The Truth Shall Make You Free


                                    Picture from: Bible Verse Art


"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

Sometimes we read the above verse and forget how we are really made free.

True liberty and freedom only comes by knowing the truth and then acting upon truth received. Just knowing something is true will not make one free. It is what we do with the truth once it is received that truly makes us free.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. This abundant life is a privilege, presented to us by the Giver of good gifts, Christ the Lord.

There are so many Christians living below their privileges because they do not understand that an abundant life in Christ comes only through receiving the truth. Truth is faithful and right. It is solid and will keep your steps on right paths even in the midst of trouble or confusion along the way. 

So many are bound by legalism or what other people think of them. Opinions of people can cripple old as well as new Christians. Many want acceptance by others and cannot see God's approval comes first and is what will count in eternity.

God wants us to be concerned over what He thinks about us and how His Word judges us. When we worship the Lord it must be in "spirit and in truth" to be acceptable to Him. 

All people in the professing church today do not possess what they profess. An "outward expression" in worship must be motivated by an "inward possession". Many things which are called worship today are not truly done for Jesus but only for the flesh. We are to be God pleasers. God desires our worship to be pure and from the heart. It is to be prompted by the Holy Spirit from God and not just to please man. To obey God is better than sacrifice and He desires to dwell in a humble and contrite heart. This is acceptable unto Him.

Worship is adoration to God. It lets Him know how much we love Him. What we do must be for Him alone and to glorify Him. He will draw men unto Him when we truly "lift Him up".

Truth is reliable and never fails. It releases the shackles of sin and will keep one safe through the storms of life. We can lean on truth when all else fails. 

Let the truth of Christ fill your heart and life today. Let His truth flow out of your innermost being and touch others. It will make you free. There is no greater joy than to be free in Christ which is to be free indeed.

How are we "made free"? 

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8-36

Jesus is "the Truth". He is "the Way" and "the Life". Only if the Son makes us free are we free indeed. Just knowing truth does not make us free but knowing He who is Truth and letting Him change and make us free is true liberty.

And that is the "rest" of the story.

God bless and keep you free!

J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001
Jo Ann Kelly


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