Thoughts On Women And The Creation


                   From A Rib to A Wife 

As we look in the Book of Genesis, we see a beautiful story of the creation of mankind. 

After God created the Earth and saw it was good, He created man in his own image. The first man was created for God's pleasure and to oversee God's beautiful and perfect creation from a garden paradise. 

Adam, which means "out of the red soil or (adamah), of the earth", was formed and created on the sixth day, from the very dust of the earth. The word "Adam", also describes mankind in general in the Old Testament. Scripture states God called their names Adam, which refers to both Adam and Eve. We notice Adam was the one who called the name of his wife "Eve", because she was the mother of all living. 

The word "formed", in Genesis 2:7, in the Hebrew language is "yatsar", and means to squeeze or mold into shape as a potter molds the clay. Adam's body was formed, but the soul and spirit of the inner man was created by God according to Genesis 1:27. God breathed the breath of life into Him and he became a living soul. 

After God created Adam, he put him in the garden of Eden, to "dress and to keep it". Genesis 2:18 tells us God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a help meet for him". God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. While he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. This was the first major operation of all ages, and was performed on man by God himself. 

The Scriptures continue, "and the rib, which the Lord took from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man". The word "made", used for the creation of Eve, means "skillfully designed" according to Hebrew commentaries, instead of "formed", the word used as to how Adam was made. 

Adam said, "this is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man". The word woman actually means "out of the man". Some refer to this as "womb-man" as to the original Hebrew word. Because Adam was created first, he was to be the head of the wife, and of the family unit. This first marriage was joined together by God. 

It has been said that "woman was not taken out of man's head to be lorded over by him, nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but was taken from his side to be equal with him". It is said "she was taken from underneath his arm to be protected by man and from near his heart to be loved and cherished by Him". This is the Biblical understanding of the Scripture. Woman was made to also honor, love, and respect her husband and be a help mate. 

The Apostle Paul also tells us in the New Testament that the man was created first, and then the woman. For this reason, she was to be in subjection to man. Women were not made to dictate to men, but could exercise their rights to teach, pray, prophesy and do other things under the God given authority of man. This is seen in accordance with the Scriptures. There has been much division over the role of women in this society. 

Man was made for God's pleasure to take care of the creation as an earthly overseer. Woman was made because God said it was not good for man to be alone. She was to be a help mate to Adam. They were to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth. 

The family was made and designed to be a unit or one in "unity". God instituted the first marriage between male and female who were created equal. Both were given specific roles to fulfill in carrying forth the plan of God for all the ages. 

We see reversing of these God given roles as many women have stepped forth in this society to proclaim their so called "rights". Our true rights are those given of God. We are under subjection to Him, and also are to allow the husband to fulfill his role as leader of the household. 

Godly husbands in the Bible were the "chief" or head of their families, and also of the tribes. Bibical subjection is to be unto godliness and holy living. If the man as head of a family is following God, he is the leader and is to set the example for the family. There is only an obligation to follow after holiness. 

We are to seek God's heart and presence in our society for a return to the morals and standards instituted in the beginning of society. His intent and plan from the beginning was creation of male and female for his good pleasure. 

The straying of the people of the Nations from godliness and holy living must "grieve" the Holy Spirit of God. Our prayer should be "create in us a clean heart O God". 

Only God can take a hardened heart of sin and make it humble and contrite for his glory. All submission begins with obeying Romans 12:1-2. We are to present ourselves unto God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. This is just our reasonable service, and one of our first works. He still expects this service of mankind today. 

When we follow God and his plan, we will be his hand extended to fallen man, his mouthpiece to proclaim the good news of the Gospel, and his feet to carry the gospel of peace. This is possessing the "spiritual land" the Lord has given us. We will be blessed if peacemakers and also be called children of God. There is no greater title man or woman could be given than to be called "a child of God". 

Eve, created from the rib of man, was the first woman and wife. Adam and Eve were from the same "essence", created by the hand of God. We are also created and made new creatures by Christ through Holy Spirit. If any man or woman be in Christ, they are new creatures and Children of God. We will also be called "the bride of Christ". This is a wonderful thought to remember as we look to the Day of the Lord. 

J. P.'s Inspirational Thoughts (c) 2001


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