GO! Davey Havo> GL! Game: Symphony vs StarSeed [League: PRO, Season: 14, Preseason Round: -2] Ref: Fus+ BountyKill> gl JinX> hf Tom Petty killed by: Davey Havok Tom Petty has 2 lives remaining Score: 1-0 Symphony -- [4v4] Tom Petty> omg Fus+> well no one is here so im writing to u mr bot! Tom Petty> i am terrible Fus+> ooh nice kill my davey havok.. blackdragon's number 1 enemy Ispi> No, Davey is a legend Fus+> maybe starseed will start repping Davey Havo> lol dork Shizai> rofl Ispi> heh Fus+> soooo lonelllly Fus+> 2 spiders.. they are so annoying Tom Petty killed by: nullzilla -- Assist by: Peeking Duck Tom Petty has 1 life remaining Score: 2-0 Symphony -- [4v4] Fus+> ouch man they dont rep for shit Tom Petty> . BountyKillah killed by: Davey Havok BountyKillah has 2 lives remaining Score: 3-0 Symphony -- [4v4] Fus+> well this shit is over.. Fus+> im going to heat a fucking hot pocket hope theres no subs haha Five o ford killed by: Davey Havok Five o ford has 2 lives remaining Score: 4-0 Symphony -- [4v4] Fus+> hmmf peeking and davey are good combo UG> we r leet Five o ford changed ships. Tom Petty> LOL Davey Havo> tom hehehehehehe Tom Petty> you won't kill me Fus+> ah sucks tom petty out of reps this game will be done soon Tom Petty killed by: Davey Havok Tom Petty is OUT! Score: 5-0 Symphony -- [4v3] Fus+> see i told u MR Bot Tom Petty> that was a good game Fus+> symph is good at targetting people who dont rep $ UG> that was the pre-game game right Tom Petty> turns out i wasn't warmed up too well UG> ok lets restart and do the real game ho ho Relic> i'm warming the bench well Wacom> hahaha Shizai> same Murder in > i think someome slipped you roofies tom Tom Petty> I think that's the worst game i've played at any level of any zone ever BountyKillah killed by: Madness BountyKillah has 1 life remaining Score: 6-0 Symphony -- [4v3] Tom Petty> can we prac u after this? Tom Petty> and pretend it's real Relic> are you sure you wouldn't rather spank us at powerball? Tom Petty> i find it hard to believe my accuracy, etc can be this far off 2 games in a row JinX killed by: Davey Havok -- Assist by: Madness JinX has 2 lives remaining Score: 7-0 Symphony -- [4v3] Tom Petty> nope UG> COMEBACK UG> oh wait, nm Tom Petty> i'm gonna spank garcon later tonight at pb $ Wacom> hey,, u gonna let me get in and own , or what Five o for> i want one BountyKillah killed by: JinX [TEAMKILL] -- Assist by: Davey Havok BountyKillah is OUT! Score: 8-0 Symphony -- [4v2] JinX killed by: Davey Havok -- Assist by: Peeking Duck JinX has 1 life remaining Score: 9-0 Symphony -- [4v2] Davey Havok killed by: JinX Davey Havok has 2 lives remaining Score: 9-1 Symphony -- [4v2] UG> roflflflfl JinX> lol BountyKill> thanks Wacom> haha Fus+> lol havoc indeed. Tom Petty> JinX$ JinX> no 12-0 Wacom> lol Fus+> thors are tk'ers best friend Tom Petty> JinX was just speeding up the game UG> masterful tk JinX killed by: Peeking Duck -- Assist by: nullzilla JinX is OUT! Score: 10-1 Symphony -- [4v1] JinX> LOL UG> rofl UG> wtf. JinX> I didn't run x =( Wacom> u got this five Five o ford killed by: Davey Havok -- Assist by: Peeking Duck Five o ford has 1 life remaining Score: 11-1 Symphony -- [4v1] UG> rofl UG> I want to get a death on my record ho ho Five o ford has changed to spectator mode. [Game Time: 10:25] [Lagouts: 1, Max: 3] UG in for Five o ford [1 life] [Sub Time: 00:41] UG> YES Tom Petty> I am going to appeal nullzilla> comeback Fus+> hm the bot subs pretty good Fus+> thx i needed practice for that Five o for> after he reps twice sub again Tom Petty> lol UG> some1 suicide wtf Wacom> Davey> not with kitty watching Shizai> Gotta think about those ultra-accurate and representative MR stats Wacom> ur right Fus+> heh Wacom> I feel like a running poltician, just tryin to please u all the time Fus+> !time Tom Petty> if UG lasts 2 more minutes, will Symphony just give? Fus+> UG doing pretty good 4 on 1 UG> lol UG> YES Tom Petty> forced reps: UG: 5 Fus+> lolll Shizai> they aren't worth MR points though Shizai> lol UG killed by: Madness -- Assist by: Davey Havok UG is OUT! Score: 12-1 Symphony -- [4v0] Game Over! Freq 100 (Symphony) is victorious! Final Score: 12-1 -- Game Time: 15:16 +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | F 100: Symphony Ki/De KO TK LO SK As FR PTime | DPM/D DPM/T DE-% | AccB AccG BP-% | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | Slot1: Madness 2/ 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 15:16 | 1764 1231 58% | 48% 50% 53% | | Slot2: Davey Havok 7/ 1 1 0 0 4 2 5 15:16 | 2091 1189 63% | 57% 48% 62% | | Slot3: Peeking Duck 1/ 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 15:16 | 1249 945 56% | 55% 37% 54% | | Slot4: nullzilla 1/ 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 15:16 | 1264 1351 46% | 28% 38% 61% | | Team Totals 11/ 1 3 0 0 5 7 15 | 1592 1179 55% | 47% 43% 57% | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | F 200: StarSeed Ki/De KO TK LO SK As FR PTime | DPM/D DPM/T DE-% | AccB AccG BP-% | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ | Slot1: JinX 1/ 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 09:33 | 1633 2015 44% | 35% 55% 46% | | Slot2: Five o ford 0/ 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 10:26 | 1677 2629 38% | 34% 56% 66% | | Sub: UG 0/ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 04:44 | 1911 2584 41% | 61% 12% 58% | | Slot3: Tom Petty 0/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 06:19 | 1274 3090 29% | 40% 26% 58% | | Slot4: BountyKillah 0/ 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 08:59 | 1718 2359 41% | 44% 53% 46% | | Team Totals 1/12 1 1 1 1 0 3 | 1604 2517 38% | 41% 42% 53% | +---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--------------------+ MRStats for this game can be viewed at: http://masterrater.shanky.com/viewgamestats.php?gameid=5093 MVP: Davey Havok (+293) -- Runner Up: Madness ( +63) LVP: Tom Petty (-278) -- Runner Up: BountyKillah (-221)