Unity  - One Body

"For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ." (1 Cor. 12)

As Christ is one, we are also to be joined together in unity and purpose as "one new man" in Christ.  Each member in the Church is needed to make the body function as a whole according to God's plan.  If one member is not functioning as God intends in the body of Christ, then the rest of the body is lacking in some area. May we each see that God has placed us in him as he wills, and submit to his Lordship in and over our lives. 

We are also to value those which some may not see as 'comely' or of real importance.  The aging prayer warriors, the little children with a simple heart of trust for God, those who have been wounded but are now being made whole in Christ; those who are new babes in Christ and learning to lean; those rejected by others,
these are all loved by our Lord and are to be loved and cherished by His body.  Each person is of equal value and worth in God's eyes. 

The 'breath of God' and 'wind of the spirit' is the supernatural "force" which is to drive us forward.  Drive is "nahag" in Hebrew.  The meaning is "to drive forth a person, to lead, proceed, also by effort, to lead forth or guide.  It means in essence to "go forth as led by effort and breath, (wind) or inspiration of Almighty God by Holy Spirit".  No matter what our position in Christ, we must willingly submit to the leadership of the one who is leading our earthly vessels on the seas of life.  Without Him, our ship would surely fail.  When we let Him send us forth by his Spirit, we do not have to worry about drifting away from the haven of his rest and safety.  It is not by our might or power, but only by His Spirit that we can get to where Christ wants us to be as his Body on Earth.

We must be as "one", a corporate body, to function and go forward in reaching souls.  We are also to reach
out and touch others for the Lord as individuals.  With each member contributing to the whole Body we have a flow of Christ's love from Him as head and Lord of all. 
Without love the body cannot exist.   Just as a human body cannot exist without blood flowing through each part, the Body of Christ must have love to exist.  Love in the Body of Christ is what blood is to our bodies.  Love keeps everything flowing in harmony and keeps a Church alive in Christ.  He shed his blood because of his love for us.  Without God's love we would surely fail. His love is so gentle and kind, so longsuffering and tender.  He will keep us in his "grip of grace" when we make him the Lord of our lives.  Where His love abides there is life.

you are special, 
you are loved, 
you are a Child of the King. 
You are an heir of God and joint heir with Christ,
You have inherited his promises. 
That is love.....that is life....that is liberty! 
Give Him thanks today for salvation
share His love, and be
free in Christ. 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

" It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not..." (Lamentations 3:22).



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