Walking with the Lord

"And Enoch walked with God and he was not; for God took him."  Genesis 5: 24
"For before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God."  Heb. 11: 5

Enoch was a man of faith who loved the Lord. He walked in sweet communion with Him each day.  One day Jehovah called Enoch by his name to come up higher and walk with him, the King of Kings.  Enoch was translated into the holy presence of God whom he served
and loved with his whole heart.  What a way to be called and transported to the Father's House!

As we walk with the Lord each day, we have the assurance that death will have no hold on us.  We are also changed into his image spiritually and are preparing for the future each new day.  We are also to help prepare others by walking with the Lord as He leads.  Even though it is appointed unto man once to die, we know if we are born again, we shall live forever.  Even though we shall put off our mortal bodies, our spirit will be present with the Lord until the day of the adoption of our bodies. It makes no difference if we go by way of the grave or are alive at the coming of the Lord to be translated.  We will eternally be able to walk with God on streets of gold and abide in the heavenly place which he went away to prepare for us.

Each promise of God draws us closer to Him and the realization that He is a God who loves to bless his children.  He is the same God who calmed the storm, rolled back the waters and let his children pass over on dry land, opened blinded eyes, multiplied the lunch of
a lad to feed thousands, and arose in victory from death and the grave to live forever.  His greatest blessing to us is our salvation and the peace & joy it brings us.

Draw nigh to Him and he will hear from heaven and draw nigh to you. Keep on walking for the Lord for we know not the day or the hour of his appearing.  We know He is coming back in victory just like he said. Each new day is one step closer to home and the sound of the last trumpet.  We shall also dwell in the Father's house when the bridegroom comes and takes his bride to present to the Father's House.  We will behold the Jerusalem of God and the glory of the only begotten of the Father.
We can lift up our heads today as our Redeemer makes us overcomers through his blood which will never loose
its power. Hold fast to that which is good. 

Blessings in Christ,

J. P.'s Inspirations

"Without faith it is impossible to please God."
Heb. 11: 6



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