Log file open: SSvsMI17 T Megaman> I'll keep you updated with stats T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near K13. T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near K14. crypt> sorry man, didnt mean to make you the bRUt of the joke :( bRUt> what crypt> doh bRUt> im still here LordVegas+> nahh i was telling homie to fuck himself. not u homie> eat shit u retard crypt> ok sorry man Rage> are we playing spell again LordVegas+> rage LordVegas+> where does reaem work? crypt> how come homie acts like he has a pair all the suddne crypt> sudden even bRUt> reaem works on my crotch Megaman> reaem doesen't have to work nowdays he is a poker pro LordVegas+> hes just trying to be tough crypt homie> get off my nuts idiots crypt> its tough being tuff chaos> crypt LordVegas+> u have a nanny chaos> you are a niggah crypt> sup LordVegas+> hairy one crypt> sup ma niggah LordVegas+> smelly too T Megaman> lol bhang is using an x-radar cheat LordVegas+> rage LordVegas+> whos the best? Reaem> haha life> lol T chaos> wtf Vanh> rofl Megaman> lol bRUt> if he doesn't answer bRUt> i am Megaman> thors only goes through walls Megaman> not playera:/ crypt> hey bob spec freq are all saying your gona die first, so no pressure Public chat OFF Supremacist killed by: Bob Marley Kill Time: 04:49 Supremacist has 2 lives remaining Score: 1-0 Starseed -- [4v4] T Reaem> $ T Megaman> nice T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N15. Reaem> nice thor Reaem> lifebar T Megaman> red T Megaman> y T Reaem> tanked T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N13. T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N13. T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N13. T Megaman> bhang 1/3 T Megaman> rest full Reaem killed by: bhang Kill Time: 08:44 Reaem has 2 lives remaining Score: TIED 1-1 -- [4v4] P MRBot-9> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Use !sc to change ships. Reaem> omg rep P (Raem)>Hello Ignoring: ream Ignoring: raem T Megaman> bhang 1/3,life 2/2,rage 2/1,suprem 2/2 T Megaman> rage 1/12 T Megaman> 1/1 T Enforcer> T Megaman> bhang almost died there lol T Megaman> suprem 0/1 T Reaem> suprem 0 T Megaman> bhang 1/3,life 2/2,rage 1/1,suprem 0/1 T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N9. T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near N9. T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near M9. T Madness> STOP -REGROUP- @ K7 T Megaman> help reaem T Reaem> (200:0): USE X-RADAR near G13. T Reaem> (200:0): LOST near L9. Need coords or safe attach. T Reaem> (200:0): LOST near L9. Need coords or safe attach. T Madness> NOT SAFE @ H9 T Reaem> (200:0): LOST near K10. Need coords or safe attach. T Madness> NOT SAFE @ H9 T Megaman> bhang 1/1,life 2/1,rage 1/1,suprem 0/1 bhang killed by: Reaem -- Assist by: Madness Kill Time: 16:58 bhang has 2 lives remaining Score: 2-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T Reaem> $ T Megaman> nice T chaos> gg bhang killed by: Bob Marley -- Assist by: Enforcer Kill Time: 17:41 T Reaem> hahaha bhang has 1 life remaining Score: 3-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T chaos> asfjskaflsa T Megaman> very good guys T Megaman> bhang choking T Megaman> update Bhang 2/3 last life!,life 2/1,rage 1/1,suprem 0/1 T Reaem> target bhang Rage killed by: Bob Marley -- Assist by: Enforcer Kill Time: 20:04 Rage has 2 lives remaining Score: 4-1 Starseed -- [4v4] T chaos> regroup T Reaem> optionally suprem T Megaman> NICE T Megaman> suprem or bhang yes T Madness> 0 T Megaman> Bhang 2/3,life 1/1,Rage 2/2,suprem 0/0!! T Megaman> suprem is totally empty! T Reaem> suprem or bhang Madness killed by: Rage -- Assist by: bhang Kill Time: 21:43 Madness has 2 lives remaining Score: 4-2 Starseed -- [4v4] T Reaem> stay in T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near J14. T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near J14. Reaem> lol Bob Marley killed by: bhang -- Assist by: life Kill Time: 22:16 Bob Marley has 2 lives remaining Score: 4-3 Starseed -- [4v4] T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Reaem> (202:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Madness> NOT SAFE @ K11 T Madness> NOT SAFE @ L11 T Reaem> (202:0): MISSING ONE teammate near M15. T Megaman> bhang 2/3,life 0/0!!!,rage 2/1,suprem 0/0! T Megaman> suprem and life totally EMPTY T Reaem> dont kill life T Reaem> suprem T Megaman> Suprem TARGET T Reaem> opr bhang T Megaman> bhang is full T Reaem> last life T Reaem> tho T Megaman> we could pressure him since 2 of them has 0 they will be defensive T Megaman> good chance to get extra pressure on bhang T Reaem> yes T Megaman> lets do that guys try to give bhang a really hard time T Megaman> good T Megaman> bhang 1/3 T Megaman> 17 mins left guys T Megaman> plenty of time Rage killed by: Madness -- Assist by: Enforcer Kill Time: 27:58 Rage has 1 life remaining Score: 5-3 Starseed -- [4v4] T Reaem> $ T Megaman> YES T Reaem> anyonew but life is good target now T chaos> rage is getting e-angry T Reaem> haha life killed by: Bob Marley Kill Time: 28:46 life has 2 lives remaining Score: 6-3 Starseed -- [4v4] T Megaman> good T Megaman> sweet led now T Megaman> T Megaman> lead NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining before all subs will be burned of specials T Madness> Rage0 T Enforcer> rage 0 T chaos> chaos> rage gets bored easily T chaos> i called it Rage killed by: Madness -- Assist by: Reaem Kill Time: 31:07 Rage is OUT! Score: 7-3 Starseed -- [4v3] T Reaem> gg T Enforcer> play sage T Enforcer> safe T Reaem> yes T Madness> NOT SAFE @ L13 T chaos> i called it T chaos> bow before me T Megaman> go for bhang T Megaman> BHANG! T Megaman> TARGET BHANG T chaos> bhang 0/2 T Megaman> bhang 0 T Megaman> take him out guys T Megaman> 12 mins left Supremacist killed by: Enforcer -- Assist by: Madness Kill Time: 32:39 Supremacist has 1 life remaining Score: 8-3 Starseed -- [4v3] T Megaman> 12-3 cmon! T chaos> +9 would be nice after last weeks +1 forfeit T Megaman> agreed Supremacist killed by: Bob Marley Kill Time: 33:21 Supremacist is OUT! Score: 9-3 Starseed -- [4v2] T Megaman> that was good too lol T Megaman> red T Megaman> yellow T Megaman> blue T Megaman> bhang is 0/1 bhang killed by: Reaem -- Assist by: Madness Kill Time: 34:14 bhang is OUT! Score: 10-3 Starseed -- [4v1] T Megaman> sweet T Madness> Sorry Reaem, lol T Reaem> ez NOTICE: 10 minutes remaining in regulation NOTICE: All subs from this point will be burned of specials T Megaman> life 2/1 Reaem> lol life killed by: Bob Marley -- Assist by: Reaem Kill Time: 35:50 life has 1 life remaining Score: 11-3 Starseed -- [4v1] T Enforcer> dont die life changed ships. T Reaem> ya differential matters T Megaman> life in a jav T Megaman> life at O8 T chaos> BIA> maybe we should've started bob in the finals last season T Megaman> life at O8 T Megaman> life at N11 T Megaman> life at N13 T Megaman> life at L13 T Reaem> corner him guys T Megaman> life at L12 T Reaem> push him back T Reaem> its about map control here T Megaman> ywllow T Megaman> life at P15 T Megaman> life at P16 T Megaman> yellow T Megaman> red T Megaman> yellow T Megaman> blue T Megaman> almost T Reaem> haha T Megaman> he's 0/2 Reaem> hi elf T Megaman> life at G12 T Megaman> life at M9 T Megaman> life at M9 T Megaman> life at M9 T Megaman> up right! T chaos> 6mins T Megaman> life at J11 T Megaman> life at J11 T Megaman> he warped T Megaman> spread across the map with aw guys T Megaman> life at E11 T Megaman> life at E11 T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near F11. T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near F11. T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near F11. T Megaman> fast aw him T Megaman> damn T Megaman> life at K13 T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K13. T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L13. T Reaem> (205:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L13. T Megaman> life at K14 T Megaman> life at K16 T Megaman> life at M16 T Reaem> (205:0): SAFE for attach near N15. T Reaem> (205:0): SAFE for attach near N15. T Megaman> life at N16 T Reaem> (205:0): SAFE for attach near O13. T Reaem> (205:0): SAFE for attach near O13. T Megaman> life at O14 T Megaman> 5 mins left NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining in regulation Reaem> dhfdsfhsda T Megaman> don't let him warp Reaem killed by: life Kill Time: 40:18 Reaem has 1 life remaining Score: 11-4 Starseed -- [4v1] P MRBot-9> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Use !sc to change ships. Reaem> lol Reaem> fuck Reaem changed ships. T Enforcer> wtf man T chaos> reaem T chaos> wtf T Reaem> the mine lagged T Megaman> lol T Megaman> red T elf> red T Megaman> ywllow T elf> 1rkt T Megaman> life at G7 T Enforcer> LET IT FUCKING BE 11-4 T Bob Marley> rocket when close T Enforcer> guys T Enforcer> wtf T Megaman> life at H12 T Megaman> life at H12 T Enforcer> just wait 5 mins T Enforcer> ima fuckin slap next one to die T chaos> rocket him T Megaman> no game without reaem choking:( T Enforcer> ima chill T chaos> attach to reaem and rocket T Enforcer> naw T Enforcer> just let him run T Bob Marley> i did he didnt rocket T Megaman> life doesen't have aw on T Enforcer> how fuckin hard can it be T Megaman> now he has T Megaman> he has aw on now Reaem> ?time This zone does not have a game time limit Reaem> !time P MRBot-9> Time Left: 02:33 -- [Game Speed: 100%] T chaos> he's burned T Megaman> he's totally empty now T Megaman> time to rocket guys T Megaman> life at O11 T chaos> h9 P Enforcer> win it...just stay back P Enforcer> wtf man T Megaman> life at H7 T Bob Marley> reaem how many rockets do you have? T Megaman> life at H6 P Reaem> Why T chaos> gate warp P Enforcer> if one of you guys die again ima fuckin spec T chaos> k13 NOTICE: 1 minute remaining in regulation T Megaman> life at G6 T Enforcer> let it be T Megaman> life at G6 T Enforcer> gd T Megaman> 46 seconds T Bob Marley> ROCKET T Megaman> rocket! T Megaman> ROCKET T Bob Marley> omfg T Megaman> 10 secs! life killed by: Reaem -- Assist by: Bob Marley Kill Time: 44:51 life is OUT! Score: 12-4 Starseed -- [4v0] Game Over! Freq 200 (Starseed) is victorious! Final Score: 12-4 -- Game Time: 44:52 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | F 100: Money Inc. Ki/De KO TK LO SK As FR WR PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AccB AccG AccT | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Slot1: bhang 2/ 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 34:14 | 49864/ 71193 40% | 41% 18% 25% | | Slot2: Supremacist 0/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 33:21 | 51942/ 44655 53% | 25% 14% 19% | | Slot3: Rage 1/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 31:07 | 45559/ 72837 37% | 35% 14% 19% | | Slot4: life 1/ 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 44:52 | 68230/ 86296 43% | 36% 13% 18% | | Team Totals 4/12 0 0 0 2 2 8 10 | 215595/274981 43% | 34% 14% 20% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | F 200: Starseed Ki/De KO TK LO SK As FR WR PTime | DDealt/DTaken DmgE | AccB AccG AccT | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Slot1: Bob Marley 6/ 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 44:52 | 67243/ 64967 49% | 29% 7% 10% | T Megaman> YES | Slot2: Enforcer 1/ 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 44:52 | 67481/ 45358 58% | 26% 5% 12% | | Slot3: Madness 2/ 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 44:52 | 64933/ 54485 53% | 30% 8% 17% | | Slot4: Reaem 3/ 2 2 0 0 0 2 4 1 44:52 | 75324/ 50785 58% | 34% 14% 19% | | Team Totals 12/ 4 4 0 0 3 9 9 1 | 274981/215595 54% | 29% 8% 14% | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ MRStats dropped. (DB Unavaliable) - Game saved to log: PREMIER S00 R00 1125263506361 (Money Inc. vs Starseed).log MVP: Bob Marley (+195) -- Runner Up: Madness (+103) LVP: Supremacist (-216) -- Runner Up: Rage (-198) Reaem> gg life Reaem> all that time wasted and you still fucking died anyways C 1:Madness> There Reaem C 1:Madness> Did we impress you? lol C 1:Bob Marley> really good game guys C 1:Reaem> that was fuckin elite C 1:Megaman> good game guys C 1:elf> good job guys C 1:chaos> BIA> fuck C 1:Reaem> life with the choke 8 seconds left C 1:Madness> Ok I have to go, be back in like 20 MRBot-9 has switched to prac mode. The captain queue is empty! Type '!cap' to nab a captain spot C 1:Reaem> loooool homie is the new captain for freq 100 C 1:Reaem> 8 seconds C 1:Bob Marley> LOL C 1:elf> poor guy C 1:chaos> BIA> euripedes > bob ABa is the new captain for freq 200 C 1:Megaman> yeah that's why I screamed ROCKET C 1:Bob Marley> bwhahahah C 1:Reaem> now squads will have to take us seriously C 1:elf> look at them crying C 1:Reaem> get in spec and listen to the shit talk T life> assassins T Bob Marley> yea we won T Reaem> gg guys T Pempu> we too T Enforcer> ggs T Pempu> $$ T Pempu> who did you play bob? C 1:Reaem> they arent talking shit oh well T Bob Marley> Money Inc C 1:chaos> they're complaining to each other T Pempu> hehe money team play again? T Pempu> lol T Vanh> wow reaem has more wins than losses this season T Pempu> wtf T bRUt> cya everyone T bRUt> im out for good C 1:chaos> lol T Pempu> brut? T Pempu> why? T Reaem> vanh C 1:chaos> if money inc. dissolves because we stomped them, i'll never stop laughing T bRUt> miss me while im gone T Reaem> i will see you in the seaso T Reaem> n T Vanh> he has to have a pen removed from his asshole and he is afraid he wont make it T Vanh> haha C 1:Bob Marley> rofl C 1:Reaem> lol T Pempu> turb don't be a quitter you can make a comeback and own har T Rage> This zone is so stupid T Pempu> d P Enforcer> reaem C 1:Reaem> that would be rather funny P Reaem> helo T Rage> here is a run down of pro league for me vanh T Vanh> lol reaem T Rage> Rage hits random newbie with emp P Enforcer> we got a really good team this season.... T Rage> random newbie rockets away and mines me P Enforcer> on bench aswell T Rage> as 4 bombs from 2500x1500 res T Rage> either miss or make me rep P Reaem> yes i know T Vanh> hahahahaha T Rage> rinse repeat P Reaem> we are going to dominate P Enforcer> noone will take us serious...thats good T Megaman> Rage what res u on? T Rage> or bob marley spears into me T Henael> good thing you quit rage T Rage> gets emped BlackNike vs Intrinsic IML is being held in 4v4e -ChronicFlash+ T Rage> gets hit by 2 bombs T Rage> and has probably 900 left T Vanh> haha that was funny what bob did that gaem P Reaem> At this point enf it doesnt matter who takes us serious T Rage> but I died from a multifire bullet T Henael> You only have skills ALONE P Reaem> do u think there are squads out there that will beat us? laugh T Rage> NO henael i dont have the patience for something i dont care about Legion is the new captain for freq 100 Spell vs The Dark is being held in 4v4d -Miner+ T Henael> Lies T Megaman> Rage what res are you on 800x600 or what? The captain of freq 100 has left the arena, and has 30 seconds to return T Rage> I come to play on sundays for a fun game C 1:elf> when we beat reds I knew we were ready for money inc P Enforcer> i have respect for alot of squads out there P Reaem> that was money incs best lineup they scoredessentially 3 kills T Rage> not idiots running from me constantly T Henael> you went 0-3 T Vanh> i wanna see starseed vs spell T Rage> no i didnt T Henael> or 1 -3 T Vanh> MOTM T Vanh> hahaha T Henael> what was your score? T homie> ha barely is T Megaman> are spell good? T Rage> my score was 1-3 T Henael> Hewheh :) Legion is no longer the captain for freq 100 T Pempu> rage it's league cmon do you except them to choke to you like ppl do in pracs? T Valentin> why are there so many pleople in here T mAImER> spell is undefeated T Rage> What do you mean choke you moron T Rage> they would have to move foward to choke T Enforcer> its only reg season anyway T Reaem> i didnt see what bob did what did he do T Henael> rage calm down T Rage> no im not going to calm down T Henael> Its only a game T Rage> thats why this stupid league is dying C 1:Reaem> rofl rage is pissed T Henael> I agree C 1:Megaman> haha really?:) T Rage> i hate talking to your stupid ass because you have no idea what im talking about T life> im going to make my own league T Henael> But some morons still lurks T life> and call it FORWARD ARROW LEAGUE C 1:chaos> did you hear him whine after his second death? T Rage> you're a virgin nerd who was never good and never will be T homie> nice life C 1:Reaem> Rage> no im not going to calm down. thats why this stupid league is dying C 1:chaos> Rage> i hate this stupid ass league T Henael> rage T life> but only like 12 people will be in it T life> so it wont work out T Henael> Your angry from internet game T Bob Marley> rage, it`s just a game T homie> ill join T Megaman> and you aren't one of them life:( T Henael> all your insults are fogiven T Rage> yes a game i like to play for fun T Rage> games like this arnt fun T life> who is this random newbie named megaman and why is he all over my cock whenever i type T Megaman> life I was speccing you and you didn't do shit T Henael> THEN STOP connecting T Capitalist> i kinda think league is cool when there are different styles of play T Henael> Just go offline C 1:chaos> Rage> this league is dying because my washed up dueling ability can't compete with the new generation T Enforcer> its never fun to lose T Rage> do you think i care about starseed winning a game? T Henael> rage T Rage> they cant win a game that matters ever T Henael> 2 words T Henael> GO OFFLINE C 1:Bob Marley> bullshit C 1:Bob Marley> fact is C 1:Reaem> rofl T Rage> you know C 1:Bob Marley> rage is good T Rage> its obsessed faggots like you T Henael> OFFLINE now C 1:chaos> he is T life> henael is a virgin pass it on C 1:Bob Marley> but life and supre suck T Rage> that make this league what it is T Rage> you have no concept of what i mtalking about T Henael> you guys started it not me T life> henael is a virgin pass it on C 1:Reaem> rage is choke prone T Henael> REMEMBER THAT T life> henael is a virgin pass it on C 1:Megaman> life was really bad C 1:chaos> rage's individual skill has nothing to do with teamwork and smart play T Henael> U STARTED IT T life> henael is a virgin pass it on T Rage> remember what? C 1:Reaem> so i dont even consider him good C 1:elf> what I loved was the whole "teehee hee hee assassins vs money inc is the final lOl no one else stands a chance" before the season began, now they are whining about people employing unfair "boring" tactics C 1:Reaem> exactly T Rage> you're 21 T Rage> go to community college T Henael> im 31 actually T Rage> and have nevre had sex C 1:Bob Marley> and then when rage realised they wont win because supre and life suck too hard, he took risks and died C 1:Reaem> rage is an extremely talented DUELER T Rage> wow thats even worse C 1:Reaem> but look what he does in 4v4 C 1:chaos> fact is, we played it smart because we knew we'd get owned if we made one mistake T ABa> 30 year old virgin T Rage> nevermind I shouldnt even be talking to you your life is over T Henael> And why you care about my ass virginity? C 1:Reaem> he tries to kill EVERYONE so much so that he died out when they had 3 kills T Henael> are you gay? T Rage> ignored T Henael> GOOD T Vanh> lol wasnt there a movie just made called 40 year old virgin T Rage> now back to what i was saying T Vanh> reminds me of u C 1:Reaem> instead of playing smart even when he was at 2 deaths T A.W.O.L> rage was donating his ass to your virginity Need pilots to duel in ?go duel - Aviation T Rage> Why cant people learn to move foward T Rage> to make the game fun like it was C 1:Megaman> I remember when rage died in the finals before they even made a movie out of it T A.W.O.L> before pro? C 1:chaos> and life didn't do bad, he was solid but he can't make things happen C 1:Reaem> rofl T A.W.O.L> those were the days C 1:Reaem> that movie C 1:chaos> suprem sucked though T Rage> instead you have people like Megaman lobbing from 3 screens away T Henael> Rage nobody cares about but your own brown nosing team C 1:Reaem> it was funny T A.W.O.L> when people weren't faggots C 1:Megaman> a small clip T Henael> By and enjoy your reitement :P C 1:Megaman> of when he died T Rage> and rocketing away anytime you engage C 1:Enforcer> i got that clip C 1:Megaman> I don't have it anymore i don't think C 1:Reaem> ya T Henael> retirement C 1:Enforcer> somewhere on comp T Henael> This stupid morong should go offline! C 1:Enforcer> what was the name of it C 1:Megaman> no idea T Rage> Oh well guess I am the only one who wants change in pro league C 1:elf> they made one of Di too T Rage> your 60 minute borefests are apparently the craze T chaos> what do you want changed T Rage> no repels C 1:Bob Marley> guys T chaos> 30min games? C 1:Bob Marley> friday i ate mushrooms T Rage> 3 rockets C 1:Reaem> rofl Monty is the new captain for freq 100 C 1:Bob Marley> that was the craziest kick ive ever had C 1:Reaem> were they good T Lasso Joe> no repels would be sweet T Rage> no repels will reward offense C 1:Bob Marley> too good for me lol T Rage> instead of making it stupid C 1:Reaem> shrooms make you hallucinate dont they T Megaman> 1 rep maybe C 1:Bob Marley> not those C 1:Bob Marley> but T Lasso Joe> NO REPS T aiti> a side league like that would be good C 1:Bob Marley> first i couldnt stop laughing T aiti> to train the pro newbs C 1:Reaem> lol C 1:Bob Marley> for like 1 hour C 1:Bob Marley> then T Rage> the fact is T Rage> you have to catch a lobbing newbie C 1:Bob Marley> i couldnt stop moving for 1 hour T Rage> 3 times to kill him C 1:Enforcer> what kind did you eat T Reaem> how would no reps make it different T Rage> 3 mistakes it takes to kill someone T Rage> over 60 minutes C 1:Bob Marley> i bought them in netherlands, they called em "Truffel" T code> i agree no reps would be pretty sweet.. and i never use rockets anyways.. why rocket away from your team like a pussy and leave your team T Reaem> kills-reps right now takes 9 kills to get a guy out essentially C 1:Enforcer> ahh T Reaem> then it would take 3 C 1:Bob Marley> then i tried to analyse everything for 1 hour T Reaem> the team who scores more kills would still be winning C 1:Bob Marley> i asked me "why" T Reaem> even if they lobbed C 1:Enforcer> thoose sounds boring T Pempu> just put resolution limit to 1280 and watch the vet's choke T Rage> yes reaem the team who gets more kills will be winning T Pempu> lose their "skills" T Rage> what a great comment C 1:Bob Marley> and then i had 1 hour fear kick T Megaman> lol reslimit T Lasso Joe> getting someone to rep just isn't as satisfying as killing them that's the main reason :P T code> rofl T chaos> lol C 1:Enforcer> try some psycho cubensis, strong ones.' C 1:Bob Marley> nah T chaos> i thought everyone got over the "high res = skill" thing years ago T Lasso Joe> but you also have to watch out for a rep kill when you're chasing someone down C 1:Bob Marley> that was strong enough for me lol C 1:Enforcer> then you get fun hallucinate T Reaem> only difference is the games would be shorter T Henael> Is rae blaming everybody but himself for his poor performance? T Henael> rage T Henael> Rofl C 1:Enforcer> i stopped doin shrooms cuz i kept having bad tripps....lost feeling in my tounge everytime C 1:chaos> lol C 1:Enforcer> cuz i ate a warm sandwich C 1:Reaem> laf C 1:Bob Marley> i understand that C 1:Enforcer> and that bad tripp followed me everytime C 1:chaos> i had a friend that lost the feeling in his tongue everytime he did acid C 1:Bob Marley> ill never eat mushrooms again C 1:chaos> and i'd always try holding a conversation with him while he slobbered everywhere T Rage> notice henael T Rage> that i was 1-0 C 1:Reaem> lol C 1:Bob Marley> the best drug is still alcohol T Rage> then as the game progressed my caring factor consistantly got worse T Rage> because it isnt fun C 1:Enforcer> hehe T Henael> Well teh day you say you just sucked, that day you will evolve T Henael> But continue to blame everything T Rage> How can i say i sucked in a 4on4 game C 1:Bob Marley> who we play next week? T life> henael is a virgin pass it on T Rage> that has no reflection of skill The captain of freq 200 has left the arena, and has 30 seconds to return T Inde> and life isnt. T Henael> RAGE C 1:chaos> spell or dissent i think C 1:Enforcer> assassins i hope T Henael> You have solo skills T Rage> henael T Henael> But no team skills C 1:Reaem> spell T Rage> ya man C 1:Reaem> ! C 1:Bob Marley> thats hard ABa is no longer the captain for freq 200 Super Bunny has 15 seconds to claim their captain spot T Rage> any other stupid comments Super Bunny is the new captain for freq 200 C 1:Megaman> yeah we play spell C 1:Reaem> spell is undoubtedly our best opponent in league T Rage> I guess I should join spell a lob for 60 minutes and go 1-0 T Henael> thats right T Rage> that way i can be told i have "teamwork" T Henael> blame others again T Rage> I didnt blame anyone you idiot T Rage> jesus christ its like talking to a moron T Henael> Yes you blamed those who lobs and YOU and only YOU ran throught it C 1:Reaem> rofl are u guys still listening to rage T Rage> What? C 1:Megaman> yeah lol C 1:Reaem> Rage> jesus christ its like talking to a moron C 1:Bob Marley> no im in the spell vs td arena C 1:Megaman> laffing The captain of freq 200 has left the arena, and has 30 seconds to return C 1:Reaem> its been like 15 minutes since the game ended T chaos> why would we go head-to-head with a squad that supposedly has superior "skill" C 1:Bob Marley> lol T Henael> Can't you compose with the pace of the game no? T Rage> i didnt ask you guys to T Rage> you guys beat us fair and sqaure T Rage> square T chaos> how many play pro league to have fun more than to win nowadays? Super Bunny is no longer the captain for freq 200 The captain queue is empty! Type '!cap' to nab a captain spot T Rage> my point is T Rage> with no repels you can still do whatever you want to do The captain of freq 100 has left the arena, and has 30 seconds to return T Rage> but offense will actually be rewarded