"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10 (KJV)

We were all created to be fruitful in the vineyard of the Lord. (John 15:16) We are the work of not only his hands, but of His heart.   The Father choose us and also prepared the works in advance which we should do in his Kingdom. 

We are called the "workmanship" of God in the above Scripture.  In Greek meaning, the word workmanship means "Christians who have been brought out of sin." 
All things have been made new by Christ.  Another meaning is "melakah" in Hebrew from a root word meaning: "to dispatch as a deputy or messenger,  especially of God, priest, teacher, angel, king, ambassador or messenger.   His "workmanship" is also described in Greek as  "a deputyship or ministry, 
employment or work, business or workmanship of God". 
This tells us we have the most important occupation in the World as we are accountable to our Lord.   We are messengers appointed by God to present the gospel
message in the service of Christ as messengers on Earth. 
We are working for the 'King of Kings' whose benefits
and rewards are 'out of this world'.

We are not our own, but have been bought with a price.
This was a high price paid at Calvary with the shed blood of Jesus on the old rugged cross.  We have so much for which to be thankful when we believe and receive. 
We have salvation and victory in Jesus. He walks and
talks with us daily and guides us in His service.

Each day as we go our way, we have opportunities to
share what we have been given. Our faith is meant to be shared and our Father knows who will cross our paths each day.  Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.  Let others see God's new creation and workmanship.  We are made the "righteousness of God in Christ" by faith, and Jesus is our example in all things.

If our burden is heavy, we can bring it to Jesus and exchange  it for His burden.  The work He gives us is sharing his burden for souls which is light and his yoke which is easy.  There is eternal joy in being joined to Him and His body on Earth.   "What would Jesus do" is more than just a slogan.   It is a way of life and we are to live it.  He not only gives love but is Love, Life and Liberty.   We can share this life with others and know the Father is pleased with his workmanship.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

"It is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure".
- Philippians 2:13 (NRSV)

                            Life's Tug of War

Life can seem ungrateful ~ and not always kind.
Life can pull at your heartstrings ~ and play with your mind.
Life can be blissful ~ and happy and free.
Life can put beauty ~ in the things that you see.

Life can place challenges ~ right at your feet.
Life can make good ~ of the hardships that we meet.
Life can overwhelm you ~ and make your head spin.
Life can reward those ~ determined to win.

Life can be hurtful ~ and not always fair.
Life can surround you ~ with people who care.
Life clearly does offer ~ its ups and its downs.
Life's days can bring you ~ both smiles and frowns.

Life teaches us to take ~  the good with the bad.
Life is a mixture ~  of happy and sad. 
Take the life that you have ~  and give it your best.
Think positive, be happy ~  let God do the rest.

Take the challenges ~  that life has laid at your feet.
Take pride and be thankful ~  for each one you meet.
To yourself give forgiveness ~  if you stumble and fall.
Take each day that is dealt you ~  and give it your all.

Take the love that you're given ~  and return it with care.
Have faith that when needed ~  it will always be there.
Take time to find the beauty ~  in the things that you see.
Take life's simple pleasures ~  let them set your heart free.

The idea here is simply ~  to even the score.
As you are met and faced with  ~  Life's Tug Of War. 

Author Unknown


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