Winners In Christ

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.  He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless."  Proverbs 2:6,7 NIV

There is a big difference between having wisdom and using godly wisdom of the Lord.  We know he alone can give true wisdom and out of his mouth is truth, knowledge and understanding. In the Old Testament, the Lord called Bezaleel of the Tribe of Judah and filled him with the 'spirit of God' in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all manner of workmanship to devise curious, (skillfully made or artistic) works.  He was to work with gold, silver, brass, in the cutting of stones and of wood to make all manner of cunning works.  Bezaleel was called to do work for the service of the sanctuary and follow the design or pattern which the Lord gave Him. 

In the New Testament, we are also called and given a pattern to follow in building our spiritual sanctuary where He will dwell within our hearts.
To build as God instructs, we must also be filled with a spirit of wisdom to know and understand the attributes of God which we are to apply in our life.  God is holy and we must be holy, God is love and we are to have love.  We must also resist the enemy and he will flee from us by hating sin, but also love sinners as Christ.  These are three things that we must do and each can be done only by the indwelling of Holy Spirit within our lives.

Building and keeping God's sanctuary, (spiritually), is a life long work in his service. 
We are sanctified daily as we let his word be the mirror or glass which we look into daily to reflect by his law what he sees as faults to be corrected or repented of in hearts. We not only must repent
of sin, but also put the attitudes which cause sin away from our lives.

Can we walk blameless as the Scripture says? We are sinners saved by grace but strive for perfection or maturity in our Christian walk.  If we sin, we have an Advocate with the Father when we confess and turn to righteousness. We can
walk in the spirit daily and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. If we walk in the spirit, we are assured of victory and our God is a "shield" for us. 

Romans 8 is sometimes called "the Intercessor's Handbook" of instruction. We are told how to walk in the spirit of the Lord and live a victorious life. Why should we worry or fear if God is our shield? No weapon formed against us can prosper.  He never said weapons would not be formed, but He did say "they would not prosper". This is good news as a promise of God. 

He is faithful to perform all that He has said He would do. We have a heritage of the Lord and can claim his Word for every situation in our lives if we walk upright by the help of His Spirit. With his mighty hand of power He will hold up the banner and shield of righteousness against the enemy.  God's weapons which He gives us are mighty and we are on the winning team!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspiration

W  - is for 'wise' in wisdom of the Lord
I - is for 'instruction' leading to our great reward
S - is for 'Salvation' which embraces wisdom's heart
D - is for 'Deliverer'...who gives our life a brand new start
O - is for "ornament" of grace which only He can give
M - is for 'Mediator' who died that we might live. 

"With the ancient is wisdom, and in length of days understanding.  With Him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding."

Job 12: 12-13.



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