His Word Abides Forever

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the Word of our God shall stand forever....Isaiah 40: 8.

Even though the grass withers and the flowers gradually fade away, the Word of God will never fail.  God's Word has stood the test of time as truth and it will always abide.  There is nothing else which we know of that is guaranteed to last forever but God's Word.  Heaven and Earth will pass away, but God's Word will forever remain the same.   It cannot fail as God cannot lie.  He is the same God that he was in the beginning and miracles still take place today.  We know the miracle of salvation is the greatest miracle of all.

Just as flowers fade and die, when one becomes a new creature in Christ,  the 'old man of the flesh' passes away.  We take on a new nature of Christ when we are made a new creature by Him.  The sin nature is crucified as one submits to God and no longer walks in the flesh.  Walking in the spirit of the Lord is the new path which we must take and all roads on this path lead home.  It is our decision to let God's word teach us how to walk as 
Jesus walked and live pleasing to Him daily. 

This highway of holiness is clearly marked and the path has been made plain.  All we have to do is keep following and He will lead us. May we thank Him daily for sending us his Holy Spirit and serve Him with our whole heart.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P's Inspirations (c) 2002

                         The Most Glorious Sight
Although flowers blossom and bloom and grass grows oh so green,
For everything there is a Season, and for each Season a beautiful scene.
Leaves of Autumn fall and a blanket of snow soon decorates the ground,
But soon this too passes away and again Spring's flowers can be found.

Only God can paint a picture on a canvas of pure white,
Only God can hang the stars and spread the beautiful morning light,
Only God can make a rainbow and create beauty each new day,
But these things of God's creation will one day soon all pass away.

When the elements melt with fervant heat and mountains begin to flee,
There will be a new earth and heavens forever where we shall see that Crystal Sea.
The roses will never fade and streets will be of purest Gold,
Flowers will bloom forever and Jesus will be the most beautiful sight to behold. 

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002  



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