord and his mighty works.  "Blessed assurance " is given us by our Lord who will always be with us. 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

                           Trusting in God Alone

I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Psalm 18:1-2

These words of Scripture are words which our Lord is pleased to hear in prayer. "I will love thee, O Lord" is a promise to Him that we will cherish Him and hold his Word in our hearts. Telling Him he is our strength, rock and fortress expresses our faith in his faithfulness and is pleasing unto Him.  He is our Deliverer and our Savior,
who we can always trust to strengthen us. 

The Psalmist David called the Lord his 'buckler and high tower,' 'fortress and the horn of his salvation.' Do we ever think just what these words mean or if God is the same unto us as David recognized him to be?  If we study the meaning of these words, we see how David described our Lord.

A buckler in the Hebrew language is "a shield or protector" The word originates from a root word "ganan" in Hebrew, which means to hedge about, protect or defend.  God is a hedge around us at all times if we let Him be; and is always ready to protect and defend us. David knew the purpose of a buckler as armor, and knew
the Lord would not only supply strength, but would be his buckler even when he was weak and guard him from the enemy.  God would go before him and shield him from fiery darts of the enemy.  He also shields us as we call upon him in prayer to be protector, our shield, buckler and deliverer.

A 'fortress' in Hebrew meant " capture, net, or fastness, a defense, or strong place, strong hold".  Our Lord has captured us from the snare of the enemy and holds us fast by his strength in a "strong place".  His net was cords
of love, an ornament of grace, which took us out of the net of the enemy.  The word comes from another word which means, "to lie alongside, to wait as to catch men".
Christ is always there ready to receive souls into the harbor of safety.  He tells us we are to be "fishers of men" which means we must also cast out the net of the Lord.  It is strong, it is sure, it will never fail.  When we cast out the net, He brings it in as He is the one who draws into Him. 

An interesting aspect of a word study on the word "net" when used in the Old Testament pattern for the tabernacle furnishings is a description given of net as "an ornament".  The actual word was "saw-bawk", from an unused root word meaning "to entwine"; a netting (ornament to the capital of a column).  God alone is the crowning glory.  Jesus is the 'head of the Body of Christ' and he alone is the ornament of grace and salvation.  His Word tells us his words of wisdom are like "a ornament of grace unto our head" and "chains about our neck."   We are also told a wise reprover is as an ornament of fine gold, as an earring of gold in Proverbs 25: 12.  We are also to have the ornament or adorning of "a meek and quiet spirit", or humble attitude which is of great price in the sight of God.  Only the adornment and mercies of the Lord can hold us safe as He crowns us with righteousness and loving kindness.  We are to bind his words to our hearts and they will keep us in time of trouble.

David also called the Lord his "High Tower."  Our Lord is "the High and Lofty One whose name is Holy."  He is to be exalted, magnified, and lifted up to draw all men
unto Him.  He is referred to as "the High one" and is higher than the highest.  No one will ever take his crown away.  He is our all-time Champion of Love. A tower was a defense and was a high place from which one could see for a distance and watch for the enemy.  God is our "high tower".  He sees all, knows all, and the righteous run to this high tower in times of trouble, knowing he will always be there, so quick and ready to defend.

Another word David used to describe God was "the horn" of his salvation. This refers to the power of God in our lives.  Our salvation is because of the power of God through Christ in our lives.  It is not by our works of righteousness lest we should boast, but it is by His finished work at Calvary.  He is truly the "horn" of
our salvation and without Him, we would have no power. Because of His Holy Spirit, we receive power and can testify of the marvelous works of the Lord.

May we also see our Lord as a Solid Rock, Fortress, Buckler, High Tower, Horn of our salvation, and Deliverer. 'Believing Him is seeing Him by faith' and in Him we can trust. 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspiration (c) 2002

"Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Phil. 3: 12.
(......I press on to take possession of that for which also Christ Jesus has taken possession of me.... (Franklin Bible translation) (KJV)

                              Solid Rock 

He is the Solid Rock......on Him we stand secure,
Knowing in times of battle...that our Lord is always near.
He is our Fortress and our God.... the One on whom we can rely,
He's our Deliverer and times of trouble he is always nigh.

Higher than 'the highest'.......... Mighty God is He,
Saving souls from sin....... setting captives free.
Call on Him and He will answer......He's our song in the night,
Stand secure in our High Tower..... He always leads in paths of right.

J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

"As a father has 
compassion on his children, so the Lord has 
compassion on those who fear him."
Ps. 103: 13.               


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