Psalms 18: 32-33 
It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh 
my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, 
and setteth me upon my high places.

                  He Makes Our Way Straight

The way which we choose can be complete when it is God's way. There is a way which seems right to man but the end thereof is the ways of death, if it is not the path of God.  There are many roads in this life which people travel.  The choice is up to us as to which one we will choose.  The way of the Lord is straight and narrow and always points towards righteousness.  The Scripture tells us "it is God who girdeth us with strength" and "makes our way perfect."  To gird means to bind or compass about.  In the New Testament, we are to "gird" up the loins of our mind.  This is truth that encircles or compasses our mind.  Truth is a spiritual weapon of God against the forces of evil which are prevalent 
in this world as only truth can set one free.

It is up to us to "put on our spiritual attire or garments." God will give us a garment of praise, righteousness, and joy as he clothes us with salvation and arms us for battle.  Everything we need to stand fast for Him is given when we ask Him.  We must have on the "spiritual wedding garments" of the Lord which is righteousness and truth.  Our garments must be without spot or blemish when the Lord comes for his bride. 

The joy of the Lord is our strength and we have joy in our salvation.   Many today need the joy of their salvation restored to them.  All one has to do is ask the Lord, and He will restore unto them this joy that only comes by knowing and serving Him.  He is always there to speak love and peace to all who will only call upon his name in faith believing.

God's way is the only way which gives hope, strength, and the blessed assurance of a better country ahead.  If we need strength, it can always be found in Christ.   May we always recognize the comfort of the Holy Spirit and joy of the Lord in our lives.  When we draw nigh unto Him, He will draw nigh unto us.  We do not have to wait for a certain time or place to worship the Lord, as worship is a lifestyle.  Worship is an attitude of the mind and heart.   As we grow in grace, worship becomes a part of us because  of a grateful heart.  His joy is ours when we ask and will be our strength which will see us through.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


                 One Who Is Strong

When you are weak you have one who is strong
He will give joy and peace within,
There is no other who can restore your soul,
He is our Lord and our dearest friend.

The joy of the Lord is our strength each day
As we walk by faith and not by sight,
In the valley, He will restore your soul,
He brings peace and a song in the darkest night.

You are never alone when you walk with the Lord
For He is always there by your side,
There is never a problem too big for our God,
He will keep you in safety if in Him you abide. 

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations



"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit.  Most men succeed because they are determined to."....George H. Allen

"Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and 
the wisdom to know the difference."
St. Frances of Assisi

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
H. Albright

"The knowledge of Christ's love for us should cause us to love Him in such a way that it is demonstrated in our attitude, conduct, and commitment to serve God. Spiritual maturity is marked by spiritual knowledge being put into action."

Edward Bedore






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