Log file open: SSvsFN1 Disavowed vs Warlords is being held in ?go 4v4aml6 - Dacrath+ C 3:Slartibartfast> no you were second flash :) T Reaem> log open T zAiR> hahahah T Reaem> Disavowed vs warlords is playing C 3:ChronicFlash> lol T Reaem> lets finish before it ends C 3:FnS!> i was first Lol T Reaem> so we can catch some of it T falsehood> kurt C 3:ChronicFlash> 4 years now NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. T MrPibb> ATTENTION WHORE!!!! LOOK AT ME!!! W000000!!!!! C 3:Slartibartfast> fns -> cf -> hedcase -> slart :D T Black Assa> I'M ON LOG.. I'm A LAME ASS NEWBIE! T falsehood> dont you gotta go to your match C 3:FnS!> LOL falsehood> 5 minutes C 3:Slartibartfast> so many years of fns chat C 3:ChronicFlash> $$ falsehood> good lord T Coastal> haha falsehood> lets just get this thing over with C 3:FnS!> probably one of the longest running chats lol C 3:ChronicFlash> yea T Reaem> KURT> what match? im on Starseed's chat T Reaem> =/ C 3:Slartibartfast> zilla chat in hockey is even longer :D Reaem> ?chat seed Reaem> ?chat seed: Shiny,falsehood,KURT,MrPibb,Reaem,Coastal,zAiR,Intelli,Black Assassin seed: Verteck,Jin Roh,Air,uconn T Coastal> fly-ndeath>starters are eeny, meenie, miny, mo.... C 1:Reaem> k i closed al my othe rchats C 1:Reaem> they were annoying me T Coastal> catch a tiger by the toe T MrPibb> lol T MrPibb> haha Black Assa> plz dont hurt me... T Reaem> why is everyone using the playoff banner:) MrPibb> w0000 gl fly n T Coastal> i dont have it falsehood> a grape didn't we beat you before Black Assa> kill mr.pibb T Reaem> I emailed it to everyone T zAiR> i am not using it Black Assa> hes ez MrPibb> tk me T Coastal> me either T Reaem> check yor email friggin noob:( Black Assa> ok pibbs P Primal One> they are requesting a grape and autechure for nts T zAiR> some n00b told em to get it and they all went and got it MrPibb> emp tk.. I forsee it T Coastal> 2kb is a HUGE dl T Verteck> i got it falsehood> isn't a grape on victimmise? T Reaem> I like the white banner best falsehood> i remember killing him out MrPibb> yeah.. I thought so too... S T I N G> im here Black Assa> me three C 1:Reaem> they are requesting a grape and aut C 1:Reaem> for nts falsehood> ok T x-axis> lol u guys are gonna rape them royally T Intelli> yeah...took me like 30 min to d/l it P Reaem> wtf they have like 40 people C 1:Reaem> they have so many people here C 1:Reaem> what do you thinkl C 1:Reaem> should we allow? C 1:Coastal> no C 1:Coastal> they have 6 ppl C 1:Black Assassin> no they have others C 1:Coastal> just play them P Primal One> i know, just letting u know..i will deniy request C 1:Reaem> those guys dont need to play, they are better than fnd P Reaem> yea deny Black Assa> ok Travis is using my name... P Reaem> they got more here than we do T zAiR> i think we need to serve em with another 12-0! T Coastal> who algged? Black Assa> Coastal is Tunafish C 1:Intelli> grape sux T Coastal> lagged P Primal One> lol T Coastal> nm T x-axis> zair u will ez P Reaem> wtf:) Black Assa> Mr.Pibb is analwhore Coastal> no im not Coastal> fu Coastal> :P falsehood> put me in reaem T x-axis> be beat them 4 on 2 at aplpha 12-0 falsehood> i want to stat whore T zAiR> hahha T zAiR> no shit? T x-axis> i swear T zAiR> they complete n00bs? Black Assa> falsehood is chokehood T x-axis> like 20 minz ago Black Assa> i'm clutchhood T Reaem> x AXIS PLEASE REMOVE YOUR NOOBISH PRESENCE FROM OUR FREQ IMMEDIATELY T Coastal> taht was ez T x-axis> oh yeah T Reaem> ): T Reaem> j/k T zAiR> hahhah Private msg me with all sc/lagouts/subs. SUB MAY NOT ENTER UNTIL THE OTHER PLAYER HAS SPEC'D AND I GIVE THE "GO". -Primal One+ falsehood> i'm clutch assassin T Reaem> hi x axis:) Both Rdy? Reaem> CLUTCHHOOD T x-axis> :( Black Assa> reaem is girllesshood S T I N G> no T falsehood> aw? NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. Coastal> jplancked Reaem> omfg black Reaem> hitting below the belt Reaem> AXED Coastal> haha T falsehood> aw? Reaem> ): T falsehood> AW? T falsehood> AW? T falsehood> AW? 1 min to recycle ship. Match will begin in 1 min -Primal One+ T Intelli> hm MrPibb> JP's house of noobs Coastal> u post so much shit on the webpage :( T Reaem> pibb rn awarp T x-axis> aw man this is gonna be great T Intelli> I will T MrPibb> AW ON T Reaem> er Black Assa> lie Dibbler> yep Black Assa> insert lie S T I N G> Wait T Reaem> awarp costs nothing SonyRed> what's a starseed an yway Black Assa> i dont think reaem even into girls =( pepsi-cola> WGGGG T Reaem> imoall 4 should run it:P NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. MrPibb> he likes men T Coastal> BUTTERFLIES NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. Black Assa> little boys T zAiR> oh shit, blackie is making fun of reaem! Black Assa> like vertek T Reaem> one tactic: figure out who runs awarp for them T MrPibb> decoys... Black Assa> !! S T I N G> hold on T MrPibb> then kill P Verteck> how bad did u guys beat Warlords? S T I N G> were setting up T Reaem> if he gets seprated use portals on the other guys T MrPibb> they'll be so noobed by decoys T Black Assa> aw? MZA> CAP NEXT T Coastal> they're setting up the suicide line T falsehood> if you guys lose to fly-ndeath pepsi-cola> pepsi in T falsehood> i will pretend not to know you guys Pikel> standard shotgun rules P Reaem> Well our bench was losing but when I subbed in black assassin and bras we smashed them easly T x-axis> that wont happen T x-axis> lol P Reaem> like 12-1 after sub Black Assa> if we lose.. remember.. we are starting noobs MrPibb> pepsi.. u are weak falsehood> 10 MrPibb> I am Pepsi Black Assa> like myself falsehood> 9 falsehood> 8 T Reaem> lol false pepsi-cola> lol falsehood> 321 Ko_oL> ready pepsi-cola> mrpibb T x-axis> sfe beat them in 4 minz 12-0 remember? T Coastal> we arent underestimating them, they really suck P Verteck> wow... P zAiR> lsub me in when we owning em :P MrPibb> <--- noob NOTICE: Game over pepsi-cola> I AM THE RTEAL SOFT DRINK T Intelli> nobody is speccing me:( Starting in one minute. You may recycle as needed until then. T Reaem> you and me wll sub in before that happens NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. T Reaem> (: MrPibb> die Pikel> long minute MrPibb> I rock you suck GL to both T falsehood> 12-0 pepsi-cola> bs T Reaem> false you and me can take all 12 of their lives by ourselves 2v4 Coastal> gl fly ShadowStev> ... MrPibb> gl primal.. Black Assa> i suck i noobed T Reaem> im not worried pepsi-cola> flyndeath loses 12-0 MrPibb> thats mean pepsi-cola> hey im corvez T Reaem> everyone play safe falsehood> 12-1 Black Assa> coastal will die P zAiR> ok? Coastal> i know falsehood> tk by pibb T Reaem> use teamwork Black Assa> thats that "1" MrPibb> 12-0 FLyn T Reaem> if you htink your gonna die ask for sub Starting in 10 seconds... T Intelli> always P Reaem> k i might do that pepsi-cola> yeah pepsi-cola> rigjt T Intelli> k T falsehood> safe at coord M10 T falsehood> safe at coord M9 3 P Reaem> we will see how it goes P zAiR> will! 2 1 T falsehood> ANTI ON AT N12 T falsehood> ANTI ON AT N12 GO!!! P zAiR> thanks Black Assa> OMG reaem girl is trash talking to me.. i'm dieing T Intelli> lalala P Reaem> if we arelosing im gonna sub in my starters Fly-NDeath vs Starseed , Season-1, Round-6 P zAiR> no prob pepsi-cola> hey drug P zAiR> if we winning, let me get a few in P Reaem> k Drug Again> hola P Verteck> whos ur first starters? P Reaem> My best line? P Verteck> yz P Verteck> ya T zAiR> noob mined P Reaem> falsehood, Black Assassin, Phat, and me P Reaem> I suppose P Reaem> Or pibb instead of me T Reaem> I want 12-0 T Reaem> fyi. T Intelli> they suck:( T x-axis> they are almost outa reps lol T MrPibb> SEPERATED at K12 T MrPibb> SEPERATED at K12 T falsehood> safe at coord K11 T falsehood> safe at coord K11 T B|nary> we (int) were playin them 4 on 6 and we rocked them Anakin Young Jedi kb MrPibb Anakin Young Jedi has 2 lives left Score: 1-0 Starseed T Reaem> good Anakin You> damn it T Reaem> keep it up T Reaem> no chkes T zAiR> hahha, he said damn it T Reaem> I cant wait till we play Oracle X...I want to see the famous "DeathKnight thor" T B|nary> lol T Black Assa> reps? T zAiR> yay binary is here T Reaem> sting 0 T zAiR> :P T Reaem> shadow 1 T Reaem> kool 1 T B|nary> u see last sunday when he got targeted by everyone reaem? T Reaem> anakin 3 T Reaem> anakin 1 S T I N G kb MrPibb T Reaem> DIONT SUICIDE HIM INT S T I N G has 2 lives left Score: 2-0 Starseed T zAiR> no shit T Coastal> rofl S T I N G> fu Mr>$M00TH> lol S T I N G> ck P Verteck> have u guys played Old Glory yet? T Coastal> sweet attach T zAiR> anakin 0? P Verteck> ? T zAiR> yes 0 P Verteck> have yal lost at all? P Reaem> Old Glory = iml Intelli kb S T I N G Intelli has 2 lives left Score: 2-1 Starseed T zAiR> anakin very low T pepsi-cola> GO STARSEED! P Reaem> no we havent lost Black Assa> HAHA! T Intelli> haha T pepsi-cola> damn P Verteck> cool P Reaem> but we owned old glory in prac P Reaem> (: T zAiR> hahah Black Assa> intelli axed P Verteck> hehe T Reaem> intelli T zAiR> intelli died :) T Reaem> wtf:P T Intelli> greedy:) T falsehood> that as sad shit T Reaem> intelli sub P Reaem> want in? pepsi-cola> sting axed P falsehood> yaeh T Reaem> false is gong in for intelli Anakin Young Jedi kb Black Assassin P Reaem> false for int Anakin Young Jedi has 1 life left Score: 3-1 Starseed T Reaem> spec intelli T Reaem> everyone back off T Intelli> aw T Intelli> :( P Reaem> falsehood subbing Intelli T Reaem> no reps = fuk:( T Intelli> do I have to:( P Primal One> go T Reaem> spec int T Intelli> fine:( T Reaem> false go Coastal> yes P Reaem> go P Primal One> wait::go T falsehood> locked T falsehood> arena P Reaem> locked T Reaem> keep trying T B|nary> reame T MrPibb> run anti fale T Reaem> regroup T B|nary> u have to tell primal T falsehood> ANTI ON AT I9 T falsehood> ANTI ON AT I9 T Reaem> (-1:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near I10. T Reaem> (-1:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near J10. T Reaem> (-1:0): DISENGAGE and regroup near J10. T falsehood> safe at coord K10 T falsehood> safe at coord L10 P Verteck> do u know if im on Rowster yet? T falsehood> safe at coord L10 T falsehood> safe at coord L10 T falsehood> where? T Reaem> intelli tha sucks:( you need to fix ur reps T Reaem> bottom right T Reaem> false ShadowSteve kb Black Assassin ShadowSteve has 2 lives left Score: 4-1 Starseed Primal One> 1/for who T Intelli> well yes Anakin You> me P Reaem> You are on the roster P Verteck> cool P Reaem> Youll be eligible next week P Verteck> k ShadowSteve kb Black Assassin ShadowSteve has 1 life left Score: 5-1 Starseed T Reaem> ez:) T Reaem> LOL GET STING T Reaem> omg haha T Reaem> pb a wal in a match T Reaem> thats horrible Dibbler kb MrPibb Dibbler has 2 lives left Score: 6-1 Starseed P Verteck> whats squad site? T Reaem> $ P zAiR> sub me in next please :P P Reaem> http://www.geocities.com/jplanckgold P Reaem> when it gets to 2 on 1 P Reaem> er P Reaem> 4 o n2 T falsehood> safe at coord N11 T falsehood> safe at coord N11 T falsehood> safe at coord N12 T falsehood> safe at coord N12 P Reaem> youll sub someone pepsi-cola> flyndeath loses 12-2 P zAiR> :( no faith? Ko_oL kb Black Assassin Ko_oL has 2 lives left Score: 7-1 Starseed Black Assassin kb Ko_oL Black Assassin has 2 lives left Coastal> haha pepsi-cola> YES Score: 7-2 Starseed Black Assa> ew Ko_oL> fack T Reaem> BLACK pepsi-cola> I CALLED I T Reaem> sigh. pepsi-cola> T T Reaem> :( P zAiR> these guys suck T Black Assa> who the fuck has AW? T falsehood> ANTI ON AT K10 T falsehood> ANTI ON AT K10 P zAiR> even i can own em T falsehood> stop fuckin seperating T falsehood> safe at coord J8 T falsehood> safe at coord J8 P Reaem> Yeah we are much btter, noobs on this squad keep choking tho:P Coastal kb ShadowSteve T Reaem> dont chase Coastal has 2 lives left Score: 7-3 Starseed ShadowStev> yay T B|nary> choke! T zAiR> ohh my god, T Reaem> choke $ T zAiR> choke? Mr>$M00TH> u suck pepsi Mr>$M00TH> pepsi sucks S T I N G kb MrPibb S T I N G has 1 life left Score: 8-3 Starseed S T I N G> lag MrPibb> owned Mr>$M00TH> coke rox Black Assa> stay in there P Reaem> if you go in u better stay alive:P T falsehood> safe at coord H13 T falsehood> safe at coord H13 S T I N G> i laged in it T falsehood> safe at coord I12 P zAiR> if i waste my reps, i will sub out, just like last time S T I N G> gay P Reaem> You cant P Reaem> You are a sub P zAiR> really? P Reaem> You eithe rstay in or get lagsubbed (burned sub) ShadowSteve kb Black Assassin ShadowSteve is OUT Score: 9-3 Starseed T Reaem> false wtf ge ton the scoreboard:( P zAiR> 9 to 3 :) P Reaem> aight pibb let zair play T zAiR> black is 5 and 1 damn! P Reaem> zair subbing pibb in a second P Reaem> hold on T Reaem> pibb P Primal One> k T Reaem> zair is gonna sub you T Phat> hi T Reaem> spec T MrPibb> when? P Reaem> ok T Reaem> soon as you charge T Reaem> and spec P Verteck> can i b subed? P Reaem> you cant play:( Ko_oL kb Black Assassin Ko_oL has 1 life left P Reaem> go Score: 10-3 Starseed Primal One> :Reaem P Primal One> go Black Assa> NOOOO P Verteck> o ya i forgot P Reaem> go P Reaem> 200 Black Assa> no more rockets P zAiR> wont let me T MrPibb> k P Reaem> still locked T MrPibb> specced Primal One> :Reaem P Phat> sorry couldn't make it T zAiR> wont let me in P Reaem> keep trying Primal One> :Reaem P Phat> i have wzl game in 2 minutes T MrPibb> keep tryin zAiR> i am in for pibb Ko_oL changes ships T falsehood> safe at coord I7 T falsehood> safe at coord I7 P Reaem> sok your not even on the roster P Phat> just wanted to stop in and say hi P Reaem> =/ Coastal> stop attaching P Reaem> thx for showing Crayven> lol P Phat> am i going to be? falsehood> come on MrPibb> since I suck so bad falsehood> i got wzl match in a few Black Assa> FUCK! T Reaem> play safe Black Assa> no more rockets P Reaem> Yes you should be T zAiR> ok Mr>$M00TH> wzl? P Phat> okay P Reaem> Soon as I find schlep MrPibb> BA chillin in the middle of no where Mr>$M00TH> think wzl has been played Mr>$M00TH> both matches P Phat> gottta go back to wz P Phat> peace P Reaem> Peace S T I N G kb zAiR S T I N G is OUT Score: 11-3 Starseed zair for pibb 3 lives Coastal> wth S T I N G> fuckkk T Reaem> ZAIR $$$$$ T Coastal> oimg T Intelli> nice shot zair:P T Coastal> i needed it more :( T Reaem> ZAIR GETS ON THE SCOREBOARD T MrPibb> w00000 T zAiR> thanks T MrPibb> ZAAIR!!! DBeckham> go kool T MrPibb> YOU SEXY BASTARD!! T x-axis> game set match T Reaem> (: T Reaem> guys le tme duel kool?:) T Reaem> lol:) Mr>$M00TH> kill at least 1 of em Mr>$M00TH> rep Reaem> na hes done Reaem> gg T Reaem> lol zair T MrPibb> ez zair Mr>$M00TH> run forrest Mr>$M00TH> RUN Mr>$M00TH> KEEP RUNNING Coastal> SMOOTH MOVE T Reaem> omg black so lagy T Coastal> sry i suicided once Black Assa> haha Reaem> roflmao black Mr>$M00TH> rep Reaem> lag some more why dont u:) Black Assa> stalking =( Reaem> haha Mr>$M00TH> gg ------------------Fly-NDeath ----------------------------------- Name: S T I N G Kills: 1 Deaths: 3 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: Ko_oL Kills: 1 Deaths: 3 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: ShadowSteve Kills: 1 Deaths: 3 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: Anakin Young Jedi Kills: 0 Deaths: 2 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: Dibbler Kills: 0 Deaths: 1 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 TEAM TOTALS - Kills: 3 Deaths: 12 TKills: 0 Lagouts: 0 ------------------Starseed ----------------------------------- Name: Coastal Kills: 1 Deaths: 1 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: Black Assassin Kills: 6 Deaths: 1 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: Intelli Kills: 0 Deaths: 1 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: MrPibb Kills: 4 Deaths: 0 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: falsehood Kills: 0 Deaths: 0 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 Name: zAiR Kills: 1 Deaths: 0 TKills: 0 IDeaths: 0 Lagouts: 0 TEAM TOTALS - Kills: 12 Deaths: 3 TKills: 0 Lagouts: 0 Ko_oL kb Coastal Reaem> OMG Ko_oL is OUT Game Over!!! Starseed defeats Fly-NDeath in 15 minutes. Final Score: 12-3 MVP: Black Assassin (6-1) Arena is unlocked Reaem> KOOL IS GONNA WIN falsehood> gg Ko_oL> hehe Ko_oL> gg MrPibb> whatever T Coastal> A FINAL KILL passplay> gg Reaem> nevermind sigh:( T Coastal> F ME GG MrPibb> MVPibb Kurtz> NOOOOOOOOOOO T Reaem> god game fellas Kurtz> Kool, I lost $10 ( Kurtz> )= T Reaem> except for Black Assa> good game Aw MrPibb> please change that MVP Ko_oL> sorry kurts =( C 1:falsehood> i need to goto wzl Black Assa> AW owned me T zAiR> yay, i got one :) T Reaem> that leet choke by black assassin:( MrPibb> that was total BS.. I mean he died... MrPibb> wtf T Black Assa> oh yeah =( MrPibb> he isnt even on starseed anymore T Black Assa> i had a wall to play with too =( T Black Assa> WAHH! T Reaem> wtf:( T Coastal> ggs T Reaem> well Im glad you guys are capable of winning without me T Reaem> I trust you now T Coastal> this means nothing T Reaem> (: T Black Assa> who needs u? T Coastal> it was fly-ndeath T Coastal> -nt- T Reaem> yeah T Reaem> agreed S T I N G> star wanna practice round??? T Black Assa> all we need is false,Pibb,phat and me T Reaem> Coastal 1-1 against flyndeath T Reaem> gg:( T Coastal> sad T Coastal> i should kill myself T Coastal> but then i see intelli T Coastal> $$ T Reaem> LOL T MrPibb> hahaha T Intelli> bah...I didn't get a chance to make it up P Primal One> Good Game to u and ur crew T Reaem> sec lemme update the webpage P Reaem> thanks Black Assa> i used my rocket too fast =( T Intelli> I would of been 6-1 T MrPibb> shouldnt die intelli T Coastal> ussed 0 reps T Intelli> instead of black T MrPibb> I mean my god man Black Assa> i used 6 under 8 mins =( T MrPibb> you guys died? T MrPibb> you were playing too greedy... T Coastal> i ran over a mine and suicided Reaem> EVERYONE QUIET Reaem> MOMENT OF SILENCE PLS Reaem> I HAVE SOMEHTING ID LIKE TO SAY Black Assa> for reaem girlfriend Reaem> TO FINISH THIS LOG Coastal> STARSEED 4EVER Reaem> MY EX GIRLFRIEND IS A HOE T Intelli> very tru...but...I was pounding away and they wheren't shooting back..so I kept shooting:P Reaem> -=Starseed 4ever=- MrPibb> hahaha Black Assa> Reaem is now offical GAY logkeeper> log file closed already :( Reaem> LOG CLOSED.