Log file open: SSvsDI5 C 1:Reaem> log oen C 1:Reaem> no C 1:falsehood> i think he might need to play as pibb C 1:Reaem> drp C 1:Reaem> come back as pibb C 1:DrPepper> yes? P Infer> im not eligible with infer am i C 1:DrPepper> appeal! jinx.> STARSEED~ A System E> don't say that katrina will get upset and have a heart attack P Reaem> no come back as infernal C 1:Coastal> haha jinx.> PLAY COASTAL! P Infer> ok jinx.> COASTAL jinx.> COASTAL Reaem> We're back T George> starseed is playing a double header Reaem> We're not back Reaem> We were back, but now we've gone again. We might be back later Reaem> foo are back Reaem> foo aren't back Reaem> We're not really trying Reaem> We're not really here T Coastal> everyone is Reaem> You're not really here T Phat> who is starseed T Black Assa> we are? T Coastal> not u T Black Assa> we playing double? T Coastal> u left falsehood> shut up reaem falsehood> log that falsehood> $$ T Reaem> no we arent showing to the victims game T jinx.> IM joining Starseed Katrina> ass when did i ever say anything more than one post? Reaem> ur mom Reaem> ez Assassins vs Interpid is being held in ?go 4v4c - Dacrath+ T jinx.> Reaem told me so falsehood> ooo Macros loaded falsehood> cya Katrina> I only stated facts to the ignorant Reaem> ! falsehood> i wanna go watch that falsehood> :P T Black Assa> why? MrPibb> helko Reaem> give us some freqs C 1:Coastal> pibb Medaphoar> there is no one truth Reaem> newbie ref:( C 1:Dezacrator> 100 C 1:Coastal> can i have the name pepsi falsehood> what freq are we on? C 1:Black Assassin> why we dont show p for match? Starseed to freq 100, Disavowed to freq 200 please. - Lord S+ Reaem> jinx I dont recruit from harness Reaem> :( falsehood> he recruits from blackout falsehood> :D C 1:Reaem> k everybody falsehood> inside joke :/ falsehood> sigh C 1:Reaem> lets do this as a squad C 1:Reaem> who does everyone think starters shoulod be C 1:falsehood> falsehood/falsehood/falsehood/falsehood C 1:Black Assassin> zair veck zero and intelli C 1:falsehood> hahaha T Phat> HAYLO C 1:Dezacrator> False, Pibb, Ba, and you MrPibb> Wetdreams is a noob squad C 1:Dezacrator> coastal as sub C 1:Dezacrator> and phat C 1:Black Assassin> ingnore dez Cracktoad> aml is for noobs Llamasery vs BUNNER is being held in ?go 4v4aml4' - Mauler+ C 1:falsehood> isn't phat playing? C 1:Phat> Nope C 1:falsehood> why nigger? C 1:Phat> I'm benched Dezacrator> lag check MrPibb> go BUNNER~ MrPibb> ! MrPibb(200) killed by: Dezacrator C 1:Black Assassin> do we have vit game? MrPibb> easy there nutty guy P Phat> sorry P Phat> but I have to go soon :P C 1:Reaem> why is phat benched C 1:Reaem> sigh:( Black Assa> DN! Black Assa> sub Black Assa> wtf C 1:Reaem> phat just play until your subbed C 1:Phat> unbcnech me then Cracktoad> DN cant sub C 1:Black Assassin> vit game? NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. C 1:Reaem> u r unbenched wtf Cracktoad> but thats actually cracktoad C 1:falsehood> victimise Cracktoad> Im kurtz C 1:Reaem> assistant cap u r:P C 1:Black Assassin> we have? Black Assa> i'm DN MrPibb> appeal! C 1:Reaem> yeah at 4 C 1:Reaem> who cares C 1:Reaem> lets win dis C 1:falsehood> its exhibition Phat(200) killed by: Cracktoad Cracktoad> ez C 1:falsehood> against victims C 1:Reaem> yup C 1:Coastal> this is appeal C 1:Coastal> ? C 1:Reaem> lol C 1:Coastal> sigh wtf C 1:Reaem> yes MrPibb(200) killed by: Dezacrator T Phat> Reaem just to let you know MrPibb> do I lag? C 1:Coastal> complete shit league MrPibb> or did el jump T Phat> I really don't think I should play right now :P Dezacrator(204) killed by: El Tigro T Reaem> ok so El Tigro(203) killed by: Dezacrator C 1:Coastal> 2 exhibitions? T Phat> Not in the right state of mind, and I need to have AIM and ICQ open T falsehood> so dont play El Tigro> it's probably me T Reaem> lets say Infernal subs phat T Phat> So I'm lagging like a nigger Black Assa> <---watch me (dn) die out T Reaem> and BA subs whoever else gets to 0 reps? Cracktoad> reaem plz nts for us T Black Assa> md is here T falsehood> no T falsehood> listen Dezacrator(200) killed by: Cracktoad El Tigro(200) killed by: Cracktoad T Reaem> T falsehood> since phat says he shouldn't play T falsehood> it should be ba/pibb/me/reaem T Black Assa> rofl i'm bench! El Tigro has been burned of all specials - Lord S+ T MrPibb> yeah T falsehood> or infernal El Tigro(200) killed by: Cracktoad Dezacrator> .;they aint gunna show` T Phat> sure T Reaem> phat u lag T Black Assa> appeal T Reaem> lol Dezacrator> :P T MrPibb> BA... ba should start T Reaem> ok T Infernal> we need a wzl T Reaem> BA get in for phat Cracktoad> your mom T falsehood> ba should definitely start T Infernal> yes ba T falsehood> dont make me quit T MrPibb> us 4 can own T falsehood> lol P Reaem> Starters: Reaem, falsehood, MrPibb, Black Assassin T falsehood> HAHA T Coastal> we should all quit :( T falsehood> I R FUNNY T falsehood> do it T Phat> I quit already Dezacrator(200) killed by: El Tigro T Black Assa> i go hired a cute girl so we can get warmed up T falsehood> join disavowed T Black Assa> haha T Reaem> id play 1v4:P falsehood> stop that shit Dezacrator(200) killed by: El Tigro T Reaem> you know id do it:P T MrPibb> //you got me buddy T Phat> ^5 on 3 T Coastal> tjhey have 3 ppl T Phat> 1 T Phat> 2 T Phat> 3 Black Assa> false is quiting T Phat> ^5 T Reaem> ^5 falsehood> I QUIT Black Assa> i'm quitting Black Assa> phat is quitting Dezacrator(200) killed by: Reaem Phat> yes Black Assa> GG Starseed Phat> we all know Coastal> afk falsehood> AFK Reaem> Phat> afk Phat> afk Reaem> HAR Cracktoad> i quit starseed too P Reaem> get in P Reaem> 100 Coastal> do u have ppl Coastal> or are u not showing Startseed starers checked out. Lord S+ Black Assa> ok MVP time! Dezacrator(200) killed by: Reaem T Reaem> ease falsehood> disavowed doesn't have 4 huh? Dezacrator(200) killed by: Black Assassin Black Assassin(202) killed by: Dezacrator MrPibb> dis.. got a 4th? T Reaem> looks like disavowed is in trouble $$ Black Assassin(200) killed by: Dezacrator Cracktoad(209) killed by: Dezacrator Black Assa> i got mvp last with this ship last season $$ T Reaem> we are going to cash them T Phat> Reaem> I BASE MY LIFE AROUND SUBSPACE M.D. Yello> not yet T falsehood> they dont got 4? T Coastal> seph has to start himself AHAHAHA Sephiroso> vacation T Reaem> gg:) M.D. Yello> but we'll get someone to use mail's name soon enough NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. T Black Assa> watch i get mvp with this ship T Reaem> not around subspace falsehood> awesome MrPibb> k md falsehood> APPEAL T Reaem> arond Starseed T Phat> burger king T Phat> sorry T Phat> :P T Coastal> haha T Coastal> ba T Reaem> if we moved to Soldat T Coastal> can u do that macro T Coastal> the BK macro T Reaem> Id play it:P Black Assa> nice wall Dezacrator> agreed T Phat> lets do a ^5 on pub falsehood> they are going to get high gain to play for them as mail T Phat> on my count T Phat> 1 Dezacrator(205) killed by: Black Assassin T Phat> 2 Reaem(204) killed by: Dezacrator T Phat> 3 T Phat> DO IT Phat> ^5 team T Reaem> ^5 MrPibb> ^5 Reaem> ^5 Black Assa> ^5 Coastal> ^5 Black Assa> ^6 Reaem> wtf NOTICE: Game over Reaem> false falsehood> yes Reaem> no ^5 Black Assa> my dick is up.. cute girl on me Reaem> why falsehood> ^4 Phat> he is being a ojhn boner jr Phat> ^32.4 Black Assassin(204) killed by: Dezacrator T Phat> making a phone call Katrina> hush mail used the wrong name and its been proven that it could not have been anyone else :P falsehood> ^6 Dezacrator> ez T Coastal> phat>afk T Phat> be back in a bit Reaem> Phat> afk Black Assassin(200) killed by: Dezacrator T Reaem> im listening T Reaem> to Big Tymers T Reaem> Get Your Roll On falsehood> i guess they won't get 4 Reaem> GET YOUR ROLL ON STARSEED Black Assa> STFU reaem Reaem> U falsehood> this sucks jinx.> starseed let there be nts so newbs like me can play! Black Assa> I QUIT! falsehood> i dont want to play them 3vs4 P Reaem> I will allow nts if you only have 3 MrPibb> we win M.D. Yello> damn whered the guy with unk's pw go Black Assa> reaem go join their team Reaem> lol falsehood> haha Black Assa> so we can give u a WHOOP(er) ASS Reaem> I axe myself Reaem> as of now falsehood> he probably won't choke falsehood> if he nts for them falsehood> he goes 6-0 Reaem> no Reaem> I would suicide 0-3 Dezacrator> cracktoad dont you mine rep Black Assa> no 9-0 Black Assa> phat,false and me sucide to him lol Cracktoad> i do whatever it takes to explode the spaceships MrPibb> hmm Reaem> ?time Time left: 7 minutes 46 seconds Black Assa> DONT LOOK AT ME CRACK! P Reaem> they asked for delay? C 2:MrPibb> so whats this stuff about you three leavin? P Lord S+> yes P Reaem> k Dezacrator> yes you mine rep T falsehood> they got 5 T falsehood> 4 Cracktoad> yay a player C 2:Reaem> false> this squad doesn tprac enough I quit falsehood> appeal C 2:Reaem> prac day> where is false? C 1:MrPibb> hmm Black Assa> appeal granted all starters ok. we start. Lord S+ Black Assa> Primal One+ banned C 1:Coastal> basically if any one of the three leaves the other 2 go P (shauri)>LOL C 1:Coastal> its a delicate cycle C 1:MrPibb> I see C 1:MrPibb> ok C 1:Coastal> and since phat has left, its over :/ Starting in one minute. You may recycle as needed until then. P Dezacrator> i can sub i wasnt lagging anymore if needed T falsehood> safe at G13 T falsehood> safe at G13 C 1:MrPibb> so they basically quit? :P NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. T falsehood> safe at G13 C 1:Coastal> i guess T falsehood> lost at F13 T falsehood> lost at F13 T falsehood> aw on at F13 T falsehood> aw on at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 if u want to get back in, sub or SC.....send me a PRIVATE msg. Lord S+ you can burn urself by typing /!burnme to the bot. u wont have to wait for the slow schnitzel then. T falsehood> aw? Black Assa> not primal one? T falsehood> reaem aw? T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 T MrPibb> is unknown on their roster? Black Assa> hes an elite ref T falsehood> yeah Black Assa> he should ref final T falsehood> safe at F13 T falsehood> safe at F13 Black Assa> so it will be first ever appeal for finals Black Assa> DN =( Starting in 10 seconds... Reaem> lol T falsehood> aw? 3 T Coastal> they have ppl T falsehood> aw? 2 T falsehood> safe at F13 Macros loaded T falsehood> safe at F13 1 T Reaem> (200:0): Antiwarp on near F12. T Reaem> (200:0): Antiwarp on near F12. GO!!! T Reaem> LETS GO Starseed vs Disavowed Indignatio> more people watching llamas vs bunner :( Coastal> o shit its on? C 3:Geneva> any squad have 4 to prac mutiny C 3:Mauler+> SFE does C 3:Mauler+> but everyone afk C 3:Geneva> nice T MrPibb> nice ;) C 3:Solar Hydro> we're SFE vs SFE in glad, fool T Reaem> target seph T MrPibb> reaeno C 3:Mauler+> how am I supposed to know that? :( C 3:Solar Hydro> asking squad C 3:Geneva> ok C 3:Solar Hydro> ok we prac Mutts C 3:Geneva> ok aml2 C 3:Solar Hydro> too late? T falsehood> safe at H14 T falsehood> safe at H14 T MrPibb> REGROUP at :: I13 :: T MrPibb> REGROUP at :: I13 :: T Black Assa> reps? T Infernal> unknown 1 T Reaem> dfecoys T Reaem> (200:0): Use Xradar near J10. Black Assa> ew Cracktoad> oof T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near G13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near G13. T falsehood> safe at G10 Cracktoad(0) killed by: Sephiroso Cracktoad kb Sephiroso (TEAMKILL) Kill Time: 5:55 Cracktoad has 2 lives left Score: 1-0 Starseed Black Assassin(200) killed by: Sephiroso Black Assassin kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 5:56 Black Assassin has 2 lives left Score: TIED 1-1 Black Assa> damn T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I12. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I12. T falsehood> safe at H12 T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near G10. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near G10. falsehood(200) killed by: Sephiroso falsehood kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 6:51 falsehood has 2 lives left Score: 2-1 Disavowed T falsehood> wtf T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near K7. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near K7. T Infernal> seph 1 Cracktoad(200) killed by: Black Assassin Cracktoad kb Black Assassin Kill Time: 8:47 Cracktoad has 1 life left Score: TIED 2-2 Cracktoad> omg Cracktoad> please lag more Cracktoad> please. Dezacrator> please stfu P Reaem> are bricks legal? Dezacrator> tks P Lord S+> yes MrPibb(200) killed by: M.D. Yellow Dancer MrPibb kb M.D. Yellow Dancer Kill Time: 9:14 MrPibb has 2 lives left Score: 3-2 Disavowed MrPibb> omg T Reaem> (201:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near H6. T Reaem> (201:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near H6. T Reaem> MD -1 falsehood(200) killed by: Sephiroso falsehood kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 9:48 falsehood has 1 life left Score: 4-2 Disavowed T falsehood> omg T falsehood> ok T falsehood> no more dying T Reaem> Unk -1 T falsehood> get crack T Reaem> seph 0 T Infernal> crack 3 T Infernal> md 1 T Reaem> (201:0): Use Xradar near L13. T Reaem> (201:0): Use Xradar near L13. T Reaem> (201:0): Use Xradar near L13. Black Assa> fa Black Assa> ! T Reaem> (201:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near M11. T Reaem> (201:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near M11. T Reaem> (201:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near M11. T falsehood> safe at J10 T falsehood> safe at J8 T falsehood> safe at J8 T falsehood> safe at J7 Reaem(201) killed by: Sephiroso Reaem kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 11:44 Reaem has 2 lives left P PracBot-5> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Reply privately with '!sc shipnumber or name' to change ships. Score: 5-2 Disavowed T Reaem> SHIT T falsehood> safe at M9 T MrPibb> OMG REAEM T falsehood> safe at K10 T falsehood> safe at K10 Black Assassin(202) killed by: M.D. Yellow Dancer Black Assassin kb M.D. Yellow Dancer Kill Time: 12:43 Black Assassin has 1 life left Score: 6-2 Disavowed T Reaem> ugh cmon T Black Assa> lamr reps =( M.D. Yello> ASDFLKJASD'FAS M.D. Yello> DF T falsehood> cracl T MrPibb> REGROUP at :: K13 :: T MrPibb> REGROUP at :: K13 :: T MrPibb> REGROUP at :: K13 :: M.D. Yellow Dancer(204) killed by: MrPibb M.D. Yellow Dancer kb MrPibb Kill Time: 13:29 M.D. Yellow Dancer has 2 lives left Score: 6-3 Disavowed T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I10. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I10. T BRASIL> crack 1 life 3 reps T BRASIL> md 2 lifes 3 reps T BRASIL> sephi 3 lifes 0 reps T BRASIL> unk 3 lifes 0 reps C 3:Vorbis> anyone got 4 to prac vic come to aml1 Reaem> wtf Sephiroso(209) killed by: Black Assassin Sephiroso kb Black Assassin Kill Time: 15:25 Sephiroso has 2 lives left Score: 6-4 Disavowed T Reaem> nice T Infernal> ! falsehood(200) killed by: Sephiroso falsehood kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 15:40 falsehood is OUT Score: 7-4 Disavowed T falsehood> omg T Reaem> adklfjghasdfklgjsd GAY C 1:Dezacrator> false choke C 1:Dezacrator> :( C 1:falsehood> choke C 1:falsehood> i repped M.D. Yello> seph's gonna tell his kids about this one C 1:falsehood> sorry Cracktoad> he owes it all to whiskey Sephiroso(202) killed by: MrPibb Sephiroso kb MrPibb Kill Time: 16:34 Sephiroso has 1 life left T BRASIL> tyr to get crack out Score: 7-5 Disavowed Sephiroso> omg Sephiroso> boo MrPibb> rad T BRASIL> crack or sephi T Reaem> GE TSEPH OUT T Reaem> 0 reps Unknown(201) killed by: MrPibb Unknown kb MrPibb Kill Time: 17:07 Unknown has 2 lives left Score: 7-6 Disavowed T Reaem> $ falsehood> big time chokage T BRASIL> nice falsehood> for me Cracktoad(202) killed by: MrPibb Cracktoad kb MrPibb Kill Time: 17:29 Cracktoad is OUT Score: TIED 7-7 Cracktoad> omg T Black Assa> all me T BRASIL> I LOVE U PIBB T Reaem> seph -1 Dezacrator> bye toad T Reaem> nice falsehood> whew Dezacrator> should of mine repped :( Cracktoad> suck my ass Cracktoad> please dont speak to me as though you are good. Dezacrator> big words from a crack head Dezacrator> i am good P BRASIL> haha T Reaem> unk -2 Cracktoad> you dont know shit about me. it'd do you good to stop talking, or taking in air. T Dezacrator> seph 0 P BRASIL> ok, phat and inf are here to sub P BRASIL> ba is in last life Dezacrator> make me choker P Reaem> tell me at 0 reps falsehood> i choked harder Cracktoad> no. make you ignored. good game. falsehood> gg P BRASIL> ba has 2 T BRASIL> md 2 lifs 3 reps T BRASIL> sephi 1 life 0 reps T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near K13. T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near K13. T Reaem> BA DONT DIE T Reaem> RUN Cracktoad> black you need to drop more bombs and bullets T Reaem> (202:0): Use Xradar near I12. T Reaem> (202:0): Use Xradar near I12. T Reaem> (202:0): Use Xradar near I12. T Reaem> (202:0): Use Xradar near I12. T BRASIL> unk 2 lifes 1 rep T Black Assa> 1 rep for me T BRASIL> TARGET=SEPHIROSO Reaem(202) killed by: Sephiroso Reaem kb Sephiroso Kill Time: 20:27 Reaem has 1 life left P PracBot-5> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Reply privately with '!sc shipnumber or name' to change ships. Score: 8-7 Disavowed T Reaem> god damnit T MrPibb> dont choke buddy C 3:Wasty> who's k'vath btw? C 3:Mauler+> covert agent C 3:Wasty> serious? C 3:Mauler+> yes C 3:Mauler+> you didn't know Unknown(201) killed by: Black Assassin Unknown kb Black Assassin Kill Time: 21:25 Unknown has 1 life left Score: TIED 8-8 T BRASIL> SEPHI IS YELLOW T BRASIL> SEPHI IS BLUE T MrPibb> neato Unknown(201) killed by: Reaem Unknown kb Reaem Kill Time: 21:44 Unknown is OUT Score: 9-8 Starseed T Reaem> ez T MrPibb> oh you T BRASIL> GREAT T MrPibb> crazy fella C 3:Wasty> k just wondered..the entire atlan and k'vath being 2 newbies mut found, but also being their best players just didn't seem right T MrPibb> :) T Infernal> u win T falsehood> omg T falsehood> that was clutch T BRASIL> dont choke!!! T BRASIL> target sephi1! T BRASIL> SEPHI IS BLUE T Reaem> get seph T Reaem> stay away frommd Black Assassin(204) killed by: M.D. Yellow Dancer Black Assassin kb M.D. Yellow Dancer Kill Time: 22:15 Black Assassin is OUT C 3:A.W.O.L> atlan is smurfterestrial Score: TIED 9-9 T falsehood> ouch T Reaem> fuckin hel C 3:Wasty> it's fck it Black Assa> great T Reaem> md -1 T Reaem> get seph C 3:A.W.O.L> yes M.D. Yello> ITS REAMS FALUT MrPibb> best game ever Reaem> k M.D. Yello> COOL INGLISH T BRASIL> SEPHI IS BLUE C 3:Wasty> or is that another one of his aliases? T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I10. T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I10. T BRASIL> SEPHI IS YELLOW C 3:Drug Against War> it is another alias.. he said all his aliases on the aml board Medaphoar> TARGET SEPH T BRASIL> SEPHI IS BLUE T BRASIL> SEPHI IS YELLOW C 3:Drug Against War> fck it = stupendous man = atlan C 3:Wasty> ah lol somehow i can't visit webpages atm even tho i can using my other comp that connects through this one T Reaem> seph reps? T falsehood> 0 T Reaem> k T BRASIL> 0 since a long ago T MrPibb> 1 rep T Reaem> pibb run for a sec T Reaem> cmopn T Reaem> look T Reaem> md is runnin gin C 3:Vorbis> need 4 in aml1 P Reaem> seph is lobbin P Reaem> seph is lobbin Cracktoad> stop running T Reaem> seph lobs T MrPibb> hmm T Reaem> we gotta hit md T MrPibb> k T Reaem> and then seph wen md runs T Reaem> DONT MISS 10 minutes remaining until any subs must be burned of all specials T Infernal> red Sephiroso(202) killed by: MrPibb Sephiroso kb MrPibb Kill Time: 25:37 Sephiroso is OUT Score: 10-9 Starseed T Reaem> HAHA T Infernal> !!! C 1:Coastal> awesome T BRASIL> MD IS BLUE T Infernal> md 2 T Reaem> k T Reaem> dont let me die:) T BRASIL> 2 LIFES T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T MrPibb> I can afford to die reaem T MrPibb> you cant T Infernal> RED T BRASIL> MD IS RED T BRASIL> MD IS RED T Coastal> single digits T BRASIL> MD IS BLUE MrPibb(211) killed by: M.D. Yellow Dancer MrPibb kb M.D. Yellow Dancer Kill Time: 26:22 MrPibb has 1 life left T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW Score: TIED 10-10 T BRASIL> MD IS RED T BRASIL> MD IS RED MrPibb> what MrPibb> wow T falsehood> no T BRASIL> MD IS RED T BRASIL> MD IS RED MrPibb> sc Dezacrator> ch33t C 1:Black Assassin> he was blue T Reaem> pinn T Reaem> sigh T BRASIL> MD IS RED M.D. Yellow Dancer(204) killed by: Reaem M.D. Yellow Dancer kb Reaem Kill Time: 26:38 M.D. Yellow Dancer has 1 life left Score: 11-10 Starseed T Reaem> $ T Reaem> (205:0): SAFE to attach near G13. T Phat> ^5 T Reaem> ^5 MrPibb> whos ref T Reaem> just work him M.D. Yellow Dancer changes ships Phat> i am Cracktoad> ME Dezacrator> your momma T Black Assa> take it ez now.. T Coastal> dont duel plz MrPibb> FUCK! MrPibb> SC~!!! MrPibb changes ships T Reaem> I will win te duel T Reaem> trust me T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T BRASIL> MD IS RED T Coastal> red T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T Reaem> im out of rockets Reaem> uhm T Coastal> red Reaem> wow T Coastal> stop saying wow T Reaem> he shoulda died T Coastal> he lags T Reaem> md -1 Reaem> lol T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T BRASIL> MD IS BLUE T BRASIL> MD IS RED T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T Reaem> $ T Reaem> 1 more 5 minutes remaining until any subs must be burned of all specials T Coastal> blue T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T Coastal> blue T BRASIL> MD IS YELLOW T Coastal> tk reaem T Reaem> aim:( T Reaem> lol M.D. Yello> is that the oldschool mr.pibb? T Reaem> dont talk T Reaem> ignore him M.D. Yellow Dancer(200) killed by: MrPibb M.D. Yellow Dancer kb MrPibb Kill Time: 31:15 M.D. Yellow Dancer is OUT Starseed defeats Disavowed in 31 minutes. Final Score: 12-10 MVP: MrPibb (6-2) ------Starseed------------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: falsehood 0 3 0 0 0 15:40 Name: MrPibb 6 2 0 0 0 31:15 Name: Reaem 2 2 0 0 0 31:15 Name: Black Assassin 3 3 0 0 0 22:15 TEAM TOTALS 11 10 0 0 ------Disavowed-----------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: M.D. Yellow Dancer 4 3 0 0 0 31:15 Name: Sephiroso 6 3 1 0 0 25:37 Name: Cracktoad 0 3 0 0 0 17:29 Name: Unknown 0 3 0 0 0 21:44 TEAM TOTALS 10 12 1 0 Game Over!!! 31:15 Arena is unlocked T Reaem> !!! T MrPibb> gg Sephiroso> oof T BRASIL> $$$$$ T Reaem> nice Reaem> gg C 1:Dezacrator> gg M.D. Yello> haha T Infernal> yes! C 1:falsehood> i'm sorry for the chokage T MrPibb> <--- clutch T Coastal> well we beat their bench and they beat ours :/ Black Assa> come back completed Sephiroso> happy labor day present :) Blink-182!> less typing more repping very good game. Lord S+ C 1:falsehood> it'll never happen again T Phat> ^5 on 3 in pub T Reaem> they beat ours by 12-0:( T Phat> 1 T Phat> 2 T Phat> 3 Phat> ^5 Reaem> ^5 E Medaphoar> good job Coastal> ^5